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Do Jedi get paid?


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Chances are, the Republic directly subsidizes the Jedi Order - Force users are highly dangerous when untrained, and fighting Force users is difficult without your own Force users. Combine that with the fact that Jedi ideals are compatible with service to the Republic, and the Republic has strong incentive to keep the Order funded.


So, ultimately, who pays for the Jedi? The taxpayers of the Republic.

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They rob Sith, who rob Girl Guide cookies and sell them for a higher price. That's why the dark side always has cookies and those tasty treats are the main reason for the temptation of turning evil. Edited by Newyankalt
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They rob Sith, who rob Girl Guide cookies and sell them for a higher price. That's why the dark side always has cookies and those tasty treats are the main reason for the temptation of turning evil.


At least they did always have cookies, until Baras became Sith... :jawa_tongue:


But considering the amount of credits Jedi seem to throw around, they need to get some extra funding from other sources... maybe that crafting division the Jedi Artisans are a part of do some artistic things on the side that they sell to collectors and get extra funds for the rest of the order.


And I still find it weird how on a Star Wars site, Sith gets the squigly line of misspelling. At least Jedi doesn't.

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Chances are, the Republic directly subsidizes the Jedi Order - Force users are highly dangerous when untrained, and fighting Force users is difficult without your own Force users. Combine that with the fact that Jedi ideals are compatible with service to the Republic, and the Republic has strong incentive to keep the Order funded.


So, ultimately, who pays for the Jedi? The taxpayers of the Republic.


i don't believe so. If they are paid by the republic, the republic owns them and can force them to suit their needs, good AND bad, depending on the flow of the republic which would create a huge problem if a sith would rule.... This would be fully against the ideals of the jedi order. Gifts would be a more likely answer, which would keep the jedi independant and able to follow freely their ideals AND get the necessary food. Could also be they craft and sell items and help out for money, this would balance things again: you give something and get something.

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What a great question.


My guess is no. The Jedi Order seems, by all accounts, to be a religious organization, adhering to a belief in an all-powerful Force, and conduct befitting a noble peacekeeping class. That doesn't make them opposed to the Republic, in fact it often aligns their goals, but a "separation of church and state" equivalent would likely keep them officially separate from the Republic.


It's obvious they have an official relationship. The Jedi Councils meet with Republic senators, chancellors, etc. The Republic military and SIS work on missions with the Jedi. But I've always imagined this as Jedi fulfilling their ideal of service by working well with a government so long as that government at least attempts to be just. The Republic then receives skilled diplomats and powerful peacekeeping officers who offer service for free as part of their beliefs. It would be worth it for the Republic to occasionally subsidize the Jedi efforts with ships, equipment, occasional credits, etc - but not directly a salary.


I propose a few comparisons to make up how the Jedi would exist otherwise.


1). Shaolin monks. They live an austere life style. Especially in cannon material, Jedi don't seem to have more than basic possessions. Simple clothes, simple places to live. Often they don't have their own ships or transports unless provided by the Republic for missions. In SWTOR you can obviously have a lot of money and expensive mansions, but that's more of an MMO thing.


2). Catholic church. Minus the creepy stuff. The catholic church, if you look into it, has a lot of business ventures and ways to make money. Beyond simply receiving tithes and donations, which they do, and beyond receiving large sums from wealthy patrons, which they do, they own lots of little businesses and make investments to make money. I imagine the Jedi would do something similar, but not exactly how the catholic church does. I imagine the Jedi doing more simple work, like crafting and artifice, to make money to support the order.


3). Witchers. I know, I know - different game series. Stay with me. I imagine Jedi aren't necessarily supported by the order past their padawan stage. Once you're a Jedi, you're responsible for yourself. Chiefly, you should avoid material attachments and live an austere life style (see reference number one) to keep your cost of living down, but you could take simple jobs in the defense of local people for humble payments or allow a small community to provide you with a place to live and food in exchange for peacekeeping services.


I know that's not exactly like Witchers, but I imagine if a Jedi traveled a lot and wasn't one of the Jedi who did a lot of Republic missions, they could make a living going from place to place, taking jobs and getting paid to support themselves.


tldr - Jedi support themselves with work/donations, get occasional help from Republic while on missions


Post was way too long, but this is a great question, and fun to think about. =)

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According to the "Power of the Jedi Sourcebook" for the RCR d20 RPG. The Jedi order receives funding directly from the Senate. In return, the Jedi offer their services to the Senate and the Chancellor. Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters are given a certain allowance for expenses during their trips. However, they are encouraged to cut costs where they can. Padawans normally aren't given an allowance and any credits they do get are provided by their mentors on an as needed basis.
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probably they get monthly wages from the council based on their position,which the council probably they got from the republic.


no it'd not be wages. thing is Jedi don't need to be paid a wage, the order supplies them with everything they need (especially as given they are all about non attachment. that's not a whole lot more other then the essentials) on a particular mission they're given some funds but it's not a whole lot.

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  • 1 year later...

So this all stems from the Clone Wars series and the extended books but I will try and sum it up.


