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Pot5 more like Pvp5!


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Hey guys, Xero here. I come before you today to propose a temporary or possibly permanent solution to all the pvp complaints about no ques, either for ranked or unranked. I suggest all of those who are serious about pvp and want a more rich and skillful pvp experience to transfer to Prophecy of the five pvp east coast server. There is an already solid pvp presence on the server, but im here to ignite that spark were getting these past few weeks with returning players. As well as future players that can be molded into better players. I hope you dont see this post as a poach type of post. I am just suggesting a solution to have a better and stronger pvp experience like old times, whether you're a swg veteran, or like myself a beta swtor player (vulkar highway where you at!) and continuing supporter of the game. I hope you see this post more as a bridge to a better and richer play experience and player environment, with loyalty and honor in pvp, as it should be. So please take the time to read this over and think of the possibilities that we can all accomplish together if we pull together as a unit. Divided we may be weak, but we will all me stronger, and better people in the long run if we can put something of this magnitude into play. Thank you for reading if you have gotten this far :)




as always - Xero(VH OG)pot5 newbie


ps tl;dr want to have a better pvp experience? transfer to pot5 server!

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Hey guys, Xero here. I come before you today to propose a temporary or possibly permanent solution to all the pvp complaints about no ques, either for ranked or unranked. I suggest all of those who are serious about pvp and want a more rich and skillful pvp experience to transfer to Prophecy of the five pvp east coast server. There is an already solid pvp presence on the server, but im here to ignite that spark were getting these past few weeks with returning players. As well as future players that can be molded into better players. I hope you dont see this post as a poach type of post. I am just suggesting a solution to have a better and stronger pvp experience like old times, whether you're a swg veteran, or like myself a beta swtor player (vulkar highway where you at!) and continuing supporter of the game. I hope you see this post more as a bridge to a better and richer play experience and player environment, with loyalty and honor in pvp, as it should be. So please take the time to read this over and think of the possibilities that we can all accomplish together if we pull together as a unit. Divided we may be weak, but we will all me stronger, and better people in the long run if we can put something of this magnitude into play. Thank you for reading if you have gotten this far :)


as always - Xero(VH OG)pot5 newbie


ps tl;dr want to have a better pvp experience? transfer to pot5 server!


If I keep getting lag spikes and near disconnects or full disconnects to server screen, I will try this server. I am on Harbinger, and the last 6-8 days has been terrible. Fricking red dot of death appears, then the red X of death and off to server select I go. Very annoying.

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Great initiative OP. I'll be enjoying my lag and GCD WTHs on Harb until this gets going though. :rak_07:


Funny I just wrote a post about me having crazy lag and disconnects, so is this happening to you? Do you have less lag on other servers?

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Funny I just wrote a post about me having crazy lag and disconnects, so is this happening to you? Do you have less lag on other servers?



Not issues like you're having, sounds like a PITA. I'll just get a periodic kick back to server select while logging into Harb sometimes, no big deal. POT5 I don't get lag, misfires, or GCD issues. But compared to Harb POT5 doesn't have a busy pop. Haven't logged Shadowlands in a while but didn't have any problems there.


I'm playing from US east coast and ping Harb usually around 90-100 which ain't bad, and I know lots of people play Harb from distant zones. Why I get abilities not going off and GCD issues constantly on just Harb I dunno and haven't bothered to dig into it yet. Rubberbanding and plain old lag symptoms can be a hassle sometimes but aren't consistently bad.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I recently transferred a toon to the harbinger and an also seeing abilities miss fire and lag spikes that kick me to login screen. I never had said issues on the pot5. Glad and sad I am not alone in these issues.


To the op I agree still lots of fun to be had on pot5. There is even fun to be had on Yavin doing OWPVP still

. (If your a pub. Always lots of imps around)

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Not issues like you're having, sounds like a PITA. I'll just get a periodic kick back to server select while logging into Harb sometimes, no big deal. POT5 I don't get lag, misfires, or GCD issues. But compared to Harb POT5 doesn't have a busy pop. Haven't logged Shadowlands in a while but didn't have any problems there.


I'm playing from US east coast and ping Harb usually around 90-100 which ain't bad, and I know lots of people play Harb from distant zones. Why I get abilities not going off and GCD issues constantly on just Harb I dunno and haven't bothered to dig into it yet. Rubberbanding and plain old lag symptoms can be a hassle sometimes but aren't consistently bad.


Yeah it is a PITA. I get half way through a warzone, and pow it begins. Then I am half focusing on the game, and half focusing on prayer to the gaming gods, hoping it doesn't fully boot me to server screen rofl. It's pretty bad.

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I suggest all of those who are serious about pvp and want a more rich and skillful pvp experience to transfer to Prophecy of the five pvp east coast server.

Those who are serious about PvP just transferred OFF POT5...it's hard to be serious when the server is dead.

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To the op I agree still lots of fun to be had on pot5. There is even fun to be had on Yavin doing OWPVP still

. (If your a pub. Always lots of imps around)


If you are into that, I'd recommend Jung Ma over POT5 since the faction balance is better. Imps only marginally outnumber Pubs on JM, whereas on POT5 imps heavily outnumbering them. So open world PvP is actually a thing that happens. And I'm not talking about ganking lowbies, although it usually starts that way.

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I don't see where people's problems with lag and DC's are coming from on The Harbinger, I run a constant, smooth 60 ms latency. I'm running At&T Uverse with 15mbps Down, and 1mbps up. No issues whatsoever.


