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JK class quest line lost? Finished Nar Shadda/Taris


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I'll try myself to go back to "The Transport Station 5 - Hidden Outpost" to see if I can finish *again* the quest "The Rescue" and advance with the story line. I'll post the results later.


(I already tried to use the holoterminal and intercomm on every planet.)


In my Quest log there's no "Class Quest" atm :/





Got back to Taris, and *obviously* I can't enter the Hidden Outpost since I already did that quest ... so atm "The Rescue" quest is done (I remember I have even taken the quest prize) but I didn't get the follow up "The Defector".


I've sent a ticket 4 days ago and I've updated it every day... Still I have not received any message from the CS so I'm very disappointed :|

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What does your Class quest say to do next? I didn't see anyone say what Class quest they're currently on--only what they think they /should/ be on.


If you have no quest in your mission log under "Class", then you're definitely bugged.




Absolutely 100% this is exactly what I've been trying to put across.

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If you have no class quests, as a prior poster suggests, you are clearly broken, but I'm still convinced SOMEONE has your class quest and you either dropped it or never started the next step, etc.


Again, I have NO CLASS QUEST in my log - therefore to use your words I am "clearly broken".


As I said in my previous, and has been confirmed by a second poster experiencing the exact same issue - no class quest, cannot revisit previous location, quest should fire when the holo-terminal session is finished with Var Suthra... it didn't. Last step finished, next step never appeared.


When have you ever needed to find the NPC with, and initiate your class quest steps to get it to appear in your log/tracker? The answer is never, it's always there, always pushed onto you.


As for abandoning it... I don't know if you can abandon it, as I certainly would never be stupid enough to try.

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Just did this last night. From what I remember, when I'm on the holoterminal with Var Suthra, He tells me about "the defector". After the call, the class quest pops up to go to the Unknown Regions area of the galaxy to go to the mining facility.


I'm sorry it didn't work for you man, keep plugging away with the tickets. Daily.

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A full week has passed, i regret using the 60day gametime card before initial 30days were expired :|


Yeah, my first post on this thread was the 11th of January, and still no response of any significance (i.e. all auto-close, auto responded tickets) from CS; and still no stealth fix.


IIRC I was researching this for a day or two before I made my first post on this thread, and that may have been after my first (of many) tickets were auto-ignored.

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I can confirm that this also happened to a friend of mine and he also had to ticket bomb Customer Support. There is no way to fix this, this is not confusion between the holoterminal and intercom. There is no class quest in the quest log. You can not head to the destination of the Defector quest. There is no pending quest. It would be appreciated if Customer Service would actually recognize this problem and post it on known issues. It is a major issue, it stops a characters progression. You cannot do Ilum or Belsavis dailies. You cannot gain legacy levels because you never get your legacy name. If a GM (if they exist) could just grant the next quest that would be fantastic.
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I have the same thing happen to me, I never revived the quest "Defector" this was at level 23, I am 50. It has been a month +, with at least 12 tickets, plus many calls which resulted in dead ends and 4 hour wait times for someone to assist me.

I ended up with no legacy, can't to Ilum daily etc.


Very disappointed Bioware




Keep spamming tickets and call Bioware, if anyone gets more info and has the problem resolve or continue, post and keep this threat alive

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I have the same thing happen to me, I never revived the quest "Defector" this was at level 23, I am 50. It has been a month +, with at least 12 tickets, plus many calls which resulted in dead ends and 4 hour wait times for someone to assist me.

I ended up with no legacy, can't to Ilum daily etc.


Very disappointed Bioware




Keep spamming tickets and call Bioware, if anyone gets more info and has the problem resolve or continue, post and keep this threat alive


You certainly deserve satisfaction with this legit complaint. But I have to ask...making it to 50 without the class quests, all of the time you've spent on the phone and with CS....wouldn't it have been easier to re-roll your character? I mean, in two days you could get to 23 again. The bug doesn' t happen for everyone, so chances are good you'd get through the sticking point.

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You certainly deserve satisfaction with this legit complaint. But I have to ask...making it to 50 without the class quests, all of the time you've spent on the phone and with CS....wouldn't it have been easier to re-roll your character? I mean, in two days you could get to 23 again. The bug doesn' t happen for everyone, so chances are good you'd get through the sticking point.


and ... what if it happens again? I pay money to play the game, I want support. I want to use THIS character, and I want my game fixed. Is a matter of principle.


Why the GM are not responding to our tickets?


They don't care? The game doesn't deserve to be played.

They don't know how to fix it? The game doesn't deserve to be played, because this is a MAJOR problem.

They are overwhelmed by various ticket? The game doesn't deserve to be played, because it is still in BETA (but they want RETAIL money :p) :|


The game has been said to be the Anti-Wow ... well, if this was WoW I would have been contacted by a GM in 1 hour max, also to be said that the game was broken and they were fixing it. Instead here I got silence. I am not playing anymore, i log every now and then to see if someone cared to answer to my ticket, i do some crafting to spend a little time in game and then I log off.


