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4.0 Juggernaut Ability


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Had an idea years back about Force Rage similar to the one from Jedi academy.


Force Rage would slightly increase your movement speed, power and maybe alacrity for a short while. However at the cost of reduced defenses, DR penalty or even minor health loss (similar to undying rage). Straight buff for PvE and not so op ability for PvP as triggering at the wrong moment will be the doom of you. Could have a different effect in Soresu.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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for me a few ideas i think could work for vengeance spec


ok so before i begin bioware in 3.0 gave us moves that replaced others for example vengeance jugs got vengeful slam to replace smash..... now keep that thought


a few moves that we could get upgraded


Ravage - not sure if we would get a more powerful move but just a thought (no name i can think of) prehaps a move that is channelled over 2 seconds instead of 3, no damage buff to it, just a 1 second faster attack.


Impale -The upgrade would do more dot damage than the previous version (no name i can think of)


Force scream - Vengeful Scream - The upgrade would do more dot damage than the previous version


Sundering Assault - Vengeful Assault - For Vengeance Would deal more damage than the previous version


Vicious slash - Vengeful Slash would deal double the damage of vicious slash + dot damage


Saberthrow - Vengeful Saber - Can be used at close range (like the set bonus version of saberthrow) deals more damage than saberthrow


anyway my thoughts some are probably good some are probably bad but there you have it my input off the top of my head:D

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I would like to see immortal juggs get something that makes our tanking a bit more dynamic rather than only maintaining buffs that really should not have a chance to fall off at all as long as you get attacked.


Immortal/Defense has a fair amount of issues including QOL. As much as I still love my Guardian Tank and I use him in my group. The other two tanks have vastly better QOL IMO, which has prompted me to use my Shadow/Assassin more often for stuff like subbing in for HM Revan or doing Monolith because the fights are realistically easier to do with an Assassin than a Guardian. If 4.0 has a PTS I'm going to be messing with the spec a lot and blasting feedback so we can get the class in check.


Here's my idea. It's a combination of Discharge, Supercharge, Berserk etc. We lack an offensive cooldown so let's get one.


Judgement Day: Each use of Crushing Blow, Shatter and Furious Strike grants Judgement, increasing all damage dealt by 3% per stack. At 3 stacks, Judgement Day is usable, applying an effect depending on your Saber Form. Lasts 18 Seconds.


Shien Form: Alacrity Increased by 10% for 18 seconds and 6500 (placeholder number) Internal Damage occurs over the next 5 seconds.

Shii-Cho: Critical Chance increased by 25% and Defense increased by 15%.

Soresu: Internal/Elemental Damage Reduction increased by 30% and all healing received increased by 3%.



Shien will allow Vengeance to flow really fast while applying a substantial DoT on the Target which will deal additional Internal damage, also contributing to Destroyer.


Shii-Cho will give Rage the crit chances and the survival it needs.


Soresu will gain a better tool for dealing with periodic damage, the healing was just something I thought of due to Assassin's Shelter but just a thought.


Each of the abilities I outlined are used 9-12 seconds, their cooldowns ranging as such. Meaning it'll take about 36 seconds to gain Judgement Day and it'll last for half the duration, We could increase the charge requirement to 4 and deal the Damage Increase to 2% for 8% total. You can hold onto the 8% and then pop it for added burst if needed.

Edited by Luckygunslinger
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Immortal/Defense has a fair amount of issues including QOL. As much as I still love my Guardian Tank and I use him in my group. The other two tanks have vastly better QOL IMO, which has prompted me to use my Shadow/Assassin more often for stuff like subbing in for HM Revan or doing Monolith because the fights are realistically easier to do with an Assassin than a Guardian. If 4.0 has a PTS I'm going to be messing with the spec a lot and blasting feedback so we can get the class in check.


Here's my idea. It's a combination of Discharge, Supercharge, Berserk etc. We lack an offensive cooldown so let's get one.


Judgement Day: Each use of Crushing Blow, Shatter and Furious Strike grants Judgement, increasing all damage dealt by 3% per stack. At 3 stacks, Judgement Day is usable, applying an effect depending on your Saber Form. Lasts 18 Seconds.


Shien Form: Alacrity Increased by 10% and 6500 (placeholder number) Internal Damage occurs over the next 5 seconds.

Shii-Cho: Critical Chance increased by 25% and Defense increased by 15%.

Soresu: Internal/Elemental Damage Reduction increased by 30% and all healing received increased by 3%.



Shien will allow Vengeance to flow really fast while applying a substantial DoT on the Target which will deal additional Internal damage, also contributing to Destroyer.


Shii-Cho will give Rage the crit chances and the survival it needs.


Soresu will gain a better tool for dealing with periodic damage, the healing was just something I thought of due to Assassin's Shelter but just a thought.


