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Theran Shan?


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How can you 2 be alone??? Your character and Theron are in a heterosexual relationship. You're coming from a place of privilege.


Privilege you're using to turn what i was saying about Theron being 3/3 m/m options into showing off your privileged m/f relationship with a Theron ...


Which I guess is exactly what the devs want given m/m and f/f had no place in SWTOR from the get-go, and clearly m/m has even less.


Only people with homophobic leanings the are developers of it, especially if they go through with this...






Edit: I'm gonna be honest with you, dude, I didn't even read your original post. I saw someone say, 'Hey, I romanced Theron with a female," and I chimed in. That was my bad for not reading every single post. Sorry.

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How can you 2 be alone??? Your character and Theron are in a heterosexual relationship. You're coming from a place of privilege.


Privilege you're using to turn what i was saying about Theron being 3/3 m/m options into showing off your privileged m/f relationship with a Theron ...


Which I guess is exactly what the devs want given m/m and f/f had no place in SWTOR from the get-go, and clearly m/m has even less.


Only people with homophobic leanings the are developers of it, especially if they go through with this...




Excuse me? I remarked only that pretty much everyone I know romances him with a guy, rather then a girl so it seems very popular, which is awesome! That's all, I never once disrespected them for that but seem to get a ton of disrespect for not doing the same. This was very uncalled for.

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Hey all, just want to remind everyone that all data-mined information is banned from these SWTOR forums, and I don't want to see our long lasting thread closed because of them. We can wait 2 weeks to discuss, we've waited so long for 5.4 we can wait a little longer. :) Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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How can you 2 be alone??? Your character and Theron are in a heterosexual relationship. You're coming from a place of privilege.


Privilege you're using to turn what i was saying about Theron being 3/3 m/m options into showing off your privileged m/f relationship with a Theron ...


Which I guess is exactly what the devs want given m/m and f/f had no place in SWTOR from the get-go, and clearly m/m has even less.


Only people with homophobic leanings the are developers of it, especially if they go through with this...




easy there, this isn't a Theron competition. We all appreciate him and many of us are coming from different places with multiple characters, male or female irl, playing opposite or same gender characters, all of whom are romancing Theron. It isn't so neat as real life. No one's trying to show off, we're all in this together!

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Excuse me? I remarked only that pretty much everyone I know romances him with a guy, rather then a girl so it seems very popular, which is awesome! That's all, I never once disrespected them for that but seem to get a ton of disrespect for not doing the same. This was very uncalled for.



My apologies. What I said was not called for. Proof i shouldn't reply at 3am. The devs aww who I should be lashing at, nut fellow players.

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You should be more concerned with the guy who went full tableflip mode and called someone "homophobic" because the person in question romanced Theron with a female toon.


EDIT: Also, you want to know why datamined info is a bannable offense? Because the devs are afraid of what would happen if the playerbase as a whole knew how terrible the story is going to be ahead of time. I'm not talking about pitchforks and threats, either. I'm talking about game-health and playerbase nosediving. If people knew ahead of time, they'd stop playing. The response here says it all.


I more questioned how they could be alone because male x female relationships are "normal". But I see it was uncalled for. I do apologize for that. People can romance our but romance Theron however they want to. Not against that.

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Spoiler because wall of text:


EDIT: Cut because apparently I was "showing off my heternormativity" and "coming from a place of privilege" by talking about Theron, in Theron's thread, and having the gall to mention that I romanced him with a female.


My apologies. I won't do it again.


I'm the one who should be apologizing. You're allowed to romance Theron however you want to. I'm sorry for lashing out and saying what I did. You and others who rained Theron with a female aren't the ones doing this to him so I shouldn't have directed my anger at you.


What my anger is directed at, and will remain from now on,

is at the people who decided one more m/m love interest needs to end in death. Some how. Not to mention one again a bisexual character is presented as untrustworthy. Dod thru think because the creators of Dream Daddy dod out via Joseph, they can do it here?


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I'm the one who should be apologizing. You're allowed to romance Theron however you want to. I'm sorry for lashing out and saying what I did. You and others who rained Theron with a female aren't the ones doing this to him so I shouldn't have directed my anger at you.


