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Theran Shan?


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I do like Lana, strangely enough more since kotfe, before that I found her alright.


But they should really give Lana and Theron the same amount of romance - and with Lana we have some very special moments, she is always there to free or rescue the outlander and we have two more kiss options. I really hope they plan to do something similar for Theron - I don't understand why he isn't the poster boy for the expansion but instead mostly left out of official screenshots.


Only having Theron introduce some chapters is not the same, this is no romance content (but still nice to see more of him).


And really, I understand that people are disappointed with the lack of romance dialog with Lana in this new chapter but they should not forget that we had even less with Theron the past 9 chapters.

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Just finished Chapter X on my two main one of which romanced Theron. I'm going to say I was disappointed by the lack of Theron (as in doing something other then introduce us to someone else), I admit I maybe got a little too excited thinking he'd be getting some good screen/convo time by introducing the chapter to us but after this chapter I'm a little worried that's all he's going to do and then instantly leave.


After taking my two mains through I noticed no difference in any conversations with Theron in regards to a toon that romanced him VS a toon that did not, now I just want to say this is what I noticed it might change based on decisions you make and that maybe after a few more alts I will be able to say 100% for sure but as for now I noticed no difference (feel to correct what I may have missed though!).


And really, I understand that people are disappointed with the lack of romance dialog with Lana in this new chapter but they should not forget that we had even less with Theron the past 9 chapters.


I have seen quite a few people including some guild mates of mine saying they were disappointed by the lack of romance with Lana this chapter and I agree with you we've had even less with Theron and as you said at least those who have romanced Lana have had some nice special scenes between them. I'm not expecting something huge every chapter but hey even if it's just a "be careful" or "take care" line I'd be happy :)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I sure hope there is an improvement in the Theron romance. However, I do find it odd that after all these years that have past and my character is supposed to fall for him as soon as he steps foot off the shuttle? At least with Lana rescuing the character you can have more bonding moments as well as with Koth. But Theron saunters in at the end and we are supposed to go for it? I remember at the end of Ziost he says he will always be there if I need him for the next big thing that happens (or something like that). So I think it would have been cool too if they had him rescue us, depending on our romance choices during Revan.
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Just finished chapter 10 myself and I was really disappointed with the lack of Theron romance. It has been months and not even a peck on the lips from him.


I had hoped that they would focus more on Theron in this chapter since we had nothing from chapter 1-8 and only a little in chapter 9.

Although I understand this chapter is meant to be about Kaliyo's recruitment I think they booted Theron away too fast. I wanted to run around with him more than Kaliyo :(


If only they give something small in each chapter for the romances. Just an interaction that makes it feel like an actual relationship the characters are in, it would be better than nothing at all.

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I sure hope there is an improvement in the Theron romance. However, I do find it odd that after all these years that have past and my character is supposed to fall for him as soon as he steps foot off the shuttle? At least with Lana rescuing the character you can have more bonding moments as well as with Koth. But Theron saunters in at the end and we are supposed to go for it? I remember at the end of Ziost he says he will always be there if I need him for the next big thing that happens (or something like that). So I think it would have been cool too if they had him rescue us, depending on our romance choices during Revan.


It does to a degree make sense to me. To you the player while in carbonite, its only been like an hour? To the rest of the world 5 years.


I'm really disappointed with lack of romance in chapter 10. I was so excited when we got our Theron letter at the beginning of KOTFE because it was just so perfect to the character. Now its like, okay...what happened to my little things 'be safe', 'be careful', I could even imagine a quick kiss on the cheek every now and again.


Yep, 3 Lana kisses 1-9

Theron = 1


More Theron is nice via gameplay, but I want to interact with him more. I am curious as to who his contact was though.

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It does to a degree make sense to me. To you the player while in carbonite, its only been like an hour? To the rest of the world 5 years.


I'm really disappointed with lack of romance in chapter 10. I was so excited when we got our Theron letter at the beginning of KOTFE because it was just so perfect to the character. Now its like, okay...what happened to my little things 'be safe', 'be careful', I could even imagine a quick kiss on the cheek every now and again.


Yep, 3 Lana kisses 1-9

Theron = 1


More Theron is nice via gameplay, but I want to interact with him more. I am curious as to who his contact was though.

From what we know of the next chapter, the contact is Aric Jorgan

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On today's live stream they're going to be discussing Chapter XI: Disavowed, probably won't get much at all about it but maybe when discussing Chapter 10 they will mention about the lack of any romance lines with Lana / Theron / Koth as from what I can see a lot of people were disappointed by this and hope it's not a continuing trend moving into newer chapters. As I've said before I'm not expecting something huge but just something like a line or two between you and your romance whether that be Lana, Koth, Theron or even the new LI's coming back would be nice. :) Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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On today's live stream they're going to be discussing Chapter XI: Disavowed, probably won't get much at all about it but maybe when discussing Chapter 10 they will mention about the lack of any romance lines with Lana / Theron / Koth as from what I can see a lot of people were disappointed by this and hope it's not a continuing trend moving into newer chapters. As I've said before I'm not expecting something huge but just something like a line or two between you and your romance whether that be Lana, Koth, Theron or even the new LI's coming back would be nice. :)


They won't be talking much about it, that's for the story stream

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"The name ish Shan. Theron Shan!"