Each of the abilities I outlined are used 9-12 seconds, their cooldowns ranging as such. Meaning it'll take about 36 seconds to gain Judgement Day and it'll last for half the duration, We could increase the charge requirement to 4 and deal the Damage Increase to 2% for 8% total. You can hold onto the 8% and then pop it for added burst if needed.


I can haz that like..yesterday? :rak_tongue:

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Immortal/Defense has a fair amount of issues including QOL. As much as I still love my Guardian Tank and I use him in my group. The other two tanks have vastly better QOL IMO, which has prompted me to use my Shadow/Assassin more often for stuff like subbing in for HM Revan or doing Monolith because the fights are realistically easier to do with an Assassin than a Guardian. If 4.0 has a PTS I'm going to be messing with the spec a lot and blasting feedback so we can get the class in check.


Here's my idea. It's a combination of Discharge, Supercharge, Berserk etc. We lack an offensive cooldown so let's get one.


Judgement Day: Each use of Crushing Blow, Shatter and Furious Strike grants Judgement, increasing all damage dealt by 3% per stack. At 3 stacks, Judgement Day is usable, applying an effect depending on your Saber Form. Lasts 18 Seconds.


Shien Form: Alacrity Increased by 10% and 6500 (placeholder number) Internal Damage occurs over the next 5 seconds.

Shii-Cho: Critical Chance increased by 25% and Defense increased by 15%.

Soresu: Internal/Elemental Damage Reduction increased by 30% and all healing received increased by 3%.



Shien will allow Vengeance to flow really fast while applying a substantial DoT on the Target which will deal additional Internal damage, also contributing to Destroyer.


Shii-Cho will give Rage the crit chances and the survival it needs.


Soresu will gain a better tool for dealing with periodic damage, the healing was just something I thought of due to Assassin's Shelter but just a thought.


Each of the abilities I outlined are used 9-12 seconds, their cooldowns ranging as such. Meaning it'll take about 36 seconds to gain Judgement Day and it'll last for half the duration, We could increase the charge requirement to 4 and deal the Damage Increase to 2% for 8% total. You can hold onto the 8% and then pop it for added burst if needed.


I find myself in a lot of the same situation. I would love to play my jugg tank, but my sin tank is simply a lot more enjoyable and interactive.


Perhaps I am the only one in this, but I would have liked to see Crushing blow changed to a single target attack with a lower cooldown(6 or 9 seconds) One of my biggest issues with jugg is the cooldown on every attack. Pretty much all attacks we use has a 12-15 second cooldown. We already get a 75% damage bonus to Smash and a 30% crit bonus to sweeping slash along with a optional 25% damage bonus. Do we need crushing blow as a aoe attack?


On my assassin I am constantly working to keep dark protection up, picking what to use based on what procs I have active. On my jugg Its mostly just watching what is the next to come off cooldown and to not use crushing blow if I have a retaliation proc ready to be used first.

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I dislike the concept of a rolling 10% alacrity buff due to how *********** stupid the commando raidbuff can be, so I'd prefer it be a passive damage bonus of some sort instead.


Also, I see the shii cho buff as insanely stupid for PVP.


Additionally, what's to stop me from in PVP stancedancing to shii cho, popping judgement day, and stancedancing back? In PVE? Unlike shadows, our resource pool is actively generated, we need to lock these effects to spec, not just stance.


I guess maybe this makes me a debbiedowner, but I'm a huge proponent of the idea that making our class OP is just going to get us nerfs just like Serenity got nerfs.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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I dislike the concept of a rolling 10% alacrity buff due to how *********** stupid the commando raidbuff can be, so I'd prefer it be a passive damage bonus of some sort instead.


Also, I see the shii cho buff as insanely stupid for PVP.


Additionally, what's to stop me from in PVP stancedancing to shii cho, popping judgement day, and stancedancing back? In PVE? Unlike shadows, our resource pool is actively generated, we need to lock these effects to spec, not just stance.


I guess maybe this makes me a debbiedowner, but I'm a huge proponent of the idea that making our class OP is just going to get us nerfs just like Serenity got nerfs.



Have the stacks reset upon stance swap or tied directly to discipline like certain utilities are. Done.


Also Serenity got nerfed to the degree it did because people didn't know how to nerf it properly

Edited by Luckygunslinger
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Have the stacks reset upon stance swap or tied directly to discipline like certain utilities are. Done.


Also Serenity got nerfed to the degree it did because people didn't know how to nerf it properly


Who's to say they won't nerf Vengeance properly or will? We don't know. I'd rather avoid that scenario.

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What about making Vicious Throw an AOE effect? It hits your target and any enemies that are within 10 feet of target. So it's not too OP, it could do the same damage divided amongst the damaged targets. For example, if just the boss then does all 4K damage, if there is 1 mob within 10 feet of boss then each takes 2k damage, etc.


This would be brilliant for aggroing distant mob packs, without having to leave the boss and jump over there to smack each one individually The animation could be wicked too!

