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PvE tank vs healer


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With 12xp running, I've been left sitting in queues as a tank OR a healer at this point. Also with 12xp and the number of alts, I don't think there is a lack of any role right now so pick one that you want to play.
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I've found while leveling tanks/healers are about equally rare/unrare. That is, nobody wants to play the role but many people will queue up with it checked off even if they have no idea how to tank/heal.


Endgame pve tanks are always the least played role with the fastest pops.

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Is there a rough estimate on DPS queues? I'm sort of liking the look of marauder now lol. I suppose worst case I'll have to find a guild or some such.


Anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple of hours. Unfortunately everyone wants to DPS, nobody wants to tank, very few want to heal.


My advice, find a good friend that can be a queueing buddy, and you take turns tanking. Me and a friend usually queue together, and one of us will usually tank while the other heals, although every now and then we luck out and get a pop as DPS instead.

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I'm still stuck on this choice while I level up classes for legacy buffs and/or companion buffs. I ask general on the fleet on and off and it's always trolltastic answers that aren't really answers. But my understanding is still that tanks are needed more than anything, which conflicts with my current plan of maybe going sorc healer.


I used to tank ALL the time on MMOs I played, but I began steering clear of the role because blame is ALWAYS put on the tank when something goes wrong even if they weren't at fault. And then there's having to learn to tank again and learn fights.

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