*cue theme music*


(To Qyzen) "Big Q, if Zenith or Tharan make a move toward Theron, please be so kind as to space them. On second thought, keep Zenith. He'll make a nice addition to the dance revue at my stronghold!" :eek:




[i hope that Theron Shan shows up soon. Consular LI's are drier than Tatooine and leave me colder than the surface of Hoth. Thank [b]The Force [/b]that I have Qyzen! Our relationship is purely platonic, but it's built on mutual respect, loyalty, and admiration. It's splendid to be able to "talk shop" with Talos, but ... um ... no. I'm not interested in him *that* way! Who does that leave? Lana? Big NO! on that! She's a Sithy! That only leaves Our Man Shan! I hope he gets back from his double-secret undercover mission behind enemy lines ... SOON!]

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I suspect the next few chapters, if not all the rest, are already set in stone. So even if they learned from their ch. 10 mistakes (and there were a lot of them!) they won't be able to make adjustments :(


I can't believe Theron left me alone with that crazy witch! Bad boyfriend!

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Yeah I think this chapter will be exactly the same as the last chapter. Theron (or someone else) tags along to kill a few mooks until you get to Jorgan and then you're with Jorgan clicking clickies the rest of the time :( I hope we at least get some flirts with our love interests this time! Edited by Nefla
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Shhhhhhh. You should have waited until it was confirmed before you talked about this. That is one of my pet peeves. People just theorize things and break things down in over the top ways before anything is known and the answer is coming soon.
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Here's hoping that in tomorrows Chapter 11 release that our romance with Theron, Lana or Koth actually get some attention, though I won't get my hopes up :i_angel:


That'd be nice. Even if they'd just sneak in like, 30 seconds of acknowledgement. AFAIK, since the C9 lock-in there's been nothing really?

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Well, the new chapter gave us one flirt option at the very beginning and we were able to take Theron with us on the mission (other than Aric-central areas) but that was pretty much it.


I do have a question however - I'm finally playing KOTFE with my main character: a smuggler named Casro. He romanced Theron in Shadows of Revan, got the letter in KOTFE and used the flirt response when he came back in Chapter 9. What concerns me was when we had the conversation at the cantina party a flirt response was not given. When I played my Jedi the option was there. Does this mean that it's bugged and I should wait? I don't want to mess this up so any suggestions you may have would be most appreciated. Thanks!

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Well, the new chapter gave us one flirt option at the very beginning and we were able to take Theron with us on the mission (other than Aric-central areas) but that was pretty much it.


I do have a question however - I'm finally playing KOTFE with my main character: a smuggler named Casro. He romanced Theron in Shadows of Revan, got the letter in KOTFE and used the flirt response when he came back in Chapter 9. What concerns me was when we had the conversation at the cantina party a flirt response was not given. When I played my Jedi the option was there. Does this mean that it's bugged and I should wait? I don't want to mess this up so any suggestions you may have would be most appreciated. Thanks!


Sounds like a bug. The [Flirt] dialog has been there for me every single time on all 10 of my max levels when following the circumstances you did (ie; flirting with him at any given chance) so yes, I'd suggest waiting and not completing the cantina scene until you CAN flirt with him and lock him in.

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Sounds like a bug. The [Flirt] dialog has been there for me every single time on all 10 of my max levels when following the circumstances you did (ie; flirting with him at any given chance) so yes, I'd suggest waiting and not completing the cantina scene until you CAN flirt with him and lock him in.


Thank you, Jenny!


On a hunch, I reset Chapter 9 and the cantina conversation/lock-in option was there. All is good with the world. :)

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That'd be nice. Even if they'd just sneak in like, 30 seconds of acknowledgement. AFAIK, since the C9 lock-in there's been nothing really?


Apparently in Chapter 10 and 11 there is an extra scene where the KOFTE companions break up with you if you continue the romance with the original companions. I can't find any footage though.

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Apparently in Chapter 10 and 11 there is an extra scene where the KOFTE companions break up with you if you continue the romance with the original companions. I can't find any footage though.


Let me know if you find anything because I've been wondering about that and haven't yet seen it. None of my LI's have come back yet aside from Aric and of course he's the only one my Trooper actually remained faithful to so she had no Theron/Lana/Koth to break up with :rolleyes:

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Well, the new chapter gave us one flirt option at the very beginning and we were able to take Theron with us on the mission (other than Aric-central areas) but that was pretty much it.


For me it was a pleasant surprise since I honestly was not expecting anything. I'll take a little flirt (an actual acknowledgement that we're still together) over nothing at all. That doesn't of course mean that I don't want more (more please!) but something is better than nothing for now at least :D

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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