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What about making Vicious Throw an AOE effect? It hits your target and any enemies that are within 10 feet of target. So it's not too OP, it could do the same damage divided amongst the damaged targets. For example, if just the boss then does all 4K damage, if there is 1 mob within 10 feet of boss then each takes 2k damage, etc.


This would be brilliant for aggroing distant mob packs, without having to leave the boss and jump over there to smack each one individually The animation could be wicked too!


Scream would be more optimal IMO

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Immortal/Defense has a fair amount of issues including QOL. As much as I still love my Guardian Tank and I use him in my group. The other two tanks have vastly better QOL IMO, which has prompted me to use my Shadow/Assassin more often for stuff like subbing in for HM Revan or doing Monolith because the fights are realistically easier to do with an Assassin than a Guardian. If 4.0 has a PTS I'm going to be messing with the spec a lot and blasting feedback so we can get the class in check.


Here's my idea. It's a combination of Discharge, Supercharge, Berserk etc. We lack an offensive cooldown so let's get one.


Judgement Day: Each use of Crushing Blow, Shatter and Furious Strike grants Judgement, increasing all damage dealt by 3% per stack. At 3 stacks, Judgement Day is usable, applying an effect depending on your Saber Form. Lasts 18 Seconds.


Shien Form: Alacrity Increased by 10% for 18 seconds and 6500 (placeholder number) Internal Damage occurs over the next 5 seconds.

Shii-Cho: Critical Chance increased by 25% and Defense increased by 15%.

Soresu: Internal/Elemental Damage Reduction increased by 30% and all healing received increased by 3%.



Shien will allow Vengeance to flow really fast while applying a substantial DoT on the Target which will deal additional Internal damage, also contributing to Destroyer.


Shii-Cho will give Rage the crit chances and the survival it needs.


Soresu will gain a better tool for dealing with periodic damage, the healing was just something I thought of due to Assassin's Shelter but just a thought.


Each of the abilities I outlined are used 9-12 seconds, their cooldowns ranging as such. Meaning it'll take about 36 seconds to gain Judgement Day and it'll last for half the duration, We could increase the charge requirement to 4 and deal the Damage Increase to 2% for 8% total. You can hold onto the 8% and then pop it for added burst if needed.


That's... A really neat idea! Why are you not working for Bioware as lead Class Balancer or Ability Designer?

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That's... A really neat idea! Why are you not working for Bioware as lead Class Balancer or Ability Designer?



I wish I could <3 I really wish the devs open up a "What do you want to see for ____ class" threads like the feedback threads from years ago. Sadly I feel like they may have the idea already in mind.

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Imo something along the lines of


4 Rage

Force Singularity

Draws all enemies withing a 30 meter radius to the the target


Would work well for tanking, and just doing dailies and such.

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Imo something along the lines of


4 Rage

Force Singularity

Draws all enemies withing a 30 meter radius to the the target


Would work well for tanking, and just doing dailies and such.


Breaks PVP.


Here's my suggestion for a new Juggernaut ability(s)


If they are going the replacement route:




Zen Strikes / Rampaging Slashes: Attacks the target with a brutal series of Lightsaber Blows, can be used on the move. Shares a cooldown with Master Strike / Ravage


Focus / Rage


Force Blast / Wrath Unleashed (replaces Blade Storm / Force Scream): Blasts the target and buffets them with the power of the Force, and empowers the user with the purity of the Force, reducing damage taken by 8% for 5 seconds. Any targets near the target hit by Force Blast are also hit by a weaker blast dealing 60% of the original damage.




Righteous Blade / Retaliatory Slash (replaces Riposte / Retaliation): Bisects the target, dealing high threat. In addition to being procced in the same ways that Retaliation and Riposte are procced, RB/RS can be procced during Force Leap.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Here's my suggestion for a new Juggernaut ability(s)


If they are going the replacement route:




Zen Strikes / Rampaging Slashes: Attacks the target with a brutal series of Lightsaber Blows, can be used on the move. Shares a cooldown with Master Strike / Ravage


Force Blast / Wrath Unleashed (replaces Blade Storm / Force Scream): Blasts the target and buffets them with the power of the Force, and empowers the user with the purity of the Force, reducing damage taken by 8% for 5 seconds. Any targets near the target hit by Force Blast are also hit by a weaker blast dealing 60% of the original damage.


Righteous Blade / Retaliatory Slash (replaces Riposte / Retaliation): Bisects the target, dealing high threat. In addition to being procced in the same ways that Retaliation and Riposte are procced, RB/RS can be procced during Force Leap.


Did you forget to title each one as to which spec it would be for? I can see Zen Strikes/Rampaging Slashes for Vigi/Veng and the same with Force Blast/Wrath Unleashed, but not RB/RS that looks like a Tank ability...


Also, those are great concepts for abilities... Again, such talent is not being put to use as a class designer...

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