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3.3, the death of dps spec off heals? lol


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But, they are changes. And, I agree they are rather insignificant which is why I question what the motives behind them truly are. I don't get it. That's why I said, metrics must show something I do not see or understand.


Bioware's motives are as plain as day. This whole patch's single purpose is to give Rapid Scan to all Merc specs. Everything else is just supplementary changes to accommodate that single purpose. I don't call them changes because in the bigger picture they serve no purpose but to accommodate this patch's single purpose. Healer rotations and output won't change at all.

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Didn't you know? BW wants sage / sorc to be ultra EZ mode, and give them an easier time dealing with all other classes.


Yo bro. Get on PTS and we can test the stuff out, let's see if it really buffs sorcs and let's see how stupid the changes to mercs are before they go live in the game.


Otherwise, all of the chatter prior to the changes is theorycraft BS. We don't know how the changes impact pvp until we play them. Making broad blanket statements about sorcs doesn't help though. These statements could very well be really inaccurate ones...


Plus! You do not want Masternala to come here, and unleash his wrath in defense of the sorcs and sages! I don't want to see you go down like that bro. Down in a ball of flames.... Painful.... :(

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Yo bro. Get on PTS and we can test the stuff out, let's see if it really buffs sorcs and let's see how stupid the changes to mercs are before they go live in the game.


Otherwise, all of the chatter prior to the changes is theorycraft BS. We don't know how the changes impact pvp until we play them. Making broad blanket statements about sorcs doesn't help though. These statements could very well be really inaccurate ones...


Plus! You do not want Masternala to come here, and unleash his wrath in defense of the sorcs and sages! I don't want to see you go down like that bro. Down in a ball of flames.... Painful.... :(


People can defend sorcerers all they want. I have a lvl 60 sage and it is pure EZ mode compared to the other classes. I did the PTS last time and BW ignored the ever living **** out of the feedback, so why should I even bother? If they are set in their ways, it is very unlikely what we say will change anything. Otherwise we would have had a massive overhaul to Commandos in general now, sins would have gotten a nerf nuke, sorcerers self heals would have been reduced, they wouldn't have increased juggernaut survivability, and the list goes on.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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People can defend sorcerers all they want. I have a lvl 60 sage and it is pure EZ mode compared to the other classes. I did the PTS last time and BW ignored the ever living **** out of the feedback, so why should I even bother? If they are set in their ways, it is very unlikely what we say will change anything. Otherwise we would have had a massive overhaul to Commandos in general now, sins would have gotten a nerf nuke, sorcerers self heals would have been reduced, they wouldn't have increased juggernaut survivability, and the list goes on.


Ok, but... You and I know that we play the game... and, wish for better changes to occur for different classes for the sake of the game... The only way there is any chance of them listening is for us to give them feedback.


If we don't give them feedback, then we didn't try. And, if we don't try, then do we really have a leg to stand on when the changes go live and we could have possibly stopped them from going live?


Don't give up hope, man. Gandhi never gave up hope, now did he?! Nah, he didn't! Stay strong. We can make the game a better place with a little effort and conviction!


Now let's gather in a circle, and say a prayer... to the gamer gods... Whoever they might be.... for true balance! TO VICTORY!

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Ok, but... You and I know that we play the game... and, wish for better changes to occur for different classes for the sake of the game... The only way there is any chance of them listening is for us to give them feedback.


If we don't give them feedback, then we didn't try. And, if we don't try, then do we really have a leg to stand on when the changes go live and we could have possibly stopped them from going live?


Don't give up hope, man. Gandhi never gave up hope, now did he?! Nah, he didn't! Stay strong. We can make the game a better place with a little effort and conviction!


Now let's gather in a circle, and say a prayer... to the gamer gods... Whoever they might be.... for true balance! TO VICTORY!


I can only get kicked in the teeth so many times by BW before I don't have any teeth. IF they do happen to listen to people like you, which are reasonable people, this time around, then I will join in on future PTS rounds. Not until then though. I suspect they will listen to the people saying sorcerers are too weak though, and end up buffing them more. :rak_04:

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I can only get kicked in the teeth so many times by BW before I don't have any teeth. IF they do happen to listen to people like you, which are reasonable people, this time around, then I will join in on future PTS rounds. Not until then though. I suspect they will listen to the people saying sorcerers are too weak though, and end up buffing them more. :rak_04:


/lol :D

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Stop being an idiot and a troll. Nothing you ever do or say will ever be even thought about. Everyone dismisses you as a troll. But, I guess ignorance is bliss as they always say.


Dismissing me as a troll is ignorance.

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