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The amount of bad on TRE Rep side lately is just mind boggeling....


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So I decided to make an observation about the difference in caliber of player on TRE in pvp IMP and PUB.


-Note I have almost exclusively played republic for the last 2 years.


Now I finally get my mercenary up to lvl 60, and I wanted to see how the players on Imperial side fare against Republic side, and what I observed is shocking tbh.


On republic side my teammates as dps when in the thick of it, not guarding nodes, not hiding, not playing huttball, just generally fighting, are hardly able to break 150 k damage done, tanks are hardly able to get 100 k guarding done, and healers 500 k healing done. And this is almost all too common.


Earlier, lets say, before 3 months ago, there was a balance it seemed on republic and imperial side, but lately it has gone nothing but down hill on republic side. The caliber of player is just abysmal. I mean I am not super leet ultra amazeballs uber leet megaman amazing, but I at least know my class, and I really don't think it is expecting much for people to at least READ their skill tree descriptions.


On imperial side, even when it is imp v imp almost EVERYONE in the match has over 500 k damage per match, has over 1.7 million healing, or has upward to 500 k damage guarded. I did not have, in the entire week I played, a SINGLE bad match, my team won -every- single match.


Now the only conclusion I can come to, is tons of people ahve simply either :


A. Jumped ship to imp side, which I suspect is the case.

or the less likely

B. Transferred to ToFN like quite a few of my friends have recently done ( Note : They report there are far more good republic players on tofn than TRE, which is to be expected, but does not explain why there are tons of great players imp side on TRE)


Then there are the pop times. Pop times are damned near CONSTANTLY instant on imp side, and even at 3 am CET, I get pops every few minutes. Republic side on the other hand, flat out stops at around 2 am CET, and even during prime time, can be far and few between.


This really highlights why we need cross faction queues for pvp in general.


Just my2 cents.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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So I decided to make an observation about the difference in caliber of player on TRE in pvp IMP and PUB.


-Note I have almost exclusively played republic for the last 2 years.


Now I finally get my mercenary up to lvl 60, and I wanted to see how the players on Imperial side fare against Republic side, and what I observed is shocking tbh.


On republic side my teammates as dps when in the thick of it, not guarding nodes, not hiding, not playing huttball, just generally fighting, are hardly able to break 150 k damage done, tanks are hardly able to get 100 k guarding done, and healers 500 k healing done. And this is almost all too common.


Earlier, lets say, before 3 months ago, there was a balance it seemed on republic and imperial side, but lately it has gone nothing but down hill on republic side. The caliber of player is just abysmal. I mean I am not super leet ultra amazeballs uber leet megaman amazing, but I at least know my class, and I really don't think it is expecting much for people to at least READ their skill tree descriptions.


On imperial side, even when it is imp v imp almost EVERYONE in the match has over 500 k damage per match, has over 1.7 million healing, or has upward to 500 k damage guarded. I did not have, in the entire week I played, a SINGLE bad match, my team won -every- single match.


Now the only conclusion I can come to, is tons of people ahve simply either :


A. Jumped ship to imp side, which I suspect is the case.

or the less likely

B. Transferred to ToFN like quite a few of my friends have recently done ( Note : They report there are far more good republic players on tofn than TRE, which is to be expected, but does not explain why there are tons of great players imp side on TRE)


Then there are the pop times. Pop times are damned near CONSTANTLY instant on imp side, and even at 3 am CET, I get pops every few minutes. Republic side on the other hand, flat out stops at around 2 am CET, and even during prime time, can be far and few between.


This really highlights why we need cross faction queues for pvp in general.


Just my2 cents.


Hey Laced, my 3 years experience in TRE while Rep lately seem a little abandoned some times .

- Very fast Reg pops

- Decent Rwz pops (declining after 3.1)

- Imps are stronger in morning hours - more premades and healers

- Reps are stronger in night hours - more premades and healers ex. After 22:00 GMT is most possible for D.. guild to log Rep side.

