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The amount of bad on TRE Rep side lately is just mind boggeling....


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So I've managed to increase my wins for the week by 100% - had two more wins, taking the weekly up to 4 (both in arenas and both against imps surprisingly).

However to get those two wins I've had to add six to my loss total.


Last arena - nobody attacks the healer. Calmly, after we've been slaughted I tell everyone where to focus. Guess who is the only one attacking the healer in round two.

Hypergate - everyone sits there attacking the 2 juggers at the front with their 2 healers behind just standing there - they doin't even need to run away.

Civil war - one goes to "our" pylon. I'm late in, so I see there are already at least one rushing him, I make the call and go to help. Then a second pops up, so I update the call to 2. First guy there dies, then I die and the other 6 are still mindlessly attacking mid. 1 minute later it's a tripple cap.


It is an embarrasement being republic. Thank god I've already got the valor 100 achievement I wanted - because there is no possible way I could stomach that now.


That matches my experiences pretty much to the T. I especially like the ones that ask for help, then run away from you when you come to help them leaving you to fend off the two attackers alone. Then yell at you for losing the point :rolleyes:


Did an arena earlier ( I hate arenas, but it was my last for the weekly ) - I kindly instruct the players on my team to take out the dps with 51 k health, everyone nods in agreement. Great, they actually are going to do it. Then match starts, they ALL attack different targets and I am the only one of the pve geared player.......lost that one, and then the next round as well, because apparently team mates were allergic to focus fire.

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I tried to roll republic these past couple of weeks and...no. Can't do it. Too many people who constantly do the same fundamental mistakes over and over. Heck I had an guarding continuing to cap the pylon and promptly leave it unguarded.


3 times in a row.


The first time I called out in general chat to not leave it unguarded - didn't name him. The second time I whispered to him directly, but with no response. The third time I tried to force a reaction by naming him in Ops-chat "Iranina don't leave the pylon unguarded." No response. Fine. I will roll Empire and kill him instead :D

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I tried to roll republic these past couple of weeks and...no. Can't do it. Too many people who constantly do the same fundamental mistakes over and over. Heck I had an guarding continuing to cap the pylon and promptly leave it unguarded.


3 times in a row.


The first time I called out in general chat to not leave it unguarded - didn't name him. The second time I whispered to him directly, but with no response. The third time I tried to force a reaction by naming him in Ops-chat "Iranina don't leave the pylon unguarded." No response. Fine. I will roll Empire and kill him instead :D


Same thing happens to me all the time. Ill offer to help cap, just in case they get stealthers coming to try and ninja cap, and then when we cap it, they run for the hills and leave me to fight the stealthers! :mad:


I mean, it really seems like a situation of who can run away from the node fastest so they can blame the loss at the guy that doesnt have a speed boost ability.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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The thing is, how is the raid community there, the flashpoint, grouping while leveling, world boss participation, etc etc. I love pvp, but I also love raiding and grouping, and I would get kinda pissed if I went there and the raid community was crap.


Theres lots of guilds here who do raiding.

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My toons are on PoT5. But maybe I can give some thoughts on this discussion.


First, one thing that people aren't taking into consideration is 12 XP. Me personally, I am hardly on my level 60s unless I have them doing dailies for cash or working on something in the companion skills. My focus is on getting some alts to 55. I suspect that is the case with a number of players as well.


On PoT5, the repubs lost a lot of matches in 60 bracket. Hell, it didn't even pay to queue up unless it was prime time. The matches you got into weren't with full repub teams and far too many people in raid level gear or mixed gear. The imps would just destroy us.


But while I have been leveling alts, I see a difference. For one, more matches are repub vs repub. Something unheard of on PoT5 at 60 bracket. But when we do face imps, their team is almost completely consisting of +50 level players. If you are lucky, you will get one or two players on the imp side who are below 50. The repubs on the other hand are half mixed with 50s and those below 50.


The point is the imp players tend to be more pvp focused. They aren't going to put their alts in motion unless it is to their advantage.


One thing I have point out in other threads is that with the 12 XP cut off at 55, it is the perfect system for the pvp grind. Once people stop getting the 12 xp, they just grind out the warzone comms on toons that can rape in mid bracket pvp. With the changes to the amount of warzone comms we can carry, they can grind out the comms long before they hit 60 and get in full pvp gear without ever having to do a single 60 bracket warzone.


Repub players on the PoT5. Just don't seem to get this. Far too many are not dedicated PVP players. They just won't grind the warzone comms after hitting 55. Instead they do the PVE content, and then force themselves to grind it at 60 thinking it will be easier to get them.


Sadly, that is far from the truth.

Edited by ForceWelder
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from my experience it's bad on saturday/sunday. this is why i'm trying to get my weeklies done before the weekend. during the week it's not so bad. republic side i think i was 6-5 this week. it really depends on the day and the time.
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I had once pointed out to this psychology thing, but if I recall it correctly, most people said that I was wrong.


