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SWTOR on Hero Engine 2... Long Overdue..

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Wow is "ancient comparatively and I know people who have bigger issues with ESO. Also even according to its makers they do not consider ESO an MMO. It it almost all instanced and in their words " it is more an Elder Scrolls game with a multiplayer option". The encounters and other features, along with the heavy instancing, create MUCH lower loads on your system. YET people still have issue.


That said you miss the point...if they are making MORE money than ESO and FF (which they are) with how broken you alleged the game is...why spend all of the time and money? This would be a million dollar project minimum BTW and it would also take at least a year to do right. By right I mean hiring the extra staff needed to do that job while keeping the current staff generating the new content, current class balancing etc.


Your entire premise is based on " I don't like how it performs...so they need to fix it" while ignoring the realities of what it would take to fix it.


Hahahahahahaha! you ACTUALLY think SWTOR is doing better than FF 14. Credibility OUT the window. Also, I am by far not the only who doesnt like how it performs. Anyone who has half a brain cell knows this game performs TERRIBLY the second more than 4 people start doing anything on screen. Case in point, the world boss on Yavin, even when people have damn near super computers.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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Anyone who has played since beta should know this game was basically abandoned, first by EA/Bioware then the vast majority of players. 2.5mil to like 500k in 3 months and its current low population speaks louder then whatever bs argument anyone has to say.


Best and only hope for is EA/Bioware saying: "yeah, we fked up with SWTOR and clearly see the mistakes. We decided to make a SWTOR 2 and we're going to do it right this time".


Don't bother asking or expecting anything more then more cartel items which are all overpriced.


Sadly, this is the truth.

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Bioware should have did the smart thing and just used the Unreal engine like they did with Mass Effect series.


Mass Effect runs smooth as butter, looks better, and uses and engine that can handle the stress that a MMO can bring yet these guys decided to create a game built on an WIP engine that can't handle 16 players fighting each other, no sort of physics system, graphics that were as good as when the XBOX 360 FIRST launched all in a shell based around the game mechanics of your typical mmo from the early 2000's.


They had HOW MANY millions to make this game? ******** is ********. You guys can defend the devs, ea or whoever is responsible, but this just reeks of laziness.


Im only playing this game because Im a star wars fanatic and Im just playing the game to finish the stories and extended storylines they release, but when the next big open world SW game is released, im almost 100% positive this game will be abandoned and left to die by the players. Thanks to the x12 my time with this game will be coming to an end soon.


Im not at all saying it is a bad game, but it I don't find it nearly as satisfying as it could have been. There is NO reason why Nar Shaddaa shouldnt be a much grittier planet bustling with city life (same could be said about Courcant), why Balmorra shouldnt feel like a warzone, why dark and light skills are faction locked instead of alignment locked, etc (and could go on forever).


When you succumb to creating a game based around the mechanics of the competition on a new-yet-sadly-dated engine that wasnt done and can be leased by ANYONE for 99 dollars a year, you going to eventually going to hit an unbreakable wall. Then what? Originality should have been a key point in the dev process along with keeping up with the times as far as graphics.

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Man, I can't stand when everyone pretends to be Internet Experts on stuff. Everything from law to computer programming. But yeah... this game performs the worst on my machine out of all the other games I run. I mean, come on guys. Do something about the graphics, performance, etc.
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The instant "fanboy" came out as a counter argument, the OP lost all credibility.

It can be true, and can be used correctly, but rarely is. It's an awfully strong claim to make, and unless you're willing to take the time to prove it, you're better off not doing so. A fanboy is someone who denies all evidence against a company and stands by it in the face of the facts. Loyalty is one thing, but denying the truth is quite another.


Was the accused in this thread guilty of that? **** if I know. I haven't been paying attention to that conversation :D

Edited by idnewton
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Hahahahahahaha! you ACTUALLY think SWTOR is doing better than FF 14. Credibility OUT the window. Also, I am by far not the only who doesnt like how it performs. Anyone who has half a brain cell knows this game performs TERRIBLY the second more than 4 people start doing anything on screen. Case in point, the world boss on Yavin, even when people have damn near super computers.


Financially it is doing better. In 2013 SWTOR made 165 million putting at #4 for subscription/subscription f2p hybrid MMORPGs. FF did not even make the top 10. In 2014. In 2014, by Sept, before SoR launched, SWTOR had broken 100 million dollars in revenue again ahead of FF. This is what EA cares about...show me the money.


I also NEVER said that the game performs well. My point is that it does not perform that much worse than similarly designed MMOs (and ESO is NOT among them) and makes more money than most of em. If your argument about bad performance, in an apples to apples comparison is a matter of degrees AND you are still making more money than those other games that arguably have less issues...where is the incentive for the business to change anything?