- There is a group of players moving from Rep to Imp and vice-versa in certain guilds.

Edited by Aetideus
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Hey Laced, my 3 years experience in TRE while Rep lately seem a little abandoned some times .

- Very fast Reg pops

- Decent Rwz pops (declining after 3.1)

- Imps are stronger in morning hours - more premades and healers

- Reps are stronger in night hours - more premades and healers ex. After 22:00 GMT is most possible for D.. guild to log Rep side.

- There is a group of players moving from Rep to Imp and vice-versa in certain guilds.


Thanks for the advice, ill have to take that into account, because it is a real sad state of affairs lately.

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1. join the opposing side.

2. laugh at the bad's who can't hurt you repeatedly until they stop playing, join imp themselves, or git gud.




1 and 2. That is just adding to the problem. But thanks for the well thought out constructive reply.

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What is annoying is that I paid a lot of real money to transfer my entire legacy over to this sever as I was getting fed up on Progenitor.

On my old server Imperial were winning around 80% of all warzones - it was, quite frankly, getting very boring. On hearing TRE had much more balanced factions I took the plunge and transferred.

To begin with things were good. I was getting roughly equal wins/losses on each faction, but over the apst few weeks - actually around the time 12x XP started it was become dire.


Right now I'm on 8 losses for the day. I've had 2 wins all week - and they were against Republic teams even more dire than the one I was on.

Quite frankly it's just not fun anymore - unless I play my Imp. If it's vs Republic, well easy win. If it's against imperial it can go either way, but whichever way it goes it's usually still fun.


So I'm about ready to stop PvP'ing on the Republic side.

I know transfers are cheap right now - don't know if the situatioin has improved on Prog - could always transfer back I guess.


But right now, Reppublic PvP on TRE os a joke and an embarrasement. Imp is the only side to play if you want your WZ to be fun (come win or loss) - simple.

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What is annoying is that I paid a lot of real money to transfer my entire legacy over to this sever as I was getting fed up on Progenitor.

On my old server Imperial were winning around 80% of all warzones - it was, quite frankly, getting very boring. On hearing TRE had much more balanced factions I took the plunge and transferred.

To begin with things were good. I was getting roughly equal wins/losses on each faction, but over the apst few weeks - actually around the time 12x XP started it was become dire.


Right now I'm on 8 losses for the day. I've had 2 wins all week - and they were against Republic teams even more dire than the one I was on.

Quite frankly it's just not fun anymore - unless I play my Imp. If it's vs Republic, well easy win. If it's against imperial it can go either way, but whichever way it goes it's usually still fun.


So I'm about ready to stop PvP'ing on the Republic side.

I know transfers are cheap right now - don't know if the situatioin has improved on Prog - could always transfer back I guess.


But right now, Reppublic PvP on TRE os a joke and an embarrasement. Imp is the only side to play if you want your WZ to be fun (come win or loss) - simple.


Another night, another perfect example of the situation on republic side, me and a friend were grouped for several matches all night on rep side, we lost. Every. God. Damned. Match. Players on our team couldnt tell the difference between their *** and their forehead. Then we got tired of it, went over to imp side. We got players on our team for 4 hours straight that knew their classes and knew the ins and outs of the game, we won every single match.


This cannot simply be coincidence.


Like you said, it is flat out embarassing tbh. What I find even MORE hilarious, is all night when we were on republic side, we faced a certain double premade. When faced with that SAME double premade with the random group we had on our team, we won. It is just mind boggeling, like I said. Not to mention insanely frusrating.

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Just go to tofn, tre is full of ***** anyway


The thing is, how is the raid community there, the flashpoint, grouping while leveling, world boss participation, etc etc. I love pvp, but I also love raiding and grouping, and I would get kinda pissed if I went there and the raid community was crap.

