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Pot5 more like Pvp5!


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Hey guys great to see a lot of criticism and feedback, all support and opinions are welcome. As long as our pvp issues get exposure it will help our pvp community. Like one person said- if we can consolidate on a server east/west coast ect and really get things back to old times where world pvp was a thing and honoring 1v1s existed. that is the time of day i want to play in. i believe if we all pull together and work together we can make something work and all enjoy the game much better. I am not opposed to any ideas-even not being on pot5-im willing to transfer myself, as long as we can have a group consensus on a server, im game.



bump-read above and lets see some feedback

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The best thing that left on POT5 is GTN things are cheap and many rares that on other servers would cost fortune :) Then again no one to show that rarity :)

This...yet I still can't get a Cathar Honor Sword for less than 9.5m :(

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Neah ... PoT5 isn't dead. There was a whole whopping 5 people at Repub fleet this morning when I logged in at 6 AM.


Practically rush hour there this morning.


*psst*...those are credit spammers ;)

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I just transferred a toon over to harb. I resisted doing it forever, as I don't want to give Bioware anymore money than my sub requires, but after a night on Pot5 of games with awful players I switched at least one toon over. Breaks my heart, native to Pot5 and been there since 2 weeks after launch.


Gameplay on harb is significantly better. Player skill is overall higher, and I think even the horribad players in PVE gear actually play objectives so they aren't completely wastes of space.


I live in TN and my pings are in the 70s-80s with Comcast 105mbit.

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Recently left PoT5 with 2 characters, moving them to Bastion. Won't be going back to PoT5. They don't even compare imho. Bastion has many more Q pops when I play. I don't even play my characters that are left on PoT5, like my 60 Sin. Re-rolling mirror characters on Bastion instead of transferring.

I haven't waited more than 15 minutes for a Q pop, day or night, since arriving a few weeks ago. PoT5 pvp would effectively "shutdown" after prime time. The best PvP is no longer on PoT5 imho.


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Neah ... PoT5 isn't dead. There was a whole whopping 5 people at Repub fleet this morning when I logged in at 6 AM.


Practically rush hour there this morning.


the prophecy has come to be !!1! :i_embarrassed::i_embarrassed:


the end time are upon us

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Hey all!!! Just a little update from OP Xero here--I've decided to move to the Harbinger today--as it seems to be the best for population and pvp. I hope to see many friends new and old as well! Ill be streaming daily my warzones/dailies/world pvp if anyone is interested still, just on the harbinger server. To all the new friends ive made in the past week or so on Pot5, i wish you all the best and hope to see you in some merger, or transfer! I will still have characters on my server, pot5, but my main focus will be on my Assassin Xero. Hope to see you guys in game, and thank you for responding and for all your support. Lastly, My stream, shameless promotion INC!!!!!!





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There we go. Now; if we could just get the rest of POT5 to transfer off, maybe any hardware they have dedicated to it can be utilized on a server that actually is being used.


This^ We need more support for our PvP community--I know its out there, were just all spread out.

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This^ We need more support for our PvP community--I know its out there, were just all spread out.


What are you rambling about? Pot5 is not the only PvP community out there! lol

There are PvP communities on all servers. They like their servers. If Pot5 was still alive, most of us would still be playing on it, without any care to any other server. PvP server tag means nothing when it comes to queue pops. Just means you can do OWPvP. :rolleyes:


As for your comment about getting all PvP players to go to one server from Pot5: Not going to happen by choice. Only way that'd be is BW merging. It does seem quite a few of us Pot5 transfers are heading to the Harb, but some are going Bastion & Jedi Covenant too. Some have friends there, better ping, less lag, etc...

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While i acknowledge your opinion, i myself have decided to go to Harb and have a few friends as well headed there.

So i hope others follow as well, as ive seen so far it has a very high pop, which will hopefully enrich the OWpvp scene as well as consistent ques at all times.


See you around, good vibes my friends

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What are you rambling about? Pot5 is not the only PvP community out there! lol

There are PvP communities on all servers. They like their servers. If Pot5 was still alive, most of us would still be playing on it, without any care to any other server. PvP server tag means nothing when it comes to queue pops. Just means you can do OWPvP. :rolleyes:


As for your comment about getting all PvP players to go to one server from Pot5: Not going to happen by choice. Only way that'd be is BW merging. It does seem quite a few of us Pot5 transfers are heading to the Harb, but some are going Bastion & Jedi Covenant too. Some have friends there, better ping, less lag, etc...


They don't need to go to a specific server; just get off the dead ones so the backbone resources can be used elsewhere.

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I am from pot5. I have been playing on pot5 since they did the mass server mergers years ago.


I will definitely vouch for that server being an utter piece of s**t. DO NOT waste your money transferring there. Take this time to grind toons or transfer off to literally any other server.

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My guild's imps are still all on POT5 and I miss playing them regularly! But we all moved our pubs to Shadowlands to play with a bunch of PvE'rs :rolleyes: Quite honestly I still get good reg pops on Pot5 at all hours (better than Shadowlands TBH) but there seems to be more 4s popping on Shadowlands atm. However, Yolo Q on Shadowlands doesn't happen pub side at all...


Really what they need to do is merge so we can all just play the game again :confused:


You're playing the wrong faction on Shadowlands. All the pvp pops are imp side (mostly imp vs imp..but hey).

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Hey all!!! Just a little update from OP Xero here--I've decided to move to the Harbinger today--as it seems to be the best for population and pvp. I hope to see many friends new and old as well! Ill be streaming daily my warzones/dailies/world pvp if anyone is interested still, just on the harbinger server. To all the new friends ive made in the past week or so on Pot5, i wish you all the best and hope to see you in some merger, or transfer! I will still have characters on my server, pot5, but my main focus will be on my Assassin Xero. Hope to see you guys in game, and thank you for responding and for all your support. Lastly, My stream, shameless promotion INC!!!!!!






I just saw this post after reading through the other pages. This is gold. Guy makes a thread saving pot5 and in his own thread says he left and moved to Harb. HHAAHHAHAHAHa That's how dead pot5 is. HaHaHAHa

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