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So what server is everyone moving to? If anyone is moving, and why?


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I use to play on the harbinger but i moved to JC because if MS. Since harbinger is a west coast server, i was getting MS atleast 70 and up, on JC i am getting 27ms at most because its East coast, and i live in the East coast. But i am going to test the MS and then might move back to harbinger.
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My main, who I moved off POT5 to Harbinger before will likely move to Shadowlands along with the others I left on POT5. The couple I have started to level will likely remain on Harbinger for when I want to play there and don't mind the extra latency.
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Staying on Ebonhawk and hopefully nobody from the other servers with names like Bananasprinkles will be joining us, otherwise I may just jump ship to another game like I've done in the past when all this server merger, character transfer crap starts.
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I would like all Pure PvE players who NEVER plays any pvp what so ever, to leave Tomb of Freedon Nadd, and further more I would like those who are into BOTH pvp AND pve to move to Tomb of Freedon Nadd.


I've tried 3 diff guilds so far and stayed in each for a few months. In each Guild I've tried to encourage members/officers to organize pre-mades with training etc in PvP. I've even offered to try and get some people to join in more serious PvP:ing. But about 90% of those Active NEVER plays any warzones?!


What the h**l are they doing on a PvP server then?! Every new Guild I've joined has claimed that they have some people in the Guild who are into PvP. But I've met like 1 or 2 in each Guild who likes World pvp and to Group to grind for PvP comms. The rest (There has been about 8-15 Active players in each Guild I've been in) are only into ops and HM FP's... I say to you pure PvE:ers; JOIN A PVE SERVER FFS AND TAKE YOUR OPS AND HM FP'S WITH YOU!

Edited by Boccanon
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I would like all Pure PvE players who NEVER plays any pvp what so ever, to leave Tomb of Freedon Nadd, and further more I would like those who are into BOTH pvp AND pve to move to Tomb of Freedon Nadd.


I've tried 3 diff guilds so far and stayed in each for a few months. In each Guild I've tried to encourage members/officers to organize pre-mades with training etc in PvP. I've even offered to try and get some people to join in more serious PvP:ing. But about 90% of those Active NEVER plays any warzones?!

If this doesn't tell you something about how "popular" PvPing is in TOR, you're not paying attention.


If everyone who never did WZs moved off the server, they would shut down the server.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If this doesn't tell you something about how "popular" PvPing is in TOR, you're not paying attention.


If everyone who never did WZs moved off the server, they would shut down the server.


You are one of those that either never plays warzones I take it, or perhaps you play warzones but Think those you play against are the toy mobs you meet in ops etc? Newsbreak! It aint toy mobs, it is real people. And if you were paying some attention then you would have noticed that I wrote that I would like all those that plays pvp AND pve to move to Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Our server is mostly defiled with pve people who only talks about setting up ops groups etc. The very purpose of labering Tomb of Freedon Nadd a pvp server is to draw the right crowd, but it seems as if the pve crowd just took the server on top of the list without reading what kind of server it was/is.

I dont mind doing a FP now and then (1-2 times per week tops!), but ops is very much like raids in WoW; stand and hit the same toy mob for 10 - 15 minutes with everything you got is soooooo boring!! I wouldnt mind if they removed ops from pvp servers all together! We could keep the hardmode FP's for those that wanna have some R & R from fighting real players.

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Moved 4 characters to other severs because wanted to free up a few character slots on Tomb of freedom nadd sever. Of cause this was just before I read they may be adding an extra 2 character slots per sever. Still its only a maybe at this point in time so no regrets.

I don't have a preference to which sever is best as I play on all except the French and German. But wanted to make space to have the option to have new character races when they come out on that sever (ToFN)

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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