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The 10-29 imps are pretty terrible as well, I don't PVP often but I will do the dailies and weekly every now and then. Denova Coast Is always a nightmare, people will all go to the middle, capture it and let the enemy have west and east then they will ALL go to one of them. overwhelm the enemy and let south fall, the odd times someone does defend they don't call or if I try to defend nobody comes to provide assistance so usually I will just end up doing nothing and taking the 1 match played and get some laughs at my teams terrible strategy, no point in calling these kids out in chat and getting into an argument.




Tbh whenever I'm on Imp side 75% of my matches on TRE are Imp vs Imp.

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On TRE its always been up and down. I remember when servants of none left the game imp side was pretty dire. I ended up going to rep side for a couple of months. There are a lot of people on this server who play both sides. Balance on a server is always going to be up and down.
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If you want to PvP TOFN is the better choice anyway. No matter if ranked or regs. And regs are and have always been balanced on TOFN. Which is surprising but one of the things I love the most about the server. Ofc there will be days where one side has tons of premades qeueing, and you always go against teams with 2 tanks and 2 healers, but normally it's quite balanced.

Solo ranked on the other hand is dominated by Imps. Unless you q-sync on Pub which is especially popular amongst one certain guild.

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The 10-29 imps are pretty terrible as well, I don't PVP often but I will do the dailies and weekly every now and then. Denova Coast Is always a nightmare, people will all go to the middle, capture it and let the enemy have west and east then they will ALL go to one of them. overwhelm the enemy and let south fall, the odd times someone does defend they don't call or if I try to defend nobody comes to provide assistance so usually I will just end up doing nothing and taking the 1 match played and get some laughs at my teams terrible strategy, no point in calling these kids out in chat and getting into an argument.




Tbh whenever I'm on Imp side 75% of my matches on TRE are Imp vs Imp.


I noticed this as well, lol. When I was playing Imp I had a LOT of imp v imp. I think I had 1 imp v pub, which shows how bad the population disparity is.

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On TRE its always been up and down. I remember when servants of none left the game imp side was pretty dire. I ended up going to rep side for a couple of months. There are a lot of people on this server who play both sides. Balance on a server is always going to be up and down.


A huge problem atm is our two main pvp guilds have all but disappeared, and combined with that a few pvp guilds from ToFN have come over to Imp side in the last few months. I have a few people I grouped with for a while on TRE, but even they have decided to leave for ToFN because of the..........best way I could put it is lack of intelligence regarding the average pub player lately.


Thing is I almost exclusively play arsenal / gunnery and pyro / plasmatech. And on Imp side there are reliable pug healers that will actually heal me worth a damn, and there are tanks that will protect me, on pub side i am almost always all alone, and teammates, even when I try to coordinate with them, usually just dont listen or heed my advice. I have healing gear as well, so I will gladly heal on pub side as well, but when absolutely no one is willing to peel or guard me, what is the point, run in, pop off a few healz and die over and over.

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A huge problem atm is our two main pvp guilds have all but disappeared, and combined with that a few pvp guilds from ToFN have come over to Imp side in the last few months. I have a few people I grouped with for a while on TRE, but even they have decided to leave for ToFN because of the..........best way I could put it is lack of intelligence regarding the average pub player lately.


Thing is I almost exclusively play arsenal / gunnery and pyro / plasmatech. And on Imp side there are reliable pug healers that will actually heal me worth a damn, and there are tanks that will protect me, on pub side i am almost always all alone, and teammates, even when I try to coordinate with them, usually just dont listen or heed my advice. I have healing gear as well, so I will gladly heal on pub side as well, but when absolutely no one is willing to peel or guard me, what is the point, run in, pop off a few healz and die over and over.

True, there have been times when reps have been the most dominant in my view. Imp guilds went through a time period where there were hardly any at all. Generally speaking TRE has been fairly balanced but there have been periods like you describe, just the way things work really.

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I know transfers are cheap right now - don't know if the situatioin has improved on Prog - could always transfer back I guess.


It hasen't. Sometimes Nomads, Aesir and Orbital Strike runs a few rep premades, but generally rep pvp is dead on Prog.