What my anger is directed at, and will remain from now on,

is at the people who decided one more m/m love interest needs to end in death. Some how. Not to mention one again a bisexual character is presented as untrustworthy. Dod thru think because the creators of Dream Daddy dod out via Joseph, they can do it here?




Trying not to be Eeyore here, but we don't know for sure if it's going to end in death. Koth can still be around for some people, so I'd imagine at most we'd be presented with a choice.


But we don't know the whole story...unfortunately, we just have to wait. I wish I never checked back on the forums to even see this because now I'm going to be freaking out for the next couple weeks til the update hits. Maybe it was a red herring. Maybe it wasn't. But we really need to see stuff in the actual context before we can really jump to conclusions. If anything, I would think it's a triple agent thing...I could honestly see him doing that, but all-out going mustache twirly? Nope. They have far too much invested in his character to do that. And from a fanfic writer's perspective, if it does turn out that he's doing what he thinks he needs to do in order to keep his love safe, and he eventually finds his way back to that person, then it would be great material to write on!


And, I figured I should add that my characters are females with Theron...but I definitely feel for anybody who would get the shaft if he is removed as a m/m romance. If that happens, Lana really should get the boot as well. But, I really *think happy thoughts* don't think it will come down to that (especially with all the **** storms BioWare had to deal with surrounding the romances with Andromeda. I don't think they'll want to step into that quagmire again, and that's exactly what they'd be doing if they removed Theron as a romance).



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Definitely don't want this thread to be closed down -- I'm new to posting and quite honestly to game spoilers, I don't usually seek them out but I saw people freaking out all over Twitter & Tumblr about them and my curiosity got the better of me lol. I wish I hadn't read them tbh -- because pre judging based on unconfirmed spoilers is a recipe for bad news and now I'm so worried about losing my favorite character, the game just isn't fun for me. :/ I know it's sad but he's literally why I've been playing since SOR. Sigh.


Just going to leave it at that. Regardless of why datamined info is banned, it's banned and this thread is amazing and important so I'd rather keep it open.




So I will just say -- Theron Shan deserves an amazing storyline, as does his voice actor and I hope the devs give him that. It takes a LOT for me to be this invested in a game and Theron is the one keeping me here. Not Lana, not even any of my previous companions who I've loved. It's Theron Shan, ya'll.

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Definitely don't want this thread to be closed down -- I'm new to posting and quite honestly to game spoilers, I don't usually seek them out but I saw people freaking out all over Twitter & Tumblr about them and my curiosity got the better of me lol. I wish I hadn't read them tbh -- because pre judging based on unconfirmed spoilers is a recipe for bad news and now I'm so worried about losing my favorite character, the game just isn't fun for me. :/ I know it's sad but he's literally why I've been playing since SOR. Sigh.


Just going to leave it at that. Regardless of why datamined info is banned, it's banned and this thread is amazing and important so I'd rather keep it open.




So I will just say -- Theron Shan deserves an amazing storyline, as does his voice actor and I hope the devs give him that. It takes a LOT for me to be this invested in a game and Theron is the one keeping me here. Not Lana, not even any of my previous companions who I've loved. It's Theron Shan, ya'll.


Yeah, he's really the only reason I'm still around. His entire romance is what made me connect to my Inquisitor, and now she's my favorite.



We just have to hope that they continue to honor him as the character they've invested the most time and money into...and that they do right by him (and us).


Just keep telling yourself that they opened up his customization just over a month ago...I can't imagine they would have done that if they were just going to take him away.


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Trying not to be Eeyore here, but we don't know for sure if it's going to end in death. Koth can still be around for some people, so I'd imagine at most we'd be presented with a choice.


But we don't know the whole story...unfortunately, we just have to wait. I wish I never checked back on the forums to even see this because now I'm going to be freaking out for the next couple weeks til the update hits. Maybe it was a red herring. Maybe it wasn't. But we really need to see stuff in the actual context before we can really jump to conclusions. If anything, I would think it's a triple agent thing...I could honestly see him doing that, but all-out going mustache twirly? Nope. They have far too much invested in his character to do that. And from a fanfic writer's perspective, if it does turn out that he's doing what he thinks he needs to do in order to keep his love safe, and he eventually finds his way back to that person, then it would be great material to write on!