So you again are looking at things subjectively. You see something that you see as a problem and want it fixed. The company does NOT see the problem you do because they are still making a metric butt ton of cash. Anyone who has half a brain cell can see that.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Yea, they should go harder on it. They could go very hardcore on it. Yes, it would be good for the long term future of the game. They will just keep improving their version. Perhaps not to people's liking fast enough. But it will get better over time
My doubt are steeming from that fact that nothing has improved in terms of performance and rendering since over 3 years. The tech of the game feels dated more and more with long loading times, huge issues with rendering many characters on screen
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I just returned myself still searching for a reason to jump back into the game, as for the original poster. I think its clear by the responses he got that very few people here hold down a job in RL. His explanation over what happened to swtor in development is logical given how companies have been acting in the work world of late. Saying one thing and doing another thing. Or in this case going one way then half way through changing their minds, and not correctly completing the project.


The other thing is why in all the years this game has been released has bioware never given a detailed explanation for the failure of this game to run smoothly? If the op is just insane ore making stuff up, which to some degree he could be, then why has there never been a explanation? If you started going down one path, then changed your mind, and the end result was you did not complete the job correctly. Its not something you would like to admit.


No offense but how this game runs to be blunt is for all tense and purposes the Dark ages. I have never had a game take close to five minutes or longer in a load screen for a map. No this is not just a pvp problem, it prevents people from utilizing the game completely.

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Why waste the money? The game has no substantially greater issue than any other MMORPG of its type. If it is still profitable and is no more, or less, "broken" than its competition (from a technical stand point) why would they spend the money? Updating engines costs money and is inherently dangerous...it can totally break things...(ask Blizzard about all the headaches they have had when they have a dedicated team that only does engine work). You need a financial incentive to take such a risk as a business and NONE exists.



i agree. and quoting the person before you. the game makes 100 mil a year? who says. the real money maker for this mmo is the cartel market.. yea alot of people sub but all the money comes from the cartel micro transactions. , i honestly thing they are happy with the engine the way it is... if they arent they are just wrapping a turd in roses

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i agree. and quoting the person before you. the game makes 100 mil a year? who says. the real money maker for this mmo is the cartel market.. yea alot of people sub but all the money comes from the cartel micro transactions. , i honestly thing they are happy with the engine the way it is... if they arent they are just wrapping a turd in roses


Stupid management moves are...

Thinking that milking will go forever with allmost zero investment...


Money pull money... Who things otherwise are an idiot...

If ppl think that is the Cartel Market that gives them the money, you are wrong... Most of the money will allways come from a stable source (Subs).


Cartel Market are just extra income for the anual balance sheet....

They don´t care... its diferent of being happy or sad with the way the things are...

If they where a competent company, will OFC fix the problems... They are identified more then reported and nothing happens because they don´t care... (They EA or even Bioware or both).


Come on... they get 100M per year, don´t have 1M, 5M or even 10M to upgrade their engine... are you kiding me?


Best Regards,



Edited by LordPaulusCobris
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considering the repeated inability to even use technical terms properly (or even spell them right), I'm guessing you know jack all about software design and programming.


The idea of upgrading the engine at this stage in the development cycle is simply laughable.


Keep in mind, the issues only really hurt PVP folk, which make up a small minority of the population (just a vocal one on the forums). Sure we all notice and cringe at the stuff, but it rarely actually affects us. Little incentive for BW.


Crticise his English when you're able to speak more than one language, pleb.

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i agree. and quoting the person before you. the game makes 100 mil a year? who says. the real money maker for this mmo is the cartel market.. yea alot of people sub but all the money comes from the cartel micro transactions. , i honestly thing they are happy with the engine the way it is... if they arent they are just wrapping a turd in roses


For who Says Google Super Data research. They do video game market analysis and have been used as sources by Forbes Magazine. The revenues I posted are from their research.


I wouldn't go so far as to say they are "happy" with the engine...but I don't think saying they are content would be a reach.

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SWTOR can be ported to the Hero Engine 2 (or even a later revision)...


I wish. This might inspire them to make a cash shop deco called the Hero Engine to put in your Nar Shadaa bedroom but that'd be the closest we'd get to the real thing.

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I wish. This might inspire them to make a cash shop deco called the Hero Engine to put in your Nar Shadaa bedroom but that'd be the closest we'd get to the real thing.



Great joke!... I allready imagine a arcade machine with the hero engine 2 logo runing in an animation and after that... the "long time ago... in a game far... far... away...."




Best Regards,



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For who Says Google Super Data research. They do video game market analysis and have been used as sources by Forbes Magazine. The revenues I posted are from their research.


I wouldn't go so far as to say they are "happy" with the engine...but I don't think saying they are content would be a reach.


i agree with you... i use SWTOR UNLEASHED a program bioware doesnt object to us using.. it lets us utilize our pcs full capacity of the game... for example if u have a computer with the following specs


500 Gb SSD HD

quad Core Amd 3.4Ghz socket am3+

16 gigs of memory ddr3

Nvidia Geforce GTX TI 2gb Graphics card


The game only recognizes 6 gigs of memory no matter how baddasss your machine is... so swtor unleashed lets u tweak your game to make it utilize all your hardware. and lets u load faster... cause of now.. the way the engine is... u can only load so fast..


Google Swtor unleashed its a free download... and is quite good of a program, basically like a home grown engine update

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