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Buff Sniper Immediately! - Enough is Enough!


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We Snipers are very displeased with how we have been treated! We haven't been touched in years and we are demanding equal rights and attention! In conclusion ,as reparations we will accept nothing less than buffs! Buffs Galore!


Marauders got Buffed!

Sages got Buffed!

Assassin got buffed!

Vanguard got buffed!

Even Mercenary got buffed!


Everybody is getting so buffed up they be looking like Jabba the Pizza Hutt.

Well it is our time to get Buffed! I want to swell more than the michelin man! Infact I want get buffed up bigger than Gabourey Sidibe.


Make it happen:


Ballistic Dampers now reset automatically while in cover.


Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure - Now restores 1% Hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds. If sage can get this on Life Ward plus heal to full on their force barrier then this is NOTHING to compromise on!


Hunker Down/Entrench Now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated. Tired of you rude juggernauts/guardians walsing up to me with your cc immunity and blasting me off the bridge in void star! Not to mention shoving me out of my own Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield! So rude omg!


Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds! If juggernauts/guardians can have their 3 lives and enraged defenses or whatever it is called then we certainly can have a more rotational defense mechanism!


Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds! We are a turret class but every other class is now mobile and constantly up and about! Hello? Don't you think we have places to go too?! Every other class has some kind of speed boost! Even those Sentinels/Marauders have their Speed Boost and they can even use it on others! Covered escape is too situational and not reliable!


The effects of series of Snare now also applies to Cull!


Evasion now cleases ALL negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!


Hold you ground now reduces the CD of Shield Probe by 5 seconds instead of 4! If Scoundrels can get their Shield probe down to a 25 second Cd then so can we! It's not like they need to extra survivabilty since they can stealth, heal themselves AND dps (aLL AT THE SAME TIME, MIND YOU!)


In addition to the AEO slow on Crippling Diversion, Distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds! If Assassin can get a 30m root/ Mez then guess what? SO CAN WE!)


Please to implement these changes in the next patch, don't even bother beta testing it. God knows you didn't test anything else you implemented.

Edited by charlieferari
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I 100 % agree with everything you said. I have also been increasingly frustrated with how BW is handing buffs out left right and center , and completely leaving GS's and Mandos in the cold. Edited by mmmbuddah
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I 100 % agree with everything you said. I have also been increasingly frustrated with how BW is handing buffs out left right and center , and completely leaving GS's and Mandos in the cold.


OMG thanks for showing your support please rate this thread as 5 stars, subscribe and help me fight off the naysayers.

Edited by charlieferari
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If they buff snipers they will give you more roots and slows against melee classes which you already have no problem to kill. But it wont change anything against super uber OP classes like sin-shadow or pt-vg or other ranged classes.

But if you listened the podcast biofail thinks snipers are doing "REALLY WELL" since they are looking bigger picture and i have no idea about this bigger picture most probably not related with PvP so no buff for snipers.

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Something I was thinking of only yesterday, if no reset on covered escape is possible for engineering then i'd like to see the distance we travel increased from 18m to 25m. With that and a shorter cooldown and it would certainly help.
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we snipers are very displeased with how we have been treated! We haven't been touched in years and we are demanding equal rights and attention! In conclusion ,as reparations we will accept nothing less than buffs! Buffs galore!


marauders got buffed!

Sages got buffed!

Assassin got buffed!

Vanguard got buffed!

Even mercenary got buffed!


everybody is getting so buffed up they be looking like jabba the pizza hutt.

well it is our time to get buffed! I want to swell more than the michelin man! Infact i want get buffed up bigger than gabourey sidibe.


Make it happen:


ballistic dampers now reset automatically while in cover.


vital regulators/cool under pressure - now restores 1% hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds. If sage can get this on life ward plus heal to full on their force barrier then this is nothing to compromise on!


hunker down/entrench now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated. Tired of you rude juggernauts/guardians walsing up to me with your cc immunity and blasting me off the bridge in void star! Not to mention shoving me out of my own scrambling field/ ballistic shield! So rude omg!


reduce the cool-down of scrambling field/ ballistic shield by 30 seconds! If juggernauts/guardians can have their 3 lives and enraged defenses or whatever it is called then we certainly can have a more rotational defense mechanism!


reduce the cd of covered of escape by 3 seconds! We are a turret class but every other class is now mobile and constantly up and about! Hello? Don't you think we have places to go too?! Every other class has some kind of speed boost! Even those sentinels/marauders have their speed boost and they can even use it on others! Covered escape is too situational and not reliable!


the effects of series of snare now also applies to cull!


evasion now cleases all negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!


hold you ground now reduces the cd of shield probe by 5 seconds instead of 4! If scoundrels can get their shield probe down to a 25 second cd then so can we! It's not like they need to extra survivabilty since they can stealth, heal themselves and dps (all at the same time, mind you!)


in addition to the aeo slow on crippling diversion, distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds! If assassin can get a 30m root/ mez then guess what? So can we!)


please to implement these changes in the next patch, don't even bother beta testing it. God knows you didn't test anything else you implemented.


what this guy said..x100

Edited by KingKalbo
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Did something change? I thought entrench made you immune to KBs? Only thing I knew that would break entrench was diversion.

