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Please Curtail This!


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Players who log in on their Imperial char in WZs then turn around & log in on their Republic character after that match is over. I am also picking up on people using their Republic character to sabotage the Republic effort in WZs & also players fighting against their alt IMP/PUB guild mates and throwing the matches.
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Wintrading is against the TOS - once you have proof, send CS a meesage.

Intentional sabotage - republic usually sabotage themselves, I've seen some extremely poor republic players ever since 12x XP hit.

Anyway, if people are joining a matach just to stand around and do nothing - once again you report it and then encourage others to dot he same. More than one report on a subject is a good thing.


As for logging out of their imperial character after a WZ and then immediately logging in with their republic (or vice-versa) how is this wrong?

I often do it. If I've been in a particular poor Rep side I'll log out and log-in my Imp character in the hope I'll get a match against the rep team I was a meber of befroe for some nice easy coms and a win. Nothing against the rules doing that.

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