I actually have the same opinion. People just cry out "its just a game" though. I literally cringe when I play my imp characters too long, no matter how good they are (light) , you are still working for an oppressive, xenophobic, genocidal, slaving faction. I have said before that it is a sad state of affairs when people choose to play those types of characters over characters that are not like that.

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I actually have the same opinion. People just cry out "its just a game" though. I literally cringe when I play my imp characters too long, no matter how good they are (light) , you are still working for an oppressive, xenophobic, genocidal, slaving faction.


If it helps, the Republic is basically just as bad. Consider how oppressive even the best meaning of standard Earth governments is - now project that not only across the entire planet, but over thousands of planets with hundreds of races. There is no possible way such an entity could be both effective and non-repressive. And it's managed to hang around for 20 thousand years? Yeah, suuuuuure it's benevolent.


Powerful figures get to do what they want - the more power the government has, the more power those who influence the government have. That's just reality.


Who do you think the Hutt Cartel was doing business with all those millennia when there was no known Empire? Why did the Republic tolerate them?

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Do not wish to start with asking ppl why they favor 1faction over the other but when it comes to PvP I have no problems finding others to group up with on imp side, at least on TRE. Pubs are usually lone daily q runners, no matter the bracket and the few from respective guilds turn tail and leave the match, often before it started. For quite awhile now imps on TRE have been more successful in 60s and I for 1 enjoy that and respect those who give me a reason to try something new and improve upon it. There are nights where it is an utter stompfest but it is also a clue for those who wish to know when to get their daily done. Just the current state of PvP on TRE, would not be suprised if things change in the next few months.




Have read alot of those 'tell them how to perform better' in plenty of threads so I make it very simple for ppl I end up on the same team. If below 60s I will be 'vocal' in chat and give advice, but once you are in the 60s and do silly and stupid things...but I guess as long as you get a PvP pop you can do pretty much anything you want.

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If it helps, the Republic is basically just as bad. Consider how oppressive even the best meaning of standard Earth governments is - now project that not only across the entire planet, but over thousands of planets with hundreds of races. There is no possible way such an entity could be both effective and non-repressive. And it's managed to hang around for 20 thousand years? Yeah, suuuuuure it's benevolent.


Powerful figures get to do what they want - the more power the government has, the more power those who influence the government have. That's just reality.


Who do you think the Hutt Cartel was doing business with all those millennia when there was no known Empire? Why did the Republic tolerate them?


Ill take slightly corrupt and overbearing over genocidal maniacs any day. ;)

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Do not wish to start with asking ppl why they favor 1faction over the other but when it comes to PvP I have no problems finding others to group up with on imp side, at least on TRE. Pubs are usually lone daily q runners, no matter the bracket and the few from respective guilds turn tail and leave the match, often before it started. For quite awhile now imps on TRE have been more successful in 60s and I for 1 enjoy that and respect those who give me a reason to try something new and improve upon it. There are nights where it is an utter stompfest but it is also a clue for those who wish to know when to get their daily done. Just the current state of PvP on TRE, would not be suprised if things change in the next few months.




Have read alot of those 'tell them how to perform better' in plenty of threads so I make it very simple for ppl I end up on the same team. If below 60s I will be 'vocal' in chat and give advice, but once you are in the 60s and do silly and stupid things...but I guess as long as you get a PvP pop you can do pretty much anything you want.


Honestly, pvp is NOT that difficult to understand in this game. HELL! It even explains the gametype to you at the beginning of the match! Even if you somehow miss that information any halfwit can tell what is going on in a node situation. If people cannot figure out pvp in this game very quickly, I don't know how they make it through the day without getting hit by a bus.

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Played a few games last night, didn't lose a game.


But it's toally down to the players you get on your team, and time of day & what day you are queueing.

Typically imps are stronger beginning of the week during the day to around 7-8pm then reps are stronger.


Most of the good pvpers on the server have alts on both sides and even different servers too in some cases, If you want to win then I suggest queueing with specific faction at the previously mentioned times although, I tend to solo q on my sent outside of these times cos I'm a bit of a masochist ;)

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Played a few games last night, didn't lose a game.

Most of the good pvpers on the server have alts on both sides and even different servers too in some cases, If you want to win then I suggest queueing with specific faction at the previously mentioned times although, I tend to solo q on my sent outside of these times cos I'm a bit of a masochist ;)


We all know you can carry at any time of the day East :rak_01:

But in all seriousness, it all comes down to on which side are the alts of good pvp'ers are logged in at the moment, since there is hardly a good pvp'er on TRE who doesn't play both sides relatively equally.

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I tend to solo q on my sentS outside of these times cos I'm a bit of a masochist ;)


I get the feeling sometimes that half of the sents\maras on TRE are secret alts of Eastiano :D

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Okay now i can tell you where is the problem. It's not about players skill, overall imps and reps on TRE are on par, but about reps side population in 60lvl pvp. It is much lower in the current days!


