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whiny imp players

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I play imp probably 2/3 of my time, but what I can't stand is whiny imp players. Especially on rp server.

All those scary sith lords begging for help, whining thay cant finish some class story, beat some boss, find something etc. Even begging people to join heroics.

I once even encountered a level 60 Juggernaut on Korriban begging my 20 something BH to duel him :eek:


c'mon people, if you play mighty sith lords, scary bounty hunters or ruthless agents don't beg, don't cry. Even asking for help is near the border, but if done right is ok. But all those lords death_incarnate of imperious legacy crying and begging?


and don't use Treek

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The issue might be that usually the bad faction attracts younger people for some reason than the good faction. Might be because empire armors are cooler than Republic armor, or its just cool to play a bad guy.


And ofc some of the young players don't bother studying their class, abilities and mechanics of the game, leaving them utterly helpless in most situations.


It's a byproduct of the age which is annoying but also understandable.

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c'mon people, if you play mighty sith lords, scary bounty hunters or ruthless agents don't beg, don't cry.


Sith, Bounty Hunters and Agents have feelings too. I mean put yourself in Anakin Skywalker's shoes and imagine arriving back on Tatooine to find out your own Mother dying in your arms after being brutally tortured by a band of Tusken Raiders or finding out from Palpatine that you killed Padmé with your own anger. I bet you'd be crying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" too. Everyone has feelings, doesn't matter what species you are or what side of the Galaxy you are on. Good, evil, we all all have tragedies, especially Sith.


Also you are speaking for RP servers, well you don't know their personal back-story. Something awful may have happened to them in their past that turned them into a beggar or wimpy character. You never know... Imperial's are a sensitive bunch. Don't pick on them cause they are flawed or evil.

Edited by DuckKing
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Sith, Bounty Hunters and Agents have feelings too. I mean put yourself in Anakin Skywalker's shoes and imagine arriving back on Tatooine to find out your own Mother dying in your arms after being brutally tortured by a band of Tusken Raiders or finding out from Palpatine that you killed Padmé with your own anger. I bet you'd be crying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" too. Everyone has feelings, doesn't matter what species you are or what side of the Galaxy you are on. Good, evil, we all all have tragedies, especially Sith.


Yet, he didn't go crying for reinforcements to help him, he went absolutely hack and slash crazy, and slaughtered everything in sight. Such is the path of a true Son or Daughter of the Empire.

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Yet, he didn't go crying for reinforcements to help him, he went absolutely hack and slash crazy, and slaughtered everything in sight. Such is the path of a true Son or Daughter of the Empire.


I dunno, Anakin being a whiner is practically a Star Wars meme.

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Yet, he didn't go crying for reinforcements to help him, he went absolutely hack and slash crazy, and slaughtered everything in sight. Such is the path of a true Son or Daughter of the Empire.


Never forget the younglings. "Master Skywalker, there to many of them. What are we going to do?" Whips out the lightsaber.

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I once even encountered a level 60 Juggernaut on Korriban begging my 20 something BH to duel him :eek:



Why would anyone want to duel someone 40 levels under them? I did once have a high level character ask me to duel repeatedly until I put him on ignore.


That's pretty sad, like the players that straight up beg for credits on open chat.

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If you are suggesting that only imp players "whine", a word that has lost it's real meaning online now days, then I will say that is BS. I see just as much from Rep players begging and needing help all the time.


I am sick of people acting like one side is worse or better than the other. Not just in the game but in life with race and gender, etc.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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If you are suggesting that only imp players "whine", a word that has lost it's real meaning online now days, then I will say that is BS. I see just as much from Rep players begging and needing help all the time.


I am sick of people acting like one side is worse or better than the other. Not just in the game but in life with race and gender, etc.


But Republic characters ARE all weak whiny cry-babies who need help. No shame in them begging. But The Empire are arrogant power-houses who are supposed to reject help as it'd stab them in the back and steal all the glory.