The Jedi order is largely subsidized through a lot of cultures, governments, and the Republic at large. Just as well, not all jedi choose a austere lifestyle so many perform odd jobs to help bring in wealth. Governments around the galaxy revere Jedi as well due to past contributors who stopped often times planetary crisis on more then one occasion as well, sometimes even rising to legendary status such as Revan had once done among many other Jedi. These worlds will often make massive contributions to the Temple in order to help ferment the Jedi's ability to continue these acts as well as providing Jedi with top tier technologies, starships and more. One of the most prevalent makers of Jedi ships are often from Corellian Shipyards, whose ships are often sleek and fast. For those who need a reminder, this same group created the A-Wing, the Millenium Falcon, and the Blockade runner the Jedi often favored as a cruiser before the onset of the Clone Wars themselves. Outside this, as some have mentioned, Rogue force users are often extremely dangerous, especially when they happen near Sith relics, and because just as a jedi can save a world, a single rogue force user has been known to threaten worlds as well, placing force users among the highest threats to the republic. The Republic as such officially recognized and subsidizes the Jedi order as well. While we never see estimates, we often see Jedi dispatches assigned merchant accounts often filled with hundreds of thousands if not millions of credits. This implies Jedi are often while poor, can be extremely rich as well. This wealth is often funneled towards Jedi researchers and honored staff, as well as helping fund small expeditions or even planetary settlements. These actions further increased support for the Jedi order so the average galactic tax payer generally didn't mind. However despite all this wealth we are generally seeing something along the lines of 1 credit a tax for Jedi per citizen, and that's pitiful, but on a scale as the Galaxy, that provides the Jedi with a incredible sum. Add in precious relics, master crafted furniture, artworks, architecture, the value of Jedi trade-skills as a market place, their exports, and more, and the Jedi are easily one of the richest organizations in the history of the galaxy, only outpaced by massive groups such as the Galactic Trade federation or the Republic. It is often implied in the books the Jedi are easily richer then a lot of worlds as well.

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  • 1 month later...
So this all stems from the Clone Wars series and the extended books but I will try and sum it up.


The Jedi order is largely subsidized through a lot of cultures, governments, and the Republic at large. Just as well, not all jedi choose a austere lifestyle so many perform odd jobs to help bring in wealth. Governments around the galaxy revere Jedi as well due to past contributors who stopped often times planetary crisis on more then one occasion as well, sometimes even rising to legendary status such as Revan had once done among many other Jedi. These worlds will often make massive contributions to the Temple in order to help ferment the Jedi's ability to continue these acts as well as providing Jedi with top tier technologies, starships and more. One of the most prevalent makers of Jedi ships are often from Corellian Shipyards, whose ships are often sleek and fast. For those who need a reminder, this same group created the A-Wing, the Millenium Falcon, and the Blockade runner the Jedi often favored as a cruiser before the onset of the Clone Wars themselves. Outside this, as some have mentioned, Rogue force users are often extremely dangerous, especially when they happen near Sith relics, and because just as a jedi can save a world, a single rogue force user has been known to threaten worlds as well, placing force users among the highest threats to the republic. The Republic as such officially recognized and subsidizes the Jedi order as well. While we never see estimates, we often see Jedi dispatches assigned merchant accounts often filled with hundreds of thousands if not millions of credits. This implies Jedi are often while poor, can be extremely rich as well. This wealth is often funneled towards Jedi researchers and honored staff, as well as helping fund small expeditions or even planetary settlements. These actions further increased support for the Jedi order so the average galactic tax payer generally didn't mind. However despite all this wealth we are generally seeing something along the lines of 1 credit a tax for Jedi per citizen, and that's pitiful, but on a scale as the Galaxy, that provides the Jedi with a incredible sum. Add in precious relics, master crafted furniture, artworks, architecture, the value of Jedi trade-skills as a market place, their exports, and more, and the Jedi are easily one of the richest organizations in the history of the galaxy, only outpaced by massive groups such as the Galactic Trade federation or the Republic. It is often implied in the books the Jedi are easily richer then a lot of worlds as well.


Hmm, makes the take over plot from the prequels more sinister, but comprehensive, considering Bariss standpoint and chosen actions in late season 5 of TCW

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I think they do , jedi order is military/religious organization so they get paid for for protecting planets , helping , and goverment of planets that are in republic should pay taxes so the they are pay by jedi order/republic for military service.
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At least they did always have cookies, until Baras became Sith... :jawa_tongue:


But considering the amount of credits Jedi seem to throw around, they need to get some extra funding from other sources... maybe that crafting division the Jedi Artisans are a part of do some artistic things on the side that they sell to collectors and get extra funds for the rest of the order.


And I still find it weird how on a Star Wars site, Sith gets the squigly line of misspelling. At least Jedi doesn't.


What Jedi do you see tossing around credits besides the Knight and Consular, which numbers two.


To the OP, since we know one can be force sensitive and fail at being a Jedi and go off to other jobs and still work with the Order to help them with funds...like farming and selling the produce!

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There is at least one letter in the game, I can't recall now whether addressed to the Knight or Consular, where someone you helped on a previous quest (can't recall if main or side either) mentions making a donation to the Jedi Order in appreciation.


So private donations are apparently part of the Jedi Order's funding. The Republic must be subsidizing them as well however, considering their close relationship with both the Senate and the Republic military. The latter in particular are dependent upon the Jedi.


I would imagine the Jedi Order falls somewhere under the Republic's defense budget, and additional revenue is generated by donations from wealthy patrons in appreciation for some service or other. Jedi healers play a large role in the order, so in addition to their defense role I would imagine people who've been healed of some illness by the Jedi would make donations, particularly the wealthier patients.

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What Jedi do you see tossing around credits besides the Knight and Consular, which numbers two.


To the OP, since we know one can be force sensitive and fail at being a Jedi and go off to other jobs and still work with the Order to help them with funds...like farming and selling the produce!


yes they will, credits will do fine (waves hand)

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I thought we just grabbed the wallets of those we killed.


Seems like it to me....


edit: Considering there's temples and they appear to travel with guards, seems like their basic needs are met by the order.

Edited by dr_mike
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