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Group queuing in lowbie-mid bracket...


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So.. mini-backstory: about 2 weeks ago, a bunch of people in my guild (Jedi Covenant server) got bored, and we decided to all create new toons, purely for pvp. We picked a class, actually 6 people are shadows, and I am the lone scoundrel. (We are still looking for our 8th.)


We leveled up to 26, which takes about an hour and a half-ish with 12x exp... and off to the warzone queue we went. Our plan is to stay in the lowbie bracket until we hit 30, then hop back to story/class quests to 40-ish, and then pvp the rest of the way to 60, then at 60 we will have to decide what to do about ranked. Truth is, we might actually suck at PvP, and we only facerolling because we are grouping in regs... But we will find out when we get there.


A few things to note:


1- Yes. I understand that especially in lowbie pvp, shadows are OP. (Although, at low levels, so are Snipers/Slingers, and a slew of other classes.)


2- Yes. I understand that we are 7 people who are queuing into lowbie pvp, that can all stealth, and coordinate over voicechat.


3- No. We aren't doing anything that violates the ToS or the Code of Conduct. (I've read them backwards and forwards.)


4- No. We are not actually one person who's multiboxing 7 characters. (That's the most common question we get.)


5- No. We haven't been beaten yet. (But we would love for someone/someone's to try.)


We have gotten some very polarizing views from the community, from people who end up backfilling our teams, to people we are playing against, to two very stark viewpoints from Reddit: The first being "You guys are ***holes." and the second being "That was hysterical, please more people do this."


So.... If you're on Jedi Covenant and want to come try to beat us, or you're on another server and want to roll toons on Jedi Covenant (like I said, it only takes a hot minute to get up to a competitive level in the lowbie bracket - or even the mids bracket) - by all means..... come and play. Beat us. Beat us at our own game.... FInd a better way than what we are doing, and beat us that way.



Daiquiri - Boom goes the Capper - Reddit Comments


Daiquiri - Capping a node - SCREENSHOT

Daiquiri - Capping a node - Reddit Comments


Which camp are you in? Are we ***holes? Or do you enjoy this, and want to come try to beat us?

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You will find more success than failure doing this, because your 2 different groups queing are queing to win and deliberately coordinating in a warzone.


The issues with randoms (pugs) in warzones is there are people in the match for conquest, for credits, for their dailies, etc., etc., and some of these people could careless if they win or lose (or that their team wins or loses for that matter).


I was in a couple guilds long ago, that actually did this style of play a lot. When mids were a leveling ground from 30-50 in PVP, we'd have 2-3 groups queing for warzones. It was fun. We often would get put on opposite teams too, that was always fun to try killing that annoying guildie who talked crap all the time or whined a lot!


Too bad there are no more guilds like this that I seen. I have been in a few "PVP" guilds recently, and basically it's a very small group on at the same time, so rarely do you get multiple guild groups going. Maybe one will be going if lucky.


Oh. Be prepared for lots of insults in /say, particularly if your guild wins more than loses. People hate guilds that group for PVP. I know, it's funny right? And if you guys do suck, and group of constantly? You will be the laughingstock of your server to PVP, and /pvp channel will poke fun of you mercilessly till you stop queing! :p


Too bad PVP guilds are a rarity now, and too bad PVP cannot be used for leveling 100% of the time. If it was, you'd see a lot more cohesive groups from guilds pvping. But one reason you don't is that the toon has to take breaks depending what level they are to PVP.


Like you guys plan to do class quests once you hit 30, that's a period of time you will be out of PVP. You guys are coordinating this as a group effort though and most guilds do not.


I mean, because of this you will be leveling at the same pace so all of you can group again at the same time for more PVP. Most people do not work together to make this happen now. Because of different schedules, RL stuff etc.


Anyway. Good luck! Too bad you are not on Harbinger I would enjoy hearing the complaints or insults in chat. /popcorn is always a win for me! :p

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I was in a couple guilds long ago, that actually did this style of play a lot. When mids were a leveling ground from 30-50 in PVP, we'd have 2-3 groups queing for warzones. It was fun. We often would get put on opposite teams too, that was always fun to try killing that annoying guildie who talked crap all the time or whined a lot!


Because of the breakdown of our server-faction-pop - it's VERY rare for us to end up on opposite teams. We end up in the same warzone on the same team easily 95% of the time, with the exceptions typically being when we are tossed on opposite sides of a 4v4 arena - those are FUN when it happens too.


Too bad there are no more guilds like this that I seen. I have been in a few "PVP" guilds recently, and basically it's a very small group on at the same time, so rarely do you get multiple guild groups going. Maybe one will be going if lucky.


I would love nothing more than for other guilds/players to start doing the same thing. It would make for some very interesting warzones, that's for sure.


Oh. Be prepared for lots of insults in /say, particularly if your guild wins more than loses. People hate guilds that group for PVP. I know, it's funny right?