From experience I think your not immune during the drop animation. I have tried dropping it numerous times with jugg impact immenent only to have them push me out or stun me b4 the animation is over; so there is a small but exploitable window there is my guess.

Edited by KingKalbo
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I'm not sure where you're seeing the weakness aside from solo ranked. I have a MM Sniper and I do quite well in wzs and I know I'm not that good at it. I am also aware that a double sniper group is one of the current meta team compositions for group ranked.


I would be careful what you wish for. You're entire post sounds like 'me too, I want their shiny'.

Edited by Anishor
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Even Mercenary got buffed!



Exactly what buff did mercs get besides a single target absorb that is useless unless you are in a solo fight with someone? Particularly the healing spec of mercs, which actually got nothing. No buff to chaffe flare, nothing.


Just wanted to correct you on that point before I give my two credits worth on gunslingers AND mercs, because they are the two last classes standing that need some improvements in PVP.


I do agree that gunslingers need either CC immunities or better movement capabilities in PVP. If everyone has gotten buffs to movement in the meta of constant stuns, snares, and knockbacks in PVP well snipers should get it too then. This would grant them some way to get out of focused damage by multiple enemies.


Same with mercs. Either give them a stronger CC immunity coupled with movement enhancements that actually are helpful or give them an anti-focus type ability to take focused damage off them by multi-enemies.


The two classes that drown in the CC maelstrom of SWTOR PVP and crumble to dust instantly when focused are mercs and gunslingers.


Why? Because they have no viable forms of escape to deal with focused damage UNLESS they are in group ranked, have a coordinated group effort to keep them up including tank swapping effectively with healing support, peels from the group DPS, and stars that are PERFECTLY aligned granting them the blessings of Zeus himself. Only then, are mercs and gunslingers perfectly viable in PVP when focused.


Obviously this is not acceptable because the majority of time spent by gunslingers and mercs is not in group ranked, it's in regs and solo ranked. Probably has to do with them being the biggest gimped classes for 4v4 setup, but I could be wrong and I am sure many will say so.

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I totally agree that snipers/slingers need some love. Our survivability is laughable and we are usually targeted first since we are the easiest way for the opposing team to make it a 3v4 scenario. Evasion should definitely be restored to being a self cleanse, and you have some other nice ideas also. However...I am not sure where you are seeing that marauders/sentinels got buffed. They/we are probably in the worst spot right now for pvp AND pve. At least when In on my slinger/sniper I can dominate pve bosses.
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I'm not sure where you're seeing the weakness aside from solo ranked. I have a MM Sniper and I do quite well in wzs and I know I'm not that good at it. I am also aware that a double sniper group is one of the current meta team compositions for group ranked.


I would be careful what you wish for. You're entire post sounds like 'me too, I want their shiny'.


If everyone got shiny, why can he not have shiny too?


And... since when was group ranked what the pvp game was balanced around? Group ranked, now correct me if I am wrong, is the least played PVP facet on SWTOR, right?


So, basically, you are saying slingers are fine, because hey, in group ranked they are viable, in fact they even do quite well.


Nevermind the fact NO ONE queues group ranked but what, 5% of the population who PVPs?


This is a cop-out, to say gunslingers are fine because they can manage quite well in group ranked. The same group ranked that is the least participated facet by players for SWTOR PVP.

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Balancing Sniper/GS and Merc/Mando(dps) for yolos is near impossible. They're focused because of their high damage potential. Unmolested, no other classes can come near what a sniper or merc can do in burst, and that's what matters in pvp. So they would have to lose some of their high burst and sustained potential for survability. That would be bad for all the areas they excel in - Group Ranked, Regular WZs, and PvE. Unlike the melee classes they cannot be kited easily and in the case of snipers, they have some of hte longest range in the game. Edited by Anishor
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Balancing Sniper/GS and Merc/Mando(dps) for yolos is near impossible. They're focused because of their high damage potential. Unmolested, no other classes can come near what a sniper or merc can do in burst, and that's what matters in pvp. So they would have to lose some of their high burst and sustained potential for survability. That would be bad for all the areas they excel in - Group Ranked, Regular WZs, and PvE. Unlike the melee classes they cannot be kited easily and in the case of snipers, they have some of hte longest range in the game.


