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Buff Sniper Immediately! - Enough is Enough!


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I 100 % agree with everything you said. I have also been increasingly frustrated with how BW is handing buffs out left right and center , and completely leaving GS's and Mandos in the cold.


Sharpshooter is arguably the best burst class in team ranked. Giving them buffs would be absurd.


You want to fix gunslingers? Change solo ranked so that it requires trinity. Boom gunslinger instantly strong.

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Yes, please buff them!


I already have 3 snipers/slingers and I think they are arguably already OP, but what the heck, buff us more. :)


What you guys don't realize is that snipers have been sliding under the radar for a while now because we just don't get played as much and people keep repeating that the class is not viable. But don't be fooled, snipers are a very capable class both in MM and in Virulence, and any buff would most likely break it and make it fotm.


The good snipers are probably gonna stay quiet and ride this out for as long as possible.


Unless you're talking about engineering, in which case, yes some adjustments would be ok.

Edited by Monterone
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Sharpshooter is arguably the best burst class in team ranked. Giving them buffs would be absurd.


You want to fix gunslingers? Change solo ranked so that it requires trinity. Boom gunslinger instantly strong.


Sharpshooter is a spec, not a class. The other two specs are total dogsh*t in pvp.

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1- bioware's work in PvP is to make balance for ranked, especially solo Q ranked wich is the most playable.


2- they buff(ed) the weakest class and/or nerf(ed) the OP class.


3- since 3 seasons sniper/gunslinger are the less performers in the leaderboard (just check)


--> BUFF sniper/gunslinger


just facts.


and stop with the ambush OP damage lol it's not 15-18k, but 11-13k against a PvP gear player, and for 1.5sec/2sec cast.


many classes can do more in 1.5sec/2sec...(just an example tracer missile instant+heatseeker missle for mercenaries..much better)

Edited by Thaladan
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Sharpshooter is a spec, not a class. The other two specs are total dogsh*t in pvp.


*tear for DF Gunslinger - which is still fun in mids for as long as that lasts - *shakes fist at 12x XP while simultaneously refusing to use that gree thingy.

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Sharpshooter is arguably the best burst class in team ranked. Giving them buffs would be absurd.


You want to fix gunslingers? Change solo ranked so that it requires trinity. Boom gunslinger instantly strong.


I'm cool with this. I would still like to see the dot specs (outside of inquis) get better dot spread mechanics or given better burst + resource managment...just so they can be effective in games with heals and tanks. but yeah. it's time. really. what was it they said in Field of Dreams? build it and they will come? well require trinity and the tanks will come.

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no, i most definitely have been hit for over 15k+ on geared toons


All the time i don't think, and even if for you it's always 15k, i repeat many classes can do this in a laps of 1.5sec (and this 1.5sec is if you did 2 snipe before) and have better survivability.

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I'm sick of watching Operatives run around like melee power-houses and call things balanced. Yes the Sniper needs a buff. If nothing give them stealth of some kind, but something to keep them from being the squishiest focus of every single WZ.


I can't see how a class like the Operative, which is a healer / DPS / CC / stealth, goes around destroying everything and people just roll the flavor of the month and watch as snipers have little option but to sit still and hope the enemy doesn't notice you. You idiots really call that balanced? Since you guys love playing a rogue with heals I can't see any reason upgrading the hunter would hurt.


Keep telling people Snipers contribute to WZs it's just not true... there's so many classes to fulfill the roll better.

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I'm sick of watching Operatives run around like melee power-houses and call things balanced. Yes the Sniper needs a buff. If nothing give them stealth of some kind, but something to keep them from being the squishiest focus of every single WZ.


I can't see how a class like the Operative, which is a healer / DPS / CC / stealth, goes around destroying everything and people just roll the flavor of the month and watch as snipers have little option but to sit still and hope the enemy doesn't notice you. You idiots really call that balanced? Since you guys love playing a rogue with heals I can't see any reason upgrading the hunter would hurt.