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TRE is balanced enough in general. It just so happened that recently alot of people are either taking a break until 3.3 or trying out other servers due to this transfer and 12x XP hype.


Majority of people from TRE PVP guilds are playing both sides. I myself switch between rep\imp alot. If i see only imp vs imp games or particularly good players online on one side i switch to another to get games against them. Also depends who is online from my friendlist.


Give it time, TRE is always balancing itself out in the end.

Edited by wmst
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It's a summer time, summer time with x12 xp and mostly free server transfers. Maybe good players on vacations, maybe they are on low-level x12. Maybe they are offline till 3.3 and with cheap gear. Heck, maybe you are just unlucky with pugs. A lot of "maybe"...


It's not like one side suddenly went bad and another is not. Wait till 3.3 or till fall 2015. :)

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It's a summer time, summer time with x12 xp and mostly free server transfers. Maybe good players on vacations, maybe they are on low-level x12. Maybe they are offline till 3.3 and with cheap gear. Heck, maybe you are just unlucky with pugs. A lot of "maybe"...


It's not like one side suddenly went bad and another is not. Wait till 3.3 or till fall 2015. :)


If it is the unlucky bit then I literalyl could get a world record in unluckiest person in gaming ever. It happened in COD , it happened in HALO, it happened in GoW, it happened in star craft. lol. If there was a god of gaming, he has indeed cursed me to get ridiculously awful team mates 99.9 percent of the time. lol.


As for the one side not going bad, I beg to differ, I can generally go on imp side at all times and win, I go on rep side, and our team doesnt know up from down, *** from face. There are the exceptions, but even they are reaching their limits.

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If it is the unlucky bit then I literalyl could get a world record in unluckiest person in gaming ever. It happened in COD , it happened in HALO, it happened in GoW, it happened in star craft. lol. If there was a god of gaming, he has indeed cursed me to get ridiculously awful team mates 99.9 percent of the time. lol.


You know there is a saying - If the third husband beats the crap out of wife's face, maybe the problem is with the face?


I see you complaining alot about how useless your team is even when the actual game was more or less decent. And i literally lost track of posts you made about how bad life on TRE is for republic side. It is not even half as bad.

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You know there is a saying - If the third husband beats the crap out of wife's face, maybe the problem is with the face?


I see you complaining alot about how useless your team is even when the actual game was more or less decent. And i literally lost track of posts you made about how bad life on TRE is for republic side. It is not even half as bad.

If I was the problem, then I wouldn't be on top of my team when we have those awful matches, in all games I listed, now would I? The players on my team would have more damage, healing, protection and objective than I would if that were the case, which it simply is not. I am not the only one that has been experiencing this, it is the reason a lot of my friends urge me to leave this server and go to ToFN, the only reason I stay is because I have a good raiding guild, and I cannot be bothered, nor do I have the time to, create another character on another server and level him up, 12 x exp or not. If you are going to start getting snarky, I can just put you on ignore like the rest of the people that cannot have a civil conversation without resulting in insults.

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I thought that most people agreed upon the "fact" that most servers are Imp dominated ?


Well considering there are still 2 full instances open on imp side when pub fleet only has 56 or so players on, shows that is unfortunately true.

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So I've managed to increase my wins for the week by 100% - had two more wins, taking the weekly up to 4 (both in arenas and both against imps surprisingly).

However to get those two wins I've had to add six to my loss total.


Last arena - nobody attacks the healer. Calmly, after we've been slaughted I tell everyone where to focus. Guess who is the only one attacking the healer in round two.

Hypergate - everyone sits there attacking the 2 juggers at the front with their 2 healers behind just standing there - they doin't even need to run away.

Civil war - one goes to "our" pylon. I'm late in, so I see there are already at least one rushing him, I make the call and go to help. Then a second pops up, so I update the call to 2. First guy there dies, then I die and the other 6 are still mindlessly attacking mid. 1 minute later it's a tripple cap.


It is an embarrasement being republic. Thank god I've already got the valor 100 achievement I wanted - because there is no possible way I could stomach that now.

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