PT's can equal that burst. Concentration sents with the new immunity on their force slow should be up there too; but time will tell with that. it's a cop-out to claim burst potential on a casting class..because everyone else is running on instants for the highest hitting burst CD's in their rotations. Faster damage output = better than casted(slings/snipes).

The burst isn't even the argument here it's the survivability so stop trying to derail threads with this mess.

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Sniper is broken and needs to be fixed, but everything you're asking for needs to have a trade off.


Other classes got candy, you want a better heal, cleanse, and defense just like them. I'm fine with that, but the 18K crits have got to go. Ambush + SOS + FT currently has WAY too much damage potential for someone to get the kind of survivability a jugg or a sorc has.


To be fair, Engineering used to be a fun, viable, medium damage class (except for the wall bang!). with decent defense, until the horrible idiot Bioware designers decided to screw it up, like they did everything else in 3.X.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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So now we're saying Sniper/GS is so bad it needs 9 buffs? Let's move into the realm of possibility here.


He's got a point, though. Look at the disparities there between snipers and other classes. I like sniper burst, but they're not nearly as anti-melee capable as they used to be, and their defensive utility has fallen far behind everyone elses, which is bad for a turret class.

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They should buff engi snipers if they add that "AOE Abilities No Longer Stopping Caps" in 3.3. Cuz what else they have in addition to AoE? :eek:


And they should buff snipers defense overall long time ago.


btw where is this mystical post-Orbital-Strike-nerf buff? They promised it long time ago... :rak_01:



Even Mercenary got buffed!


Mid tree only. And this is not a big buff anyways. :(



If they buff snipers they will give you more roots and slows against melee classes which you already have no problem to kill. But it wont change anything against super uber OP classes like sin-shadow or pt-vg or other ranged classes.

But if you listened the podcast biofail thinks snipers are doing "REALLY WELL" since they are looking bigger picture and i have no idea about this bigger picture most probably not related with PvP so no buff for snipers.


God old Double roll and cooldown reset can help a bit, i really miss it on my engi. And they can make it class wide.

Edited by Glower
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The ability to cloak outside of combat while out of cover would be a nice addition. This would help us pick when and where we open up (what a sniper is supposed to do IRL). It would also help with those crucial first few seconds in yolo ranked when Snipers/GS are targeted before they even leave the spawn area. Not only that, since it's out of cover, we won't have the benefit of stealth AND stealth detection, which is a bit of a trade-off... especially when guarding nodes in regs. Edited by CaptMurphy
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PT's can equal that burst. Concentration sents with the new immunity on their force slow should be up there too; but time will tell with that. it's a cop-out to claim burst potential on a casting class..because everyone else is running on instants for the highest hitting burst CD's in their rotations. Faster damage output = better than casted(slings/snipes).

The burst isn't even the argument here it's the survivability so stop trying to derail threads with this mess.


You cannot talk about survivability in a vacuum. You have to talk about the class as a whole. It's not a cop out in fact just talking about survivability and saying burst doesn't matter is very disingenuous and makes your arguments seem like you want your class to be overpowered. PTs burst is high but it isn't as high as snipers or mercs. PTs also go down pretty quickly. On my jugg I kill PTs faster than snipers. As a veng jugg I would love more burst and more tools to keep a target in range, but I know as the most survivable dps class, that's what I give up. Conversely on my Mara and Snipers I would love to be sturdier but I have burst.


I play a concentration sentinel. The burst is not even close to my sniper and I'm just about as squishy short of a two CDs on 3min timers.


I think engineering sniper and virulence sniper need a bit of tweaking, but not much, and certainly not even a third of what the OP is asking for, those would make snipers overpowered.


What most of you are also forgetting about mercs is part of the goal of the healing update that got canned was to make DPS mercs off/self healing better. So I imagine when those changes come back for round 2, you'll see dps off heals improved.

Edited by Anishor
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Seems in the current meta the only area where snipers/slingers under perform would be solo ranked where as in regs and grouped ranked they do run with the best of them (if played correctly). I don't think we need all of the buffs stated by the op (although if you read them they're all minor changes and none of them are too far fetched). As I've seen stated in previous threads the way to make the class up to par (competitive) with the rest of the yolo classes would be to restore engineering to where it used to be. (old rotation and emp discharge restore cooldowns). This would hopefully fix the issue with its under performance in solo ranked without making it over powered in group ranked or regs. As it stands now marksman is just the way to go over engineering due to its easy burst on demand, although engineering still has its place. (but atm it's not measuring up to what virulence and marksman can put out.) [still fun to run from time to time]


Although i would not mind them fixing vital regulators to the 1 second heal or evasion being a purge again.

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