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Saresh is a bad person.


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10 credits says the thorn in my gunslinger's side survives the pre-events of KotFE. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if...




Instead of ordering a retreat against the lunatics she keeps Republic troops around long enough to get them all killed. Additionally, she will send more afterwards to try to save the day. Because she is a blasted idiot!



Part of me wishes my BH didn't...(major bounty hunter spoiler, read at own rish...REPEAT, READ AT YOUR OWN RISH!!!)


You have been warned...



kill the original Supreme Chancellor because he would have done a better job! Instead of going behind everyone's back, spying on various Republic agencies, and getting people killed. After she was advised to retreat from Ziost.



Actually there is an option to not kill him and to go after Tormen, but the Chancellor later resigns.


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I like her in general, simply as a character that feels real in the setting... i like having to butt heads within the republic over things with the actual supreme chancellor, getting that mishmash of doing whats right and having to wrestle the minutia of political aspects.


also, if you play the Imperial Agent story line, you see that she...

Is a member of the Star Cabal, an illuminati style secret society thing. So, there is likely more going on behind the scenes, which is neat.


Now I have to check back and see, because I don't recall seeing here at the Legion of Doom meeting they had :D

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Why the hell all of this hate now about Saresh? why nothing before in the past? No new information regarding her has been released so why all of a sudden now?


This isn't sudden or new. I've seen this hate on Saresh for a while and I can't recall many having claimed to like her. Her reckless war mongering and complete disregard for the lives she's putting in danger makes it hard to like her, especially on the Republic side. All of my Republic characters are heavily light side but they'd all take whatever option would lead to Saresh being out of power. Especially after Ziost, that was pure stupidity on her part and there's no excuse for it.

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I like her in general, simply as a character that feels real in the setting... i like having to butt heads within the republic over things with the actual supreme chancellor, getting that mishmash of doing whats right and having to wrestle the minutia of political aspects.


also, if you play the Imperial Agent story line, you see that she...

Is a member of the Star Cabal, an illuminati style secret society thing. So, there is likely more going on behind the scenes, which is neat.


are you sure its her and not



Kolovish or something like that - twi'lek that is a minor quest giver on Tython? I think I'm going to need to replay agent story again :p but I was pretty sure it was that hermit woman rather then Saresh



She's a woman who pursues an aggressive policy instead of being more "reasoned" who outranks the player in universe and won't do everything they want, so people hate her.


comments like this piss me off so much. DamaskRose already made a great reply about that but basically? not everything is about gender and when you pull a gender card you get the exact opposite result - YOU are the one being sexist not the people you not so subtly accuse of sexism. just becasue she is a women doesn't make her above criticism. and her actions? boy do they ever call for criticism.


I will reiterate. she is fantastically written character - becasue it takes a well written character to elicit emotions this strong form so many people. but as a person and a leader? she is pretty damn deplorable.


P.S. I personally adore Garza. she can be ruthless, but lead the military for as long as you have and you learn that sometimes... you cannot avoid being ruthless. she just generally has very good reasons for her ruthlessness. and yes, my troopers clashed with her. one took a while to clash with her, the other - clashed with her from the start. but even then - thing about Garza is that as much as she disagrees with your decisions and gets really pissed off when you disobey orders (as she should) - she still has your back. Saresh? will throw you under the bus without even blinking if it advances her ***.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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She's a woman who pursues an aggressive policy instead of being more "reasoned" who outranks the player in universe and won't do everything they want, so people hate her.


Oh please, im a woman and find her an absolute idiot. Please dont try to turn this into some weird feminist movement crap. She only cares about herself, and advancing herself. Id hate her just as much if she had dangly bits rather then breasts and inny parts. :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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In the introductory quest to Scum and Villainy (Darvannis), I vaguely recall being in a meeting with Saresh and learning something about her power base.



A few Genoharadan popped out of stealth to be introduced by her to back her argument.



She is a good character -- a ruthless, preachy politician that I love to hate. At some point I was wondering if maybe the Republic would fall into a dictatorship under Saresh (or with her as a puppet).

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On further reflection, I actually like Saresh (and by extension Varsuthra, Garza, and the like) more, though, granted, as a villain that I like to follow.


Sure, in a modern day real life setting, I'd hate her guts.


But in this science fantasy setting, I see her as a "Lets kill all the orcs."...


"All? but..."




...type of person. Again, horrible by our standards, but, in a world where there is an "arbiter" of morality (This is LIGHT SIDE, says the Force, this is DARK SIDE, says the Dark Side of the Force) in a fantasy with science trappings type, I find her fine for a bad guy, and I like bad guys in my entertainment. Heck, the SW movies celebrated the killing of the last 2 of the Sith...



In fact, my problem with all the Weapons Of Mass Destruction in the JK story wasn't that they were made, it's that they weren't used right away. Heck, I even used side quest WOMD all the time, ex: Hoth and the Poison / Disease missiles. WOMD IRL? Horrible. WOMD in a game? Can I press the button? Can I? Can I? Can I?


Edited by DalrisThane
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