So either you have your own premade or stuck with same pugs vs random imps premades or pugs. Less chances to win if you got a bad streak. :)

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Okay now i can tell you where is the problem. It's not about players skill, overall imps and reps on TRE are on par, but about reps side population in 60lvl pvp. It is much lower in the current days!


So either you have your own premade or stuck with same pugs vs random imps premades or pugs. Less chances to win if you got a bad streak. :)


Yeah, that is what I noticed as well. And so the chances of having team mates that really know what they are doing is low. I can play my merc and pyro vg on imp side no problems, I get sufficient heals, sufficient guarding most of the time. But if I play those on rep side, be it heal, dps, or tank, I don't get the required support to excel which becomes frustrating because I refuse to fotm.

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Played a few games last night, didn't lose a game.


But it's toally down to the players you get on your team, and time of day & what day you are queueing.

Typically imps are stronger beginning of the week during the day to around 7-8pm then reps are stronger.


Most of the good pvpers on the server have alts on both sides and even different servers too in some cases, If you want to win then I suggest queueing with specific faction at the previously mentioned times although, I tend to solo q on my sent outside of these times cos I'm a bit of a masochist ;)


I tried those previously mentioned times tbh, I really didn't have any different experiences than usual. I usually give it 5 or so matches, and if my team mates cant tell the difference between down and up by that point I will usually switch sides as to avoid frustration now.

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Thing is I almost exclusively play arsenal / gunnery and pyro / plasmatech. And on Imp side there are reliable pug healers that will actually heal me worth a damn, and there are tanks that will protect me, on pub side i am almost always all alone, and teammates, even when I try to coordinate with them, usually just dont listen or heed my advice. I have healing gear as well, so I will gladly heal on pub side as well, but when absolutely no one is willing to peel or guard me, what is the point, run in, pop off a few healz and die over and over.


I agree with the above. I play a Republic Sage Healer (174 pvp augmented gear with the best anodyne stim injected) and most times as a healer, I am on my own without a guard and without someone actually peeling for me. I go into a warzone and get focused like I am Hitler or something and I do get off a few healing spells but then find myself having to self heal like there is no tomorrow to just stay alive, never mind being viable as a healer to the group when my own life is on the line.

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That matches my experiences pretty much to the T. I especially like the ones that ask for help, then run away from you when you come to help them leaving you to fend off the two attackers alone. Then yell at you for losing the point :rolleyes:


Did an arena earlier ( I hate arenas, but it was my last for the weekly ) - I kindly instruct the players on my team to take out the dps with 51 k health, everyone nods in agreement. Great, they actually are going to do it. Then match starts, they ALL attack different targets and I am the only one of the pve geared player.......lost that one, and then the next round as well, because apparently team mates were allergic to focus fire.


****, this is too true. I PVP daily in the best gear commendations can buy and I have been doing PVP for over a year and here are my observations: Republic side: can't be bothered with focus firing or killing the healer, it's a rule, not an exception; pubs are clueless about the Bolster Buff and actually believe their 198 PVE gear is fine (it's not); the inability of Pubs to follow logical instructions (kill the guy in PVE gear) is a feature, not a bug. Pub tanks not putting guards on Healers (this one blows my mind especially when they say, I need to rotate my guard to help those who are dying to which I say, I can bubble the entire team (if they are near me) and heal them better than your one tank guard rotation ever could. Pubs sending Sages to guard a node. That's just genius! Shadows not understanding that their role is to ninja the node or pylon when solo guarded (too often Shadows/Scoundrels take a pylon at the start of game and unless your team can hold that pylon until end of round, the other team will just take it back for more points.) Or worse, Shadows/Scoundrels not making the enemy healer their priority kill. Pubs groups not protecting their healer and expecting the healer to do it all, heal the team, self heal, fend off trouble and stay alive with no help from teammates (even though I am keeping you guys alive but you won't assist me while I am dealing with a Sin, Ops, PT or Mara who follows me all over the place because they want me dead.)

Edited by PaulusMaulus
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Same thing happens to me all the time. Ill offer to help cap, just in case they get stealthers coming to try and ninja cap, and then when we cap it, they run for the hills and leave me to fight the stealthers! :mad:


I mean, it really seems like a situation of who can run away from the node fastest so they can blame the loss at the guy that doesn't have a speed boost ability.


I am a Republic side PVP healer and the real joke is I arrive to heal the guard on node, we're able to kill the enemy player and then guy who was guarding the node runs to mid for pew pew leaving me, the healer, behind to guard! Or, we get a call that a pylon or node is under attack, a few of us go to help and we clear the area at which point everyone runs off to the next fight leaving me, the healer, behind to defend. So I ask in chat for relief so I can return to healing the team and you'd be amazed just how few people will come to relieve me thinking it is perfectly OK to have a healer on a node/pylon as the guard.

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