And, I figured I should add that my characters are females with Theron...but I definitely feel for anybody who would get the shaft if he is removed as a m/m romance. If that happens, Lana really should get the boot as well. But, I really *think happy thoughts* don't think it will come down to that (especially with all the **** storms BioWare had to deal with surrounding the romances with Andromeda. I don't think they'll want to step into that quagmire again, and that's exactly what they'd be doing if they removed Theron as a romance).




M/m fans already got the shaft: Lord Cytharat is only available to males, and during the MAkeb storyline there is the option to kill him. I've already read on these forums post by many people who killed him because he's gay. I even heard it from one of my guild mates say it: "No man flirts with me, and lives."


Hopefully the option is there for Theron and my male sniper to kiss and make up in the end, but I ain't holding my breath.


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M/m fans already got the shaft: Lord Cytharat is only available to males, and during the MAkeb storyline there is the option to kill him. I've already read on these forums post by many people who killed him because he's gay. I even heard it from one of my guild mates say it: "No man flirts with me, and lives."


Hopefully the option is there for Theron and my male sniper to kiss and make up in the end, but I ain't holding my breath.



Okay, first, that's completely messed up that people say and do that (Killing Cytherat because he's gay). Full stop. It's disgusting.


But here's the funny thing. Cytherat *DOESN'T* flirt with your character first, IIRC. There's is a <Flirt> option for the player character to initiate it. So those people who are all like, "Blah blah, no man gets away with flirting with me and lives!" had actually flirted with Cytherat first.


As for the Theron stuff. I'm pretty sure that if it's not a red herring (which at this point I doubt. You don't plant red herrings two weeks before something goes live. You do that months before then), it's him being a triple agent. Have you read the Black Suns comics or Annihilation? (If not, you should because they're really good.) If you have, then you'd know that Theron tends to do these things. He's a loner. He likes working alone; he's not used to/doesn't really like working with a team. It's something he's struggling with in KotFE/ET and it's great character development for him. BUT, he's kind of a wild card and tends to go do things without consulting anyone. He has the tendency to be impetuous.


My point being is that he's mostly likely NOT a traitor and BW is just really stuck on doing "OMG SHOCKING TWIST CLIFFHANGERS!" because their writing team most likely consists of fourteen year olds who like beating dead horses and wouldn't recognize an original thought if it poked them in the eye.


NOW, the big issue is that some people who role play their characters a certain way are going to want to kill him (which is within their right of course) and BW has this terrible tendency to write out companions who can possibly be killed. That's on BW. They shouldn't be doing that to ANY character because it's lazy. They ought to be better than that. They aren't, but they SHOULD be.


So on that end, we're going to have to wait and see what they're going to do next year when they finish up the story, because they move at a snail's pace :/


I understand your concern about the bad precedent they're setting by killing off all the characters who have the potential to be M/M romanced. That is also messed up, and there's nothing I can say that can justify their actions other than they're crappy writers who get paid money to write this garbage.


Ugh, I wish I could end this on a positive note, but I really can't. I'm sorry :(


ETA: WAIT WAIT! POSTIVE NOTE! Seeing as Theron is probably not actually a traitor, your sniper will probably get his chance to kiss and make up with Theron in the end. Theron might not be around in the story after that, but you will probably get that chance. it's not much, but I tried really hard to think of something.


ALSO SIDE NOTE: As an Imperial Agent, your character would probably realize what Theron's actually doing.

Of course the terrible writing will have our Agent's spewing incredulous nonsense because the writers forget that our characters are supposed to be smart. BUT, seeing as you write fanfic, you could write something along those lines of, "He spewed incredulous nonsense for posterity so as to not compromise Theron's mission. But he knew what the real deal was."


Hell, if I could string more than three words together when writing fic (incredibly verbose on forums, brain and fingers refuse to communicate when it comes to creative writing) that's how MY AGENT is going to view it. Sucks that fanfic writers have to do a better job filling in the blanks than paid professionals do, but until BW starts hiring off fanfic sites, we'll have to make do :rolleyes:


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Okay, first, that's completely messed up that people say and do that (Killing Cytherat because he's gay). Full stop. It's disgusting.