Oh this happens constantly. The most frequent insult, typically has to do with questioning our sexual orientation, which is funny in and of itself.


And if you guys do suck, and group of constantly? You will be the laughingstock of your server to PVP, and /pvp channel will poke fun of you mercilessly till you stop queing! :p


If/when that happens? We will just have to grow some thick skin and LTP.


Anyway. Good luck! Too bad you are not on Harbinger I would enjoy hearing the complaints or insults in chat. /popcorn is always a win for me! :p


Oh there are a great many /popcorn moments.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Superqueueing lowbies and mids is funny because usually 2-3 good players grouped together can completely dominate the bracket for however many matches they are playing.


What usually happens to these guilds doing this is they get a false sense of how good they are and they get to 60 bracket and get stomped by pug groups. Then they reroll and slink back to lowbies/mids and get a reputation for being midbie heroes. I've seen it time and time again, especially on JC.


Not trying to be a hater tho, so have fun, and I wish you guys the best. Hope you actually do well in the end bracket too... Lord knows the pubs need all the help they can get on that server

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What usually happens to these guilds doing this is they get a false sense of how good they are and they get to 60 bracket and get stomped by pug groups. Then they reroll and slink back to lowbies/mids and get a reputation for being midbie heroes. I've seen it time and time again, especially on JC.


Like I said... maybe we hit 60 and get stomped. Maybe that gives us motivation to learn how to play in ranked effectively. Maybe we say "Heh.. that was fun while it lasted..." and move on to something else. I highly doubt that we'd re-roll and go back to the lowbie-mids bracket. If we did do that, I would be first in line to call us ***holes, because that's exactly what it would be. We will hit 60 and either compete, learn how to compete, or go back to PvE.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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so let me get this straight... you rolled a whole friggin team of OP FOTM classes and wonder why you are getting grief? ...and are calling out other people to come knock you off the high horse?

I mean if you had done a team of Mercs that i could respect

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so let me get this straight...




... you rolled a whole friggin team of OP FOTM classes...


Correct so far.... GO ON


... wonder why you are getting grief?


Not really. I/we fully EXPECTED to get grief, but frankly, anyone who's ever played in PvP knows that regardless of anything else, you are going to grief for the following reasons:


  • You are too good and therefore must be hacking.
  • The other team doesn't understand the capabilities of what your class can do, therefore you must be hacking.
  • You are rolling in a premade against pugs, so you are a [insert homosexual reference here].
  • You are queuing solo against a premade, which was your choice, so **** and quit whining.
  • You're bad.
  • Your team won.
  • Your team lost.
  • You got 1v1'd.
  • You got 2v1'd.
  • You got Xv1'd (not typing the rest out, but you get the point.)
  • You 2 (or more) v1'd another player, which means you obviously couldn't take them 1v1.
  • You got stealthcapped.
  • You stealthcapped someone else, and must have been hacking.
  • You grabbed the huttball, used a CC-immunity and run to score - hacker.
  • You grabbed the huttball, run to score with full resolve, and you're hacking because someone tried to stun you and couldn't.
  • You grabbed the huttball and got chain-stunned and couldn't pass.
  • You grabbed the huttball.
  • You didn't grab the huttball.
  • You don't have enough expertise, and therefore are a scrub.
  • You have full expertise, and the other team whines because gear > skill.
  • You are running an almost full "ops" team of FoTM classes and facerolling.


Point? I don't wonder why we are getting grief. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised we haven't gotten MORE than what we've gotten.


...and are calling out other people to come knock you off the high horse?


I wouldn't say it's a high horse, so much as reminding people, this is not a completely unique idea, it's not in any way shape or form difficult to accomplish/setup, and that it MIGHT just possibly make PvP fun in a different way if more people were thinking this way.


I mean if you had done a team of Mercs that i could respect


Yeah, replace a full team that can stealth.... with a full team that can self-heal, off-heal, and drop craploads of AoE? Same sh*t, different toilet.


Well since you ask you probably already know the answer ...


Obviously, since I asked the question, I don't.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Post some more videos. That was funny to watch.


Check through the posted videos of the YouTube user who posted the one I linked. He's been putting a bunch up.


Also what belt were you guys wearing?


Ceremonial Guard Belt

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Honestly its a video game, there made to have fun, if you like pvping then pvp. Personally I love leveling with friends, makes the tedium more enjoyable, not that its much of a chore now with 12xp.


As for the whole your a-holes for dominating the lower bracket, other groups do it all the time from lowbies to 60's, I see it quite often on Bastion with groups like Cherry Pop and Full-Resolve, generally I take it with a grain of salt since my guild does it once in awhile and we have a lot of fun during those times.


Have to admit though after seeing the video, and seeing all your toons in Leia slave outfits, I come back to the same thought that maybe I should start dressing my male toons in underwear. Just to see if I can get some type of reaction and for kicks, since I constantly see guys dressing their females toons in next to nothing. :p

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Have to admit though after seeing the video, and seeing all your toons in Leia slave outfits..


