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All About the Yavin 4 Stronghold!! Facts n Screenshots - Are you gunna get it?


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only on those severs which don't already have the 4 strongholds already, even then maybe not.

Reason is because Yavin already has a quick travel to as a legacy unlock. I really only use stronghold for utilises and a quick way to get to that planet its on. So only Nar Shaddaa is needed by me out of all of then including Yavin at the moment. when inside you could be on any planet really so other than convenience only tatoonie holds any cosmetic value to me. But again there is a legacy unlock to travel to Tat so cosmetic aside not sure its worth the cost as spend so little time there.


Guild stronghold is another matter and something to ask guild. Personally think Tat is still better than Yavin but guess we will see when it out.

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3. I'd like them to focus on other content...a purchase would send the wrong signal.


For the umpteenth time, different teams work on different things people.


Bob the pvp coder doesnt work on strongholds, nor does Tim from Flashpoints :p


Am i getting it? Yup, never liked overbright orangy yellow Coruscant anyhow. Especially since it and dromund kass are bssically the same, just had the brightness contrast shaders tweaked differently ;)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Reactivation Costs:


Brought or Unlocked with Cartel Coins: No Charge for Reactivation


Brought or Unlocked with In Game Credits: Recharged and I think it will be the same amount you first paid for it.



Decorations: They are packed up and put back in your decorations list.


Now I'm wondering if reactivation is possible with cartel coins and if that will remove the reactivation cost going forward.

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No. The prices outside of the starter strongholds are ridiculous, not to mention unlocking rooms. I can find better things to waste credits on.


This...also, having to deactivate one of my current maxed 4 SH's...nope.

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I will definitely be getting the Yavin 4 stronghold. I'm really excited. I think they did a really good job on it. Its like a secret getaway retreat. I enjoy the concept of making it your own, and showing your personality and uniqueness in it.

I think everything about strongholds is awesome. All though, I feel like the hook count should be higher, and it should have another starship hook. seeing as there is room for it. I hope the devs release more video of it.

I all ready use my stronghold a ton, and I love showing it off. Hopefully, I can really express myself with this new one. Keep making stronghold content! :D

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I'm not sure. I don't use the houses I currently have so I can't see why I'd need another place to never go to...


I feel practically the same you did. I have only Coruscant SH and, seriously, I do not want another house. Yavin, Nar Shaddaa, Tattooine sounds nice, yeah ok, I am not telling they aren't. But, particularly, I already have everything I need in my own Coruscant SH, and I purchased it only and exclusevily to use GTN, AD, Mailbox and/or just to stand in a quiet place waiting for FPs/WZs pops.... so, another house to waste millions in decorations without any other "special" use? No thanks.


But I also hope you all who will buy it to have fun and enjoy. :D

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I am definitely going to buy it. The only SH I have fully decorated is my Coruscant one. My Drom Kaas and Nar Shaddaa SH only have minimal decorations with the latter being my utility SH (GTN, banks, etc). I never did buy the Tatooine one. I think my Yavin IV SH will make a nice retreat for my Sith Inquisitor. I'm already envisioning a dark side retreat/museum guarded by massassi.
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Looks pretty nice. I dig the stone temple vibe but I just use 1 SH for legacy bank and a few other things. So no practical need for another, and I'm not interested in buying stuff or chasing deco for a place I have no use for.


tl;dr? Nope.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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For the umpteenth time, different teams work on different things people.


Bob the pvp coder doesnt work on strongholds, nor does Tim from Flashpoints :p


Am i getting it? Yup, never liked overbright orangy yellow Coruscant anyhow. Especially since it and dromund kass are bssically the same, just had the brightness contrast shaders tweaked differently ;)


Metrics drive their work and their resource allocation. Sure Bob the pvp guy doesnt code what Pete the SH guy does...but in time with the Metrics telling a story and driving thought Bob could, or they could get another Pete.


Am I getting it..yeah..I think I am...BI drives their work...One less purchase inches the metric one way or another....:)

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