But here's the funny thing. Cytherat *DOESN'T* flirt with your character first, IIRC. There's is a <Flirt> option for the player character to initiate it. So those people who are all like, "Blah blah, no man gets away with flirting with me and lives!" had actually flirted with Cytherat first.


As for the Theron stuff. I'm pretty sure that if it's not a red herring (which at this point I doubt. You don't plant red herrings two weeks before something goes live. You do that months before then), it's him being a triple agent. Have you read the Black Suns comics or Annihilation? (If not, you should because they're really good.) If you have, then you'd know that Theron tends to do these things. He's a loner. He likes working alone; he's not used to/doesn't really like working with a team. It's something he's struggling with in KotFE/ET and it's great character development for him. BUT, he's kind of a wild card and tends to go do things without consulting anyone. He has the tendency to be impetuous.


My point being is that he's mostly likely NOT a traitor and BW is just really stuck on doing "OMG SHOCKING TWIST CLIFFHANGERS!" because their writing team most likely consists of fourteen year olds who like beating dead horses and wouldn't recognize an original thought if it poked them in the eye.


NOW, the big issue is that some people who role play their characters a certain way are going to want to kill him (which is within their right of course) and BW has this terrible tendency to write out companions who can possibly be killed. That's on BW. They shouldn't be doing that to ANY character because it's lazy. They ought to be better than that. They aren't, but they SHOULD be.


So on that end, we're going to have to wait and see what they're going to do next year when they finish up the story, because they move at a snail's pace :/


I understand your concern about the bad precedent they're setting by killing off all the characters who have the potential to be M/M romanced. That is also messed up, and there's nothing I can say that can justify their actions other than they're crappy writers who get paid money to write this garbage.


Ugh, I wish I could end this on a positive note, but I really can't. I'm sorry :(



Positive note is in there: Wait and see. Hopefully wait and see will either end in... lots of fanfiction with better writing, or Theron coming back. Somehow.


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Positive note is in there: Wait and see. Hopefully wait and see will either end in... lots of fanfiction with better writing, or Theron coming back. Somehow.


No no! I actually DID add a positive note! AGH, I was hoping you wouldn't have read my post before I finished editing it!

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As for the Theron stuff. I'm pretty sure that if it's not a red herring (which at this point I doubt. You don't plant red herrings two weeks before something goes live. You do that months before then), it's him being a triple agent. Have you read the Black Suns comics or Annihilation? (If not, you should because they're really good.) If you have, then you'd know that Theron tends to do these things. He's a loner. He likes working alone; he's not used to/doesn't really like working with a team. It's something he's struggling with in KotFE/ET and it's great character development for him. BUT, he's kind of a wild card and tends to go do things without consulting anyone. He has the tendency to be impetuous.





Exactly! Anybody who is a Theron fan really needs to read these and it will give so much more insight into his character. I keep a lot of that stuff in the back of my head when I'm trying to channel his character for my fanfic. And really, all that extra media could have all been leading up to this. I've had my suspicions that Theron had a bigger part to play...I just hope they do right by him (and us...really us yeah). And if it's going to really be into next year before we get any resolution...can I borrow someone's time machine? Pretty pwease with a cherry on top?


All those "I love you's" and "I'd do anything to protect you's" it would make total sense.


I know some folks who are like RIGHT at Iokath in their fanfics that are going to have not so happy times coming up. They might need to hit the "pause" button and go write other stuff for a while. At least with mine I haven't even gotten to Ziost yet so have quite a long time to go!



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No no! I actually DID add a positive note! AGH, I was hoping you wouldn't have read my post before I finished editing it!


I read it all and you're probably right! I might still write my own thing but we'll see. *nods*

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I read it all and you're probably right! I might still write my own thing but we'll see. *nods*


I saw this quote on Tumblr and I thought all you fanfic writers would appreciate this:


Fanfiction is a story written by a person in the fandom because breaking into the creators office and telling them that everything that they did is wrong and rewriting it is considered “rude” and “illegal.”

