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Red Female Tattooed Twi'lek Sith in Trailer?


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There have been other characters in the other Blur trailers that have had a more significant focus on them that you know absolutely nothing about like the Jedi that Malgus fights in the Deceived trailer who shows up all over the game's promotional materials (Collector's Edition box, ads, the original loading screen, etc) and yet you don't know much about him do you?


Sorry Darth, you have to be demoted to Captain...


We know quite a bit about Master Ven Zallow. And if you had played a Jedi Knight, you'd have known about him too, T7 talks alot about him.


There's also the fact that anyone with face time on this game's trailers has a significant body of lore attached to them. Darach, Zallow, Vindican even though all are killed before events in the game, there's quite a bit of backstory on them.


In case you are wondering:


Kao Cen Darach, Satele Shan, Jace Malcolm, Nico Okarr, T7-O1, Vindican, Malgus



Jace Malcolm, Satele Shan, Malgus



Malgus, Eleru (sp? Malgus' girlfriend), Shae Vizla, Ven Zallow, T7-O1


The two we knew the least about at game launch, Shae Vizla and Nico Okarr, we learned a great deal more with 3.0 on Shae and now Nico is coming in 4.0 which will probably expand his backstory as well. So yeah, anyone's whose face you can see in a SWTOR Blur trailer is probably pretty significant to the story or backstory. If this really is just Anon-sith #134, then this will literally be the first time it's happened.

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She died, in fact one of the lightsabers on the flags one of the twins has, is her lightsaber.


Don't buy that? You hear the sound of a fatal lightsaber slashing after that scene.


More to that, why the heck wouldn't she die? Especially since the one that gripped her, was the twin who was losing his **** and giving into his rage.


Correct. Also, if you look at the moment she made that face like something bad was about to happen, look into her eyes and see the reflection of a light saber in them.... Yeah. She dead.


And the way she was surrounded by apprentices who bowed to her, and she lead fleets and armies, I'll bet she was a Dark Councilor.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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Sorry Darth, you have to be demoted to Captain...


We know quite a bit about Master Ven Zallow. And if you had played a Jedi Knight, you'd have known about him too, T7 talks alot about him.


I already knew all that, I was saying that the TC didn't know.


Also fun fact that most people don't know about Ven Zallow is that his face is that of Blur's Action Director who choreographed the Deceived trailer. He was at E3 in 2010 and people kept asking him where they knew him from.


There's also the fact that anyone with face time on this game's trailers has a significant body of lore attached to them. Darach, Zallow, Vindican even though all are killed before events in the game, there's quite a bit of backstory on them.


The two we knew the least about at game launch, Shae Vizla and Nico Okarr, we learned a great deal more with 3.0 on Shae and now Nico is coming in 4.0 which will probably expand his backstory as well. So yeah, anyone's whose face you can see in a SWTOR Blur trailer is probably pretty significant to the story or backstory. If this really is just Anon-sith #134, then this will literally be the first time it's happened.


The thing is though that these character's backstories are made more significant after the trailers come out. Shae was made more important YEARS after that Deceived trailer.


The backstories that a lot of the Blur trailer characters had were blurbs at best/most at the time. It was really only Malgus, Satele, and Jace who had fleshed out stories at the time of the trailers release. Certain characters became more significant over time like Shae and Nico but only because fans wanted to know more about them.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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Correct. Also, if you look at the moment she made that face like something bad was about to happen, look into her eyes and see the reflection of a light saber in them.... Yeah. She dead.


And the way she was surrounded by apprentices who bowed to her, and she lead fleets and armies, I'll bet she was a Dark Councilor.


Or perhaps an overseer that replaced one of the ones lost. I mean FA did clean house and it's not unheard of for a lower rank to command more forces than normal during a desperate defense. By the time she makes an appearance, Korriban is already well under attack, so this might be a last stand at the Academy kind of thing.

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I already knew all that, I was saying that the TC didn't know.


Also fun fact that most people don't know about Ven Zallow is that his face is that of Blur's Action Director who choreographed the Deceived trailer. He was at E3 in 2010 and people kept asking him where they knew him from.




The thing is though that these character's backstories are made more significant after the trailers come out. Shae was made more important YEARS after that Deceived trailer.


The backstories that a lot of the Blur trailer characters had were blurbs at best/most at the time. It was really only Malgus, Satele, and Jace who had fleshed out stories at the time of the trailers release. Certain characters became more significant over time like Shae and Nico but only because fans wanted to know more about them.


T7 speaks about Nico, in game. And Shae had some info before 3.0. Were they detailed as they are today? No, but we knew who they were. I could name all those character in the trailers by name at launch, we knew who they were. If this truly is just some anonymous sith, it's the first time.

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T7 speaks about Nico, in game. And Shae had some info before 3.0. Were they detailed as they are today? No, but we knew who they were. I could name all those character in the trailers by name at launch, we knew who they were. If this truly is just some anonymous sith, it's the first time.


Hmm, maybe she'll play a role in the stories that get posted on the website. Or in some yet to be announced novel. Although if it's the latter they'd better hurry and release it, so that I can have some reading material until the expansion gets here. :p

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Hmm, maybe she'll play a role in the stories that get posted on the website. Or in some yet to be announced novel. Although if it's the latter they'd better hurry and release it, so that I can have some reading material until the expansion gets here. :p


I'm thinking the backstory teaser blogs they like to release.

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If this really is just Anon-sith #134, then this will literally be the first time it's happened.


