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Red Female Tattooed Twi'lek Sith in Trailer?


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My only question is what caused so much fear in her? It wasn't like an I'm going to die type revelation because even after she was disarmed there was a look of anger not fear. Why did that suddenly change to abject horror?


She was thinking, "Not the face!", as the lightsaber came down on her face.

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I don't think it was that at all, maybe something she saw in Arcann... force vision or what not.


If you look at the trailer, you can literally 'see' the reflection of the lightsaber in her eyes when her eyes widen at the last second. And that's there for a reason.


She wasn't seeing a force vision or seeing anything in his face. She literally saw the lightsaber that was to kill her.

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My only question is what caused so much fear in her? It wasn't like an I'm going to die type revelation because even after she was disarmed there was a look of anger not fear. Why did that suddenly change to abject horror?


I'd say it's just to make the twin brother's transformation and fall all the more dramatic.

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It would be appreciated very much if she becomes a romancable companion in KOTFE. It's nice to see a more exotic type of Sith Lord instead of another generic white male type.


I guess you can't get any more exotic than dead.

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There have been other characters in the other Blur trailers that have had a more significant focus on them that you know absolutely nothing about like the Jedi that Malgus fights in the Deceived trailer who shows up all over the game's promotional materials (Collector's Edition box, ads, the original loading screen, etc) and yet you don't know much about him do you?


Actually he has a name.. It's Ven Zallow. Though whether he always had a name or his story was added afterwards because people never shut up about him, who's to say? ;)

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She's cool, true enough.. But she's also dead.. Like, very dead.. Like not breathing..


Her outfit seems to be the robe from the Eradicator's Cuirass but with something else beneath it.. Anyway, she has removed it when you see her fight and then she dies.. Painfully I'd imagine..


What I want is her markings, the tattoos are twice as cool as the sith style tattoo the twi'leks on imp side already got..

Put it on the CM BioWare and I'll buy it instantly..

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What I want is her markings, the tattoos are twice as cool as the sith style tattoo the twi'leks on imp side already got..

Put it on the CM BioWare and I'll buy it instantly..

Ew. Style 16 is way cooler, IMO. I think you like the one in the trailer just because it's new and you can't get it currently.

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Ew. Style 16 is way cooler, IMO. I think you like the one in the trailer just because it's new and you can't get it currently.


Maybe so.. But then I want both! :p

Edited by Sigiles
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