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actually -- in my own head cannon



head cannon -- but remarkably like this new possible revelation --- I had him pulling a blaster on me and me finding out he betrayed me that way --- haven't written it yet --- only difference is that I sent him to the brig ---

had a security system installed when we arrived on Odessen, and a blaster by my bed LOL ( and a particular "spy move" I can't talk about LOL, trust me) ---

I am still a spy on one of my girls, and she ultimately never trusts anyone anyway, even beloved Theron


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That is what has me a little anxious. For Theron to be gone.

Be it in a permanent way or he is still there but only in presence way. I would really like just for Lana and Theron to be untouchable, that way I think everyone wins but I'm looking on the brightside. Maybe this whole story arc will give us more Theron and maybe they will resolve it without shelving him.

Hey maybe we could get a new book about his time away from his pov.



Though I would love love LOVE to see a book, it would be tough because BioWare would likely need to draw a line in the sand regarding romance...because it would have to come up if it were written from his perspective. If it's not mentioned, it would be assumed he did not romance the Outlander. And so so so many of us did.


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Though I would love love LOVE to see a book, it would be tough because BioWare would likely need to draw a line in the sand regarding romance...because it would have to come up if it were written from his perspective. If it's not mentioned, it would be assumed he did not romance the Outlander. And so so so many of us did.



Funny thing is, one of the short stories BW wrote was about Jace and Theron having dinner together after Rishi/Yavin 4 (Theron refused to have the poultry plate because of the Rishi). And Jace asked him about his romantic life and Theron choked on his drink and went (kinda paraphrased), "Yeah, I'm not comfortable enough to have *that* conversation with you." Which kind of implies that canon Theron *is* involved with the player character. Or it doesn't. It's vague enough to think so.


What I'm saying is that they *could* do some vague thing. Make some vague mention. Heck, the friendship conversations are remarkably similar to the romanced conversations and you can read a lot in between the lines.


Of course it ALL falls apart when Theron's Alliance Commander is someone like Darth Nox who vows to murder his face off. But even then, there could be some lines about "No matter how Theron felt about the Commander." It's vague, super vague, but it can apply to anyone.


Honestly, I would just be super stoked if BW wrote another Theron novel in general. Or one big anthology with multiple short stories about all the love interests. That would also be swell :D


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Funny thing is, one of the short stories BW wrote was about Jace and Theron having dinner together after Rishi/Yavin 4 (Theron refused to have the poultry plate because of the Rishi). And Jace asked him about his romantic life and Theron choked on his drink and went (kinda paraphrased), "Yeah, I'm not comfortable enough to have *that* conversation with you." Which kind of implies that canon Theron *is* involved with the player character. Or it doesn't. It's vague enough to think so.


What I'm saying is that they *could* do some vague thing. Make some vague mention. Heck, the friendship conversations are remarkably similar to the romanced conversations and you can read a lot in between the lines.


Of course it ALL falls apart when Theron's Alliance Commander is someone like Darth Nox who vows to murder his face off. But even then, there could be some lines about "No matter how Theron felt about the Commander." It's vague, super vague, but it can apply to anyone.


Honestly, I would just be super stoked if BW wrote another Theron novel in general. Or one big anthology with multiple short stories about all the love interests. That would also be swell :D




Haha, yeah I suppose you can read between the lines with that one.


I've been outlining an alternate version of that very conversation for my fic...one where Theron is having a smidge more trouble handling himself after Yavin 4 and being involved with a Darth Nox...and with a Satele who was so not having it, lol



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Haha, yeah I suppose you can read between the lines with that one.


I've been outlining an alternate version of that very conversation for my fic...one where Theron is having a smidge more trouble handling himself after Yavin 4 and being involved with a Darth Nox...and with a Satele who was so not having it, lol



I always have a good chuckle when Jace wants to chat about Theron's love life. I love Theron's fluster and for me personally with my mains being a Darth Nox just adds that "not even going to go there" feel. How is Theron even to begin telling Malcom of all people he had relations with a Dark Lord or the Emperor's Wrath if you played SW (or any imperial when it comes to Malcom). And when your character is darkside Sith I can imagine at the start Theron wasn't even sure himself his own feelings.