Where are you geographically?

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pot5 newbie


ps tl;dr want to have a better pvp experience? transfer to pot5 server!


Wow, just wow!

Majority of Pot5 are transferring off! New players are joining & leaving to level on other servers. Players are coming back & leaving. This server is DEAD.


Yet you unashamedly admit you're a Pot5 newbie & are encouraging people to TRANSFER to this server! Take it from all the ones who've been playing on it for a couple years, DON'T join this server till they do something. Merge, cross server, etc...

No one wants to wait around for queues to pop when they have limited gaming time. Especially queues on the up of 30min! Or if you want to do an Ops & have to pug for a LONG time just to get a tank or heals.


Just bc it's a PvP server doesn't mean anything. Just means you can do OWPvP.

Which has been stated before, it's just ganking now. Very rarely does anyone do real OWPvP.


Just me personally, I started playing on the Harbinger. It's very busy, usually 2-3 instances on leveling planets, people are always pugging for something on Pub fleet. PvP queues don't take that long.

Granted some times the server lag is a bit strong, but most the time it's not that bad. (I would have problems with Pot5 sometimes too. Some hinges on my PC.)

I've not played on JC or Shadowlands so can't say for there, but I'm sure others that play on those can say that'd be a better join place to play than Pot5!



The OP really doesn't know what he's talking about on that server. It's dying fast & nothing is reviving it so far. Game is not dead; just that server. If you have toons there, that's fine stay but don't purposefully level or even transfer over!

Edited by CaptRogue
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If you're looking East Coast, you probably need either Ebon Hawk or Shadowlands, possibly Jedi Covenant. Pretty much any server besides PoT5 which has 0 population. I am not on any of these servers at the moment, so that is an unbiased opinion.


As to disconnects, I've been playing at least 3 hours a day for the last 2 weeks on Harbinger with 0 disconnects (outside of when the server actually went down). If you're having issues, it's entirely on your end.

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I havent disconnected on Harbs, but I have had a few 4k+ spikes and hit some invisible walls in some places. Not often but it happens. Wondering if I should have went to a more popular east coast server rather than west coast but most the time I sit at around 85-90 ping.
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Wow, just wow!

Majority of Pot5 are transferring off! New players are joining & leaving to level on other servers. Players are coming back & leaving. This server is DEAD.


Yet you unashamedly admit you're a Pot5 newbie & are encouraging people to TRANSFER to this server! Take it from all the ones who've been playing on it for a couple years, DON'T join this server till they do something. Merge, cross server, etc...

No one wants to wait around for queues to pop when they have limited gaming time. Especially queues on the up of 30min! Or if you want to do an Ops & have to pug for a LONG time just to get a tank or heals.


Just bc it's a PvP server doesn't mean anything. Just means you can do OWPvP.

Which has been stated before, it's just ganking now. Very rarely does anyone do real OWPvP.


Just me personally, I started playing on the Harbinger. It's very busy, usually 2-3 instances on leveling planets, people are always pugging for something on Pub fleet. PvP queues don't take that long.

Granted some times the server lag is a bit strong, but most the time it's not that bad. (I would have problems with Pot5 sometimes too. Some hinges on my PC.)

I've not played on JC or Shadowlands so can't say for there, but I'm sure others that play on those can say that'd be a better join place to play than Pot5!



The OP really doesn't know what he's talking about on that server. It's dying fast & nothing is reviving it so far. Game is not dead; just that server. If you have toons there, that's fine stay but don't purposefully level or even transfer over!



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Quite a bit closer but I dunno what the deal is. My conn. is Skynet tier and shows a decent ping to Harb, but I get PVP-crapping-on issues there that I can't attribute necessarily to lag.

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ive been on POT5 since the fatman merger, never transferred off. i hoped that one day with people coming back etc it would be alive again. but it is not. it is a dead server. virtually no solo pops. and even less 4's pops. even regs can take forever to pop


i appreciate the idea. but every die hard pvper has either transferred off or leveled elsewhere.


it would be nice to make a consensus as a group to transfer to one or maybe two servers depending on the coast that gives you the best MS . but that will never happen unfortunately . we are doomed to deal with what we have until they merge (which may or may not even happen)

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My guild's imps are still all on POT5 and I miss playing them regularly! But we all moved our pubs to Shadowlands to play with a bunch of PvE'rs :rolleyes: Quite honestly I still get good reg pops on Pot5 at all hours (better than Shadowlands TBH) but there seems to be more 4s popping on Shadowlands atm. However, Yolo Q on Shadowlands doesn't happen pub side at all...


Really what they need to do is merge so we can all just play the game again :confused:

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Hey guys great to see a lot of criticism and feedback, all support and opinions are welcome. As long as our pvp issues get exposure it will help our pvp community. Like one person said- if we can consolidate on a server east/west coast ect and really get things back to old times where world pvp was a thing and honoring 1v1s existed. that is the time of day i want to play in. i believe if we all pull together and work together we can make something work and all enjoy the game much better. I am not opposed to any ideas-even not being on pot5-im willing to transfer myself, as long as we can have a group consensus on a server, im game.
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If I keep getting lag spikes and near disconnects or full disconnects to server screen, I will try this server. I am on Harbinger, and the last 6-8 days has been terrible. Fricking red dot of death appears, then the red X of death and off to server select I go. Very annoying.


Harbinger has always been bad about that. (Insert hamster joke.) I upped my bandwidth by about 3x and it's not so bad anymore.

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