Keep telling people Snipers contribute to WZs it's just not true... there's so many classes to fulfill the roll better.


Yeah why don't you try playing an operative


Mezzed every time a jugg is near. Getting constantly knocked back and rooted from the million inquisitors. Having to start running away from the middle of an attack because PTs love targeting us since our evasion does nothing against them. Being in the middle of every single AoE attack all the time. Being the number 1 target of e-net in every game. Having to spend minutes chasing around Sorcerers because they easily kite us with their roots and bubble stuns. if you're not in a premade, operatives can spend more time running away and healing than actually doing damage


Meanwhile your sniper sits in a corner bursting down everything and the only reason people go after you is because you hit way too hard. You think you're fine with your 60% HP and suddenly a sniper globals you out of nowhere

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Sharpshooter is a spec, not a class. The other two specs are total dogsh*t in pvp.


Dude hardly anyone has more than one good DPS spec.


VG? Nope Plasmatech is ****

Operative? Nope Lethality is ****

Assassin? Almost but Deception still does not have quite enough burst

Sage actually does have two, unless you are talking about team ranked in which case it has 0.

Mercenaries are close but IO's ramp time is shooting the spec in the foot.

Marauders? Do I even need to elaborate?

Juggernauts the only class off the top of my head that has three pug viable specs.

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Yeah why don't you try playing an operative


Mezzed every time a jugg is near. Getting constantly knocked back and rooted from the million inquisitors. Having to start running away from the middle of an attack because PTs love targeting us since our evasion does nothing against them. Being in the middle of every single AoE attack all the time. Being the number 1 target of e-net in every game. Having to spend minutes chasing around Sorcerers because they easily kite us with their roots and bubble stuns. if you're not in a premade, operatives can spend more time running away and healing than actually doing damage


Meanwhile your sniper sits in a corner bursting down everything and the only reason people go after you is because you hit way too hard. You think you're fine with your 60% HP and suddenly a sniper globals you out of nowhere


Erm at least for concealment roll is a amazing defensive tool against Snipers and Vanguards. Remember you can cleanse a sniper's roots.

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Erm at least for concealment roll is a amazing defensive tool against Snipers and Vanguards. Remember you can cleanse a sniper's roots.


I'm not saying we're bad, but if he thinks it's easy playing an operative then he sure is wrong

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Sharpshooter is a spec, not a class. The other two specs are total dogsh*t in pvp.


Virulence is perfect, it's a beast. It's just as fun and just as effective as MM, perhaps even more. It has the easiest dot spread in the game, simply because of the range, area it affects and no cooldown on it. The burst is incredible on top of that.


I retired my madness sorc and sage, and have completely switched to virulence sniper, even though I have spent most of the last couple of years as sharpshooter/marksman and the sorc has been my main since beta. Sniper has pretty good defensive cooldowns, outstanding mobility with one masterful talent and the dot spread mechanic and damage puts all others in the game to shame.


You guys can keep thinking whatever you want, and I guess I'll take any buffs you guys make happen, but I feel they would be completely unnecessary -- sniper is golden.

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I think cover is probably the most underappreciated defensive skill in the game. The trade-off is immobility which means that Sin/Shadow is the best counter and also happen to be one of the strongest classes atm. When they become less popular (after some nerf), Sniper/GS will receive an immediate indirect buff.


If cover didn't still bug out without specifying cover in place it'd be great. For me at least when entrench is on CD and I try and use normal green shield cover for some additional defense I often just roll in place twice then the games gives up on rolling me to cover and dumps me in place.


I would suggest smaller QOL changes to the DCDs:

  • Entrench provides CC immunity when activated, not after the animation completes
  • Evasion provides a 10% movement speed buff when active
  • Countermeasures provides a 15% speed buff and immunity to movement impairing effects for 3 seconds after use
  • When broken shield probe stuns up to 3 enemies within 4 meters for 1.5 seconds
  • Leg shot is now uncleaseable with using a CC breaker

The speed buffs from countermeasures, evasion and the utility for entrench would stack additively, not multiplicatively.

