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Ziost: Monolith Mount for 200 Tokens


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Since there is essentially really nothing to buy with the piles of tokens you get on Ziost I have a suggestion.


Add a "Monolith Mount" to the vendor for 200 of the tokens. That way I can actually have something I want from it and to get rid of these piles of tokens I have. I am sure everyone would love a Monolith mount. :)

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Interesting idea. Well, since there is no reputation involved, I feel a Monolith mount would have to be MUCH more expensive than just 200 tokens. Something akin to the amount of times you have to run KDY to reach legend status. After all, like the Kuat Drive Yard vehicle, it is unique and not available in a pack (yet). That is a loss of income for the sellers of this game as people buy packs with real currency just to get a new fancy mount - assuming they make it a super rare drop like the rancor. A small compensation would be some subscriber's extending their subscription to do the insane token grind for the mount.
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