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Single best tip for New Player is ...


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Another great tip: Avoid making conversation choices strictly based on "alignment." try to develop a personality for your character(s) and make conversation choices based on that personality.


I noticed that the best relics that would be able to use their special ability in player vs. player seemed to be mostly "alignment" oriented. Is there many good relics for with no PvP restrictions that are not alignment oriented?


The best thing a new player can do is to purchase all 3 levels of Rocket Boost from the Cartel Market or through the Legacy System. This will make it a lot easier to do flashpoints, quests, etc.

Edited by Drewvwuviwv
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1. I agree with whoever said to do all the side quest the 1st time through even with the 12x XP this helps a bunch with getting immersed in the story and that way you don't miss half the game.


2. Subbing is actually way better than 'F2P' in this game. Until you get the things most people want to unlock using CC you might as well sub and save the money


3. The referral program is a great way to get goodies for F2P or subbed accounts (includes a valuable character transfer for F2P or subbed)


4. A good ACTIVE guild is very important to keep the game fresh. I am currently in a mostly dead and silent guild (people don't even talk when they bother to log in) and it gets quite boring with no one to socialize with. Also an established guild can provide a lot of support to new players and veterans alike.


5. Make sure you choose your server carefully if you end up on a server like Prophecy of the Five you will regret it and probably need a character transfer

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New player help? Hmm...


  • Find a look you like for the first few levels, and go form there;
  • Make an effort with your name, many are taken but many still not;
  • Take your time reading the tooltips when you first start, on combat and so on;
  • Do NOT join a guild right off the hop! Familiarize yourself with the game and THEN decide, or start a solo guild later!;
  • Do Black Talon/Esseles when you reach your fleet. It will introduce you to grouping, Social Points, teamwork, all that fun stuff;
  • Try and get some orange (modable/Adapative) gear whenever you have a little money, then hit the Mod vendors on fleet and use your Basic Commendations to gear up;
  • Pursuant to the last, find your character's "main" stat and increase that, along with Endurance. Usually can't miss there;
  • Make conversation choices as YOU or YOUR CHARACTER would make them. You can get the Light/Dark Side titles as you progress;
  • Do NOT forget to get your companion some gear at the end of your mission arcs, they'll fight better!;
  • Use General chat to ask questions, most answers will be helpful;
  • Pursuant to the last, do not mention Jawas in Dromund Kaas chat...;
  • Vary your gameplay by doing Flashpoints in Group Finder, Heroics on planets, try Warzones once you hit 20-30;
  • Get a vehicle...off the Galactic Trade Network. You can get "cheapish" ones that look just as good as vendor ones and they'll add to your Legacy afterwards!;
  • Speaking of Legacy, pick a Legacy (Last name) you like...as you cannot change it from what I have seen;
  • Have fun! Try new things and go from there!

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This only applies to people around for the launch of GSF and some of us get 4 sets.:D There are legacy pieces in the game that you can get if you aren't fortunate enough to get the free ones.


My tip for new players is to get cartel items as soon as you can afford them. It will make gearing easier especially with the bump in coms for class missions. A great place to look for items and sets of armor is the GTN. Use your in game credits to buy cartel items and your monthly CC allowance to unlock the sets/items account wide. This will let you call up all the crystals, weapons and armor you could need to start out.

Can someone tell me where I can find a player to buddy with me and go to level cap? I am thinking I need a hand since I have many characters but only in the teens. I am a mature adult player

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