Edited by Ubikface
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Virulence is perfect, it's a beast. It's just as fun and just as effective as MM, perhaps even more. It has the easiest dot spread in the game, simply because of the range, area it affects and no cooldown on it. The burst is incredible on top of that.


I retired my madness sorc and sage, and have completely switched to virulence sniper, even though I have spent most of the last couple of years as sharpshooter/marksman and the sorc has been my main since beta. Sniper has pretty good defensive cooldowns, outstanding mobility with one masterful talent and the dot spread mechanic and damage puts all others in the game to shame.


You guys can keep thinking whatever you want, and I guess I'll take any buffs you guys make happen, but I feel they would be completely unnecessary -- sniper is golden.


Dot spread is not even a factor for Dirty Fighting with the dots as weak as they are. Even the worst of healers can heal through it. If you compare single target, it doesn't come close to Sharpshooter.

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I agree that snipers need a bit of a defensive tweak for pvp; an issue for the developers is to not make them even more overpowered in pve; they top a lot of boss fights and parsing, similar to IO merc.


I like that OP has listed a number of changes and hope it adds to the dev's list of ideas for the class. I'm sure they've already got a whiteboard somewhere.

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I agree that snipers need a bit of a defensive tweak for pvp; an issue for the developers is to not make them even more overpowered in pve; they top a lot of boss fights and parsing, similar to IO merc.


I like that OP has listed a number of changes and hope it adds to the dev's list of ideas for the class. I'm sure they've already got a whiteboard somewhere.


Ya...their whiteboard shows them that snipers/slingers are fine because we're in the top 2000 on the leaderboards, according to Musco during the podcast...lol. Basically, I think that there are a few severely OP classes that are making it seem as though all others aren't viable in pvp anymore. IMO if the devs dealt with that, not much else would be needed to increase the performance of most of the remaining classes.

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Virulence is perfect, it's a beast. It's just as fun and just as effective as MM, perhaps even more. It has the easiest dot spread in the game, simply because of the range, area it affects and no cooldown on it. The burst is incredible on top of that.


I retired my madness sorc and sage, and have completely switched to virulence sniper, even though I have spent most of the last couple of years as sharpshooter/marksman and the sorc has been my main since beta. Sniper has pretty good defensive cooldowns, outstanding mobility with one masterful talent and the dot spread mechanic and damage puts all others in the game to shame.


You guys can keep thinking whatever you want, and I guess I'll take any buffs you guys make happen, but I feel they would be completely unnecessary -- sniper is golden.


Virulence dot spread is almost as bad as Annihilation marauder. The area of the spread is incredibly small, especially compared to Sorc/sin, and the dots are extremely weak, especially compared to Sorc/sin. Any healer can easily heal through Virulence dots without breaking a sweat, and Virulence damage at 60 is rather pathetic.

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Virulence dot spread is almost as bad as Annihilation marauder. The area of the spread is incredibly small, especially compared to Sorc/sin, and the dots are extremely weak, especially compared to Sorc/sin. Any healer can easily heal through Virulence dots without breaking a sweat, and Virulence damage at 60 is rather pathetic.


Virulence dot spread is actually fine, that's what dot spread should be. Sorc/Sin dot spread is dumb and so many people have suggested moving it to Lacerate for Sins, who knows what for Sorcs. Death Field is ridiculous, very true to its name :rak_01:

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Virulence dot spread is actually fine, that's what dot spread should be. Sorc/Sin dot spread is dumb and so many people have suggested moving it to Lacerate for Sins, who knows what for Sorcs. Death Field is ridiculous, very true to its name :rak_01:


I don't disagree with that, I was just arguing against his assertion that Virulence had the "best dot spread in the game".

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