They are "Twi'lek Dancers" a la Return of the Jedi, not just skimpyness for skimpyness's sake :p


...I constantly see guys dressing their females toons in next to nothing. :p


There's some measure of truth to the mantra of: "If I'm going to play this game, staring at my character's rear end for hours at a time, it's at least going to be a decent view."

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I recommend using keybinds and getting rid of your backpedaling/keyboard turning. That'll help out a lot.


I've talked with the guy who's recording the video, and he says he mostly mouse-turns... isn't sure why people think it's keyboard. (I know he uses a mix of keybinds/clicking... works for him so far, tho he's been mostly a PvE player - granted a darn good one... was #1 on the powertech leaderboards for a while and in the top 5 for scoundrel/operative dps.) #dunno it's not me in the vantagepoint in the video... I'm the token scoundrel of the group.

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Honestly its a video game, there made to have fun, if you like pvping then pvp. Personally I love leveling with friends, makes the tedium more enjoyable, not that its much of a chore now with 12xp.


It is not, however, a single player game and has impacts on the enjoyment of everyone playing. So finding ways to exploit the system such as low population factions or off hours to queue with more than the maximum amount of players allowed in party (4) is kind of a dick move. 4 people coordinating together is easily beatable even with a full PUG (done it many times). The more players you allow to queue together, the lower your chances of beating them become unless they're really bad. I would honestly suggest Bioware ban any player proven to be queue syncing (ranked or unranked) from warzones for at least 30 days.

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Congratulations on suggesting that any guild that has a "PvP Night" be banned. /slowclap


How is that the same thing? When did "PvP Night" become "Form two groups and sync queues so we can get all 8 in the same match"? You can have 10 teams of 4 queueing warzones and I'm sure some of them will randomly end up with/against each other and that's fine. But intentionally queuing at the same time to have 8 together, then declining pops if the other team doesn't get one is not ok.

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So.. mini-backstory: about 2 weeks ago, a bunch of people in my guild (Jedi Covenant server) got bored, and we decided to all create new toons, purely for pvp. We picked a class, actually 6 people are shadows, and I am the lone scoundrel. (We are still looking for our 8th.)


We leveled up to 26, which takes about an hour and a half-ish with 12x exp... and off to the warzone queue we went. Our plan is to stay in the lowbie bracket until we hit 30, then hop back to story/class quests to 40-ish, and then pvp the rest of the way to 60, then at 60 we will have to decide what to do about ranked. Truth is, we might actually suck at PvP, and we only facerolling because we are grouping in regs... But we will find out when we get there.


A few things to note:


1- Yes. I understand that especially in lowbie pvp, shadows are OP. (Although, at low levels, so are Snipers/Slingers, and a slew of other classes.)


2- Yes. I understand that we are 7 people who are queuing into lowbie pvp, that can all stealth, and coordinate over voicechat.


3- No. We aren't doing anything that violates the ToS or the Code of Conduct. (I've read them backwards and forwards.)


4- No. We are not actually one person who's multiboxing 7 characters. (That's the most common question we get.)


5- No. We haven't been beaten yet. (But we would love for someone/someone's to try.)


We have gotten some very polarizing views from the community, from people who end up backfilling our teams, to people we are playing against, to two very stark viewpoints from Reddit: The first being "You guys are ***holes." and the second being "That was hysterical, please more people do this."


So.... If you're on Jedi Covenant and want to come try to beat us, or you're on another server and want to roll toons on Jedi Covenant (like I said, it only takes a hot minute to get up to a competitive level in the lowbie bracket - or even the mids bracket) - by all means..... come and play. Beat us. Beat us at our own game.... FInd a better way than what we are doing, and beat us that way.


Daiquiri - Boom goes the Capper - Reddit Comments


Daiquiri - Capping a node - SCREENSHOT

Daiquiri - Capping a node - Reddit Comments


Which camp are you in? Are we ***holes? Or do you enjoy this, and want to come try to beat us?


You won't need to take a break at 30-40... I've seen this formation at lvl 32 work extremely well against lvl 55+ teams...

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Only thing is, I saw this on Harbinger yesterday and the whole other faction stopped queuing or would only have 6 players.. Every match that popped ended early from quitters.,. Then it was same faction against same faction... After about 3 matches , the same thing happened and mid pvp completely died... Pops went from instant to 1 min to 1 hour... And if you popped against them... Everyone left

Also if they popped against themselves, one premade would quit so they could requeue with the other until they were on the same team

As fun as it sounds... It will destroy your queues as people refuse to play you... I have a feeling that's what this post is about... You are finding less and less people willing to play you, so they quit the match... Meaning your getting less games or games that end in quitters... Hence you are here challenging people to form similar teams to play you... You know, that will be even worse.,, the more teams that do this, the more FOTM Stealths become and the less likely anyone will pvp with you

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