I undestand the game is "new", one more reason to concentrate on customer/technical support.


I am not rerolling, I am quitting the game because the overall quality is poor. Again, I only regret using a prepaid gametime card.

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Interestingly enough, I have logged many tickets on this, but finally have a ticket that has not been responded to, not closed, and is over a week old... does this mean something is happening to it? I can but hope.


I have had other tickets responded to and closed within approx 4 hours recently, so I think I may have a case for optimism.


Now if only a BioWare representative could acknowledge our pain publicly, either by responding here, or listing us in the known-issues register that would be a big comfort.

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Yup, but I don't think it should be so hard to restore the class quest (or even reset it, I think it would be fair also to restart the class quest completely without wiping the character). I can't understand why it is taking so much to help us.


Because you don't understand how coding works. Just cause it seems like a "simple fix" from your perspective, doesn't mean it actually is.

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Because you don't understand how coding works. Just cause it seems like a "simple fix" from your perspective, doesn't mean it actually is.


It's not a case of the coding.


The coding is what causes the issue, yes, and the fact that it doesn't affect everyone is going to be why it is so difficult to prevent it happening going forwards.


BUT to fix the issue for those who have ticketed it is nothing to do with making a code based change whatsoever. It will be a flag in the database, a row or column that can be tweaked within the quests completed table. That ultimately, is all this bug is to those afflicted. As I say above - preventing that flag getting set incorrectly, diagnosing what causes the issue, and remedying it so it never happens again *that* is what probably requires code changes.

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It's not a case of the coding.


The coding is what causes the issue, yes, and the fact that it doesn't affect everyone is going to be why it is so difficult to prevent it happening going forwards.


BUT to fix the issue for those who have ticketed it is nothing to do with making a code based change whatsoever. It will be a flag in the database, a row or column that can be tweaked within the quests completed table. That ultimately, is all this bug is to those afflicted. As I say above - preventing that flag getting set incorrectly, diagnosing what causes the issue, and remedying it so it never happens again *that* is what probably requires code changes.


You use the words "it will be" When you have no way of actually being sure that's what's causing the bug.

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You use the words "it will be" When you have no way of actually being sure that's what's causing the bug.


It's almost certainly a database driven back-end that holds details of what has/hasn't been completed, and what items you have, etc. It is the only way that a data-centric system such as this can be written, implemented, and operated.


As someone with an appreciation of coding - as you allude to in your earlier response - I'm sure you will agree that I am not a million miles from stating it as it is.

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What's the GM console?


Game Master Console, a set of tools (in command line or visual interface) Game Masters (or whatever you call it) have in their interface, just to make it simple: you know that in some games you can use the console to cheat? Well this is similar, but instead of cheating you solve problems... Enabling or Resetting a Quest is the case.

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First off, nobody except Bioware knows how their game is structured. Speculating on a "missing database flag" is pointless. We don't know how this happened or how easy or hard of a fix it is.


Second, I am quite disturbed that this still hasn't gotten a response. OP, have you tried posting this in the Customer Service and/or General forums? Bioware seems to read those forums more than the Jedi Knight one (I don't feel like they read the Jedi Knight forums at ALL) and MAYBE you'll get an official response. Try that and in the meantime, I'd continue filing tickets in game.


If I were in the OP's shoes, I'd be quite upset as well. I am not one to re-roll a character. If I made it up to 25 and then lost my character for some reason, I'd just cancel my sub simply because I don't have the patience to go through all those levels again.

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No, it has not been fixed... I made a lot of noise in every media I could (in game tickets, e-mail and twitter too) and I finally managed to receive a communication from a CSR, this is what he/she said:


"We have escalated your ticket and I can assure you it is being handled with priority. We are sorry for the delay, thanks for your patience!"


this was 21 hours ago...


Still I don't have a class quest.



If I were in the OP's shoes, I'd be quite upset as well. I am not one to re-roll a character. If I made it up to 25 and then lost my character for some reason, I'd just cancel my sub simply because I don't have the patience to go through all those levels again.


Indeed I think the same thing...

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No, it has not been fixed... I made a lot of noise in every media I could (in game tickets, e-mail and twitter too) and I finally managed to receive a communication from a CSR, this is what he/she said:


"We have escalated your ticket and I can assure you it is being handled with priority. We are sorry for the delay, thanks for your patience!"


this was 21 hours ago...


Still I don't have a class quest.




Hopefully now that you've gotten that response, something will be done. I know you've given it a long time thus far, but I'd recommend giving it a little longer and seeing what happens after this latest response.


Like I said, I am very disturbed that it's taken this long for you. I am really enjoying this game but seeing someone so obviously broken with nothing being done is disheartening. I understand that CS is busy but that's not really a good excuse.

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