I always wondered if Satele sensed anything going on. She knows about character's romance with Theron in kotfe so I wonder did something clue her in on Yavin 4 or how much was she spying on us on Odessen. Maybe it is the whole Jedi no attachments thing but she is very nonchalant about it.


Also I love more Darth Nox and Theron fanfiction. I don't see much of it and I know darkside sith and Theron is not everyone's cup of tea, I get that. But I love to see more. Very complicated and dark pairings is just a draw to me in fiction. Love the whole enemies to lovers thing. I guess it is the drama I like so much.

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I always wondered if Satele sensed anything going on. She knows about character's romance with Theron in kotfe so I wonder did something clue her in on Yavin 4 or how much was she spying on us on Odessen. Maybe it is the whole Jedi no attachments thing but she is very nonchalant about it.


The way Satele always acts about Theron in general really kind of makes me sad. If you're romancing Theron, there's a line in the Chapter 12 convo with Satele when she's talking about saving you from being left unconscious in the wilderness, and one of the choices leads to her saying

basically , "eh, I didn't save you because of my son's feelings."



Not to mention...um. She's on Odessen. So is Theron. Would it have killed her to at least drop in and say hello to her kid?


It actually bothered me that Satele basically didn't acknowledge Theron on Yavin very much, either. Maybe it was different if you played the Republic side, but on the Imperial side, she never once acknowledges that's her kid standing right there. I know Jedis don't have attachments, but that's especially cold. Attachment or not, she gave birth to the kid, she could say that...

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I always have a good chuckle when Jace wants to chat about Theron's love life. I love Theron's fluster and for me personally with my mains being a Darth Nox just adds that "not even going to go there" feel. How is Theron even to begin telling Malcom of all people he had relations with a Dark Lord or the Emperor's Wrath if you played SW (or any imperial when it comes to Malcom). And when your character is darkside Sith I can imagine at the start Theron wasn't even sure himself his own feelings.


I always wondered if Satele sensed anything going on. She knows about character's romance with Theron in kotfe so I wonder did something clue her in on Yavin 4 or how much was she spying on us on Odessen. Maybe it is the whole Jedi no attachments thing but she is very nonchalant about it.


Also I love more Darth Nox and Theron fanfiction. I don't see much of it and I know darkside sith and Theron is not everyone's cup of tea, I get that. But I love to see more. Very complicated and dark pairings is just a draw to me in fiction. Love the whole enemies to lovers thing. I guess it is the drama I like so much.


My Nox is Dark, but not Dark for the sake of being Dark (in-game I keep her at Dark 1 - Dark 2) - her visions of the Empire are actually really close to Marr's (the whole stronger being unified thing) and Theron gets to a place where he starts to respect them, though grudgingly. I absolutely love the whole politics angle you can continually play with the Inquisitor. And yeah, I envision that Satele did put two and two together (and I actually have a scene where she confronts him about it). In my fic, Theron and Nox get quite a bit closer than the game implies during SoR (using the idea that they've spent a yearish fighting their feelings for each other), and he struggles a bit with his loyalties because of how he feels and what she's shown him in that not all Sith are WEEEEE CRAZY!!! I even touch on his past dealings from the book and comics. I really want to delve into his character more than we see in the game, so for me he's a bit "rougher" around the edges than some might envision. I've only just finished Yavin Four but I have full intentions on going all the way. I started out trying to keep things very close to in-game scenes, but as I got more practice with writing (this is my first fic), I got more comfortable so now my scenes are pretty much my scenes, lol. Truth be told, I'd probably go back and rewrite my first few chapters at some point now that I'm way way more comfortable with it.


I also spend some time focusing on her relationship with Andronikos and I've also written in my main Wrath so the fic will actually have both Sith as pretty central characters (along with Pierce because who doesn't love Pierce, lol). And yeah, for every one fic that centers on the Inquisitor x Theron, there are ten for the Warrior, so I love that I went with the more rare one!


I'm not sure my fic is to everybody's tastes - I write each chapter from the perspective of only one person, I have a potty mouth, and then there's the gratuitous smut. :p


If you're interested, feel free to look me up on Ao3 - MelissaGT. My fic is called "Not Afraid Anymore." And if you love "complicated," yes, I'll have it in spades. I always love feedback!

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