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Why do I bother listing on the Market.


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2 days listing is not enough. Period.


Why? Because when I try to provide enough goods to the market I try to list quite a few things. It takes time to get them up and priced right. If they don't sell quickly either because I priced them too high or demand is low, they come down and I got to list them all over again. Huge pain in the @ss.

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Welcome to any MMO?


So if you put something up for 2 weeks, and someone came behind you and undercut you 2 hours. You would be fine waiting 2 weeks to get your item back?


Any mmo? Theres quite a few MMO's that have far longer auction times then 2 days.

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Any mmo? Theres quite a few MMO's that have far longer auction times then 2 days.


Yes and they all take your deposit if the item doesn't sell. If you cancel the item because you set it up for 2 weeks and someone comes in 2 hours later and undercuts you, you lose your deposit and cancel it or wait 2 weeks. Putting something up for 2 weeks is insane.

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2 days is actually a bit short... 5 days would be good though


the AH needs some tweeking still in all honesty.


1: Functional Search Option

2: Longer Listings (1 day, 2 day, 5 day, Longer???)

3: Bulk Listing Feature

4: Live Price Change (So we can reprice something we already have listed without relisting)

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Personally, 2 days is the max I list anything for, esp when the server is this new and the market is unstable. My biggest beef with the market is the interface. I really don't understand why I can't just enter a name to search for...



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2 days is actually a bit short... 5 days would be good though


the AH needs some tweeking still in all honesty.


1: Functional Search Option

2: Longer Listings (1 day, 2 day, 5 day, Longer???)

3: Bulk Listing Feature

4: Live Price Change (So we can reprice something we already have listed without relisting)



1-3 would all be fantastic additions to quality of life on the AH, but I really hope they don't do anything like number 4. One of the few things I actually like about the way they've implemented the GTN is that the very high deposit cost prevents people from sitting at the terminal all day and relisting for 1 credit less than the next guy.


The way it is now, you have to actually pick a price you think is appropriate and go with it. If it doesn't sell, you can choose whether to simply relist or change the price at that time.

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1-3 would all be fantastic additions to quality of life on the AH, but I really hope they don't do anything like number 4. One of the few things I actually like about the way they've implemented the GTN is that the very high deposit cost prevents people from sitting at the terminal all day and relisting for 1 credit less than the next guy.


The way it is now, you have to actually pick a price you think is appropriate and go with it. If it doesn't sell, you can choose whether to simply relist or change the price at that time.




But I still say that CoH's double blind bidding/listing system is one of the best AHs around. You can only see the last 5 sale prices and you have no idea what the actual list price was. You can see the number of bids and the number listed. That's it.

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