Well since we know hoods don't work on twi's she probably was just like any of the random troopers with helmets on in the other trailers. They were just striving for game accuracy. Doesn't mean she's important :p

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T7 speaks about Nico, in game And Shae had some info before 3.0. Were they detailed as they are today? No, but we knew who they were. I could name all those character in the trailers by name at launch, we knew who they were.


How many of those characters could you name when the trailers launched? Was T7's dialogue written before or after the Blur trailer existed?


That is my point, ie at what point did those characters actually become characters. How much back story did they have prior to the Blur trailers being created. Did they even have names when the Blur trailers were in production.


The status of some these characters only seemed to become elevated after they had a fancy/elaborate trailer that featured them.


If this truly is just some anonymous sith, it's the first time.


When the trailer was being made by Blur the character was most likely nothing beyond the concept of a cool looking (Darth Talon inspired) character that Blur wanted to do. That is what I'm trying to do say. That character probably had no name, backstory, etc, prior to the trailer being created.


The original post is basically asking if we're going to see a named, fully voiced, NPC of that character in the expansion, however a majority of the characters that appear in the Blur trailers never actually appear in the game either because they died or there was never any intention to include them in the game and this could just be yet another one of those situations.


People often times want to given more meaning to things than they need to, that every single detail has a specific and elaborate reason for existing. Just look at people talking about the lightsabers that the twins collected. It's yet another example of people trying to make something more out of what the situation is because they desperately want it to be that way.

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People often times want to given more meaning to things than they need to, that every single detail has a specific and elaborate reason for existing. Just look at people talking about the lightsabers that the twins collected. It's yet another example of people trying to make something more out of what the situation is because they desperately want it to be that way.

We have terms to describe such people. One of the more innocuous terms is "conspiracy theorist."

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Correct. Also, if you look at the moment she made that face like something bad was about to happen, look into her eyes and see the reflection of a light saber in them.... Yeah. She dead.


And the way she was surrounded by apprentices who bowed to her, and she lead fleets and armies, I'll bet she was a Dark Councilor.


The word you're looking for is fear. She died absolutely terrified, and I can't help but feel bad for her.


Anyway, she obviously dies in the trailer, I'm not disputing that. But your post did occur something to me: she'll probably have played a major part in the events preceding the trailer, much like, say... Satele Shan does for the Great Galactic War. (Who just happened to make all her saving throws and thus happens to be alive during 1.0-3.0.)

Edited by Diviciacus
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Well I for one am going to be a voice of dissent here and suggest that we don't know for certain that she's dead. It may have been implied that she was struck down but I didn't see an actual death blow and SW lore has proven time and again that characters have a pesky habit of not staying 'dead', especially Sith.


The other thing that gives me doubts is why feature her rather prominently in the trailer just to have her get knocked off? Either way I would love to have her as a companion too. I like Vette but to have an actual female twi'lek Sith who approves of my Warriors actions instead of berating them would be wonderful. I've never quite understood why BW saddled the Sith Warrior with Vette given her virtue.

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Well I for one am going to be a voice of dissent here and suggest that we don't know for certain that she's dead. It may have been implied that she was struck down but I didn't see an actual death blow and SW lore has proven time and again that characters have a pesky habit of not staying 'dead', especially Sith.


The other thing that gives me doubts is why feature her rather prominently in the trailer just to have her get knocked off? Either way I would love to have her as a companion too. I like Vette but to have an actual female twi'lek Sith who approves of my Warriors actions instead of berating them would be wonderful. I've never quite understood why BW saddled the Sith Warrior with Vette given her virtue.


The original developers thought it was a good idea.


I like this new bunch better. They're offering us the chance to make a custom team that fits our characters.

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Well I for one am going to be a voice of dissent here and suggest that we don't know for certain that she's dead. It may have been implied that she was struck down but I didn't see an actual death blow and SW lore has proven time and again that characters have a pesky habit of not staying 'dead', especially Sith.


The other thing that gives me doubts is why feature her rather prominently in the trailer just to have her get knocked off? Either way I would love to have her as a companion too. I like Vette but to have an actual female twi'lek Sith who approves of my Warriors actions instead of berating them would be wonderful. I've never quite understood why BW saddled the Sith Warrior with Vette given her virtue.


I'd say Kao Cen Darach got featured pretty prominently in Korriban trailer and they just had him knocked off. Same with Ven Zallow, so just because they are featured prominently doesn't mean they don't get killed.

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Introverted older sister maybe?


Honestly it is hard to tell. Tattoos for Twi'lek's is never explained very well so it's hard to say if tats are a family things or if it's just hey I like those lets get em thing.

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The other thing that gives me doubts is why feature her rather prominently in the trailer just to have her get knocked off?


She seemed like a cool character (reminded me of Darth Talon), but both Malgus' and Satele's masters were just as (if not more so) featured in the first cinematic and they both met their ends pre game. So I expect this cool Twi-lek Sith is quite dead. I think she was just there to show the fall of the Sith Empire on Korriban.

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She seemed like a cool character (reminded me of Darth Talon), but both Malgus' and Satele's masters were just as (if not more so) featured in the first cinematic and they both met their ends pre game. So I expect this cool Twi-lek Sith is quite dead. I think she was just there to show the fall of the Sith Empire on Korriban.


My only question is what caused so much fear in her? It wasn't like an I'm going to die type revelation because even after she was disarmed there was a look of anger not fear. Why did that suddenly change to abject horror?

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