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Annoying Bad Design - Good Game/Bad Gameplay


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Bioware, some of your designs are great and this game is fun and fluid. However, I was playing through the Jedi storyline and got to Belsavis, where I had a kill a Colonel Hereth. It would all be well and good if you could just kill her outright but no, she swarms you with about 20 adds of droids that give her a shield that makes her immune to all damage. I wonder where you get off putting this in a solo part of the game. If I wanted to tear my hair out over frustrating cheap mechanics, I would do Hard Mode Operations. Please keep that crap in there and make the game more fluid and interesting rather then putting annoying mechanics everywhere just to drag out the length of time you spend leveling. It just shows uninspired and bad gameplay design.


Thats the problem with this game in general, the story is great, the setting is great, there is lots to do but then you ruin it by trying to make this game into a blatent wow rip-off where a lightsaber might as well a blunt stick. Its ridiculous for this kind of setting.


Then, just when I thought you might have got out of that stupid habit with "Shadow of Revan" (SOLO Mode Flashpoints are a god-send to get away from annoying pugs stalling progress btw), you then shove more stupid mechanics into the fight with Revan at the end. I am seriously getting bored of this obvious attempt to pad the game out.

Edited by Sultrus
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I don't like something trivial, therefore it's bad design and should only exist in Hard Mode Operations.


It may be trival but its just annoying and only serves to stall out the game and disrupt the story. I will admit that the combat in this game is so close to WoW, its almost funny. Madness Sorcerers are almost spell for spell similar to Shadow Priests.

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If you had trouble with that one, wait until the next boss fight...


I didn't, I just think the mechanics are stupid and long winded and just clunk the story out. They have no place in a solo mode story.

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Well, hit boss, kill adds, hit boss, kill adds. There's 3 adds at a time and the boss is invulnerable while you kill them.


Don't be mad if she kicks your a*s, hm ops are much more harder. Or, as you say, way more cheaper mechanics...

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So let me get this straight... You want to progress though the story, gain levels, gain gear, gain spells, but put absolutely no effort in it? If that's how you want to go through a story, just read a book (there's really plenty in the Star Wars universe) or watch a movie.


Personally, I did enjoy leveling... the first time. After that, when I learned the mechanics of the game, it became extremely boring and easy and that's the reason why I have only 3 level 60 characters. Leveling at 12x does provide some challenge, but it's still nothing noteworthy,

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It would all be well and good if you could just kill her outright but no, she swarms you with about 20 adds of droids that give her a shield that makes her immune to all damage. I wonder where you get off putting this in a solo part of the game.


Wait... You're complaining that the game has a quest that doesn't use a brainless "See opponent. Kill opponent" structure? You're sad that they made you actually pay attention to the fight?


If I wanted to tear my hair out over frustrating cheap mechanics, I would do Hard Mode Operations.


There's nothing frustrating about this. If you pay any attention to the fight, you see what's happening. There are a dozen similar fights in the game. The "solution" takes very little thought, but at least its a diversion from the same brainless mob-smashing that you go through in so many other quests.


then you ruin it by trying to make this game into a blatent wow rip-off where a lightsaber might as well a blunt stick.


Are you suggesting that lightsabers should give you one-hit-kills on pretty much everyone, like in the movies? Is that your idea of great game design?


Then, just when I thought you might have got out of that stupid habit with "Shadow of Revan" ... you then shove more stupid mechanics into the fight with Revan at the end. I am seriously getting bored of this obvious attempt to pad the game out.


Right... you're getting bored of them including fights which are more than "Use rotation I learned on YouTube until the game says I win". Right.


Let's just say: I disagree.

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