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Why would anyone want to duel someone 40 levels under them? I did once have a high level character ask me to duel repeatedly until I put him on ignore.


That's pretty sad, like the players that straight up beg for credits on open chat.


that was actually a pretty hilarious situation.

There stands mighty Darth Terrible (not actual name, I didn't pay attention to his name) in his mighty armor by the entrance to the academy.

My female BH walks up and stands by him, enjoying the view, considering asking for a selfie with him.

Suddenly -duel invitation. I decline, whisper "what, no one bigger around?"

Darth Terrible challenges again.

Me (Silken-Steel) again: "nope, find someone your own size"

Darth Terrible: "c'mon its fun"

Silken-Steel: "for u maybe"

Darth Terrible: "please?"

Silken-Steel: "..."

Darth Terrible: "please"

Silken-Steel: "don't whine, people are watching"

Darth Terrible: "this was no whining, this was begging" and goes of running.

Silken-Steel: "bye bye Darth Whiny"

Darth Terrible (from afar): "you have stupid name"


I swear it went down like this. I was just simply amazed. Went to Korriban to have some fun (and get datacrons), but didn't expect it to get that memorable :D

Edited by jstankaroslo
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I play imp probably 2/3 of my time, but what I can't stand is whiny imp players. Especially on rp server.

All those scary sith lords begging for help, whining thay cant finish some class story, beat some boss, find something etc. Even begging people to join heroics.

I once even encountered a level 60 Juggernaut on Korriban begging my 20 something BH to duel him :eek:


c'mon people, if you play mighty sith lords, scary bounty hunters or ruthless agents don't beg, don't cry. Even asking for help is near the border, but if done right is ok. But all those lords death_incarnate of imperious legacy crying and begging?


and don't use Treek


Imperial players cannot:


Ask for help to an extent you consider it begging/whining. Check

Ask for grouping for heroics to an extent you consider it begging/whining. Check

Use Treek (not really following you here, but ok). Check


So I take it you follow these guidelines when you play 2/3rds imperial? Highly doubt it, but im guessing it comes down to what you consider "whining".


When I play my republic characters, I can assume to have your permission to beg, whine, and use treek?


Should I point out the irony of you coming to the forums to "whine" about "whiners"?


I will try my best to follow your demands. :p

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I play imp probably 2/3 of my time, but what I can't stand is whiny imp players. Especially on rp server.

All those scary sith lords begging for help, whining thay cant finish some class story, beat some boss, find something etc. Even begging people to join heroics.

I once even encountered a level 60 Juggernaut on Korriban begging my 20 something BH to duel him :eek:


c'mon people, if you play mighty sith lords, scary bounty hunters or ruthless agents don't beg, don't cry. Even asking for help is near the border, but if done right is ok. But all those lords death_incarnate of imperious legacy crying and begging?


and don't use Treek


I... I'm not even quite sure what your issue is? Is this about players who spam chat with "hELp pLs cAN't DEfeAT [insert easy class story boss because they're underleveled and geared]" or is just politely and calmly asking for help or saying "LFG [insert group mission]" bad :| And since you mention RP servers like..... People giving their characters depth beyond "hurr hurrr i am scary sith/bh/agent fEAr mE!!!!!1111!!11oneeleven!!1" is bad or.....?


I mean, yeah, the first bit is annoying and constant spamming is also but just? Asking for help/a group for *heroics*? Really? And man, I play on an RP server, and I think 90% of what I see when walking past people RPing when I'm out questing is....... not so good, to put it mildly, but it's not because people flesh out their characters beyond basic stereotypes lmao.


And don't tell people which companion to use, if I want to bring my teddy bear with me I will :mad: (......I'd say "do you really expect me to put up with Corso till Nar Shadaa but that's not Imp side :p)

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I... I'm not even quite sure what your issue is? Is this about players who spam chat with "hELp pLs cAN't DEfeAT [insert easy class story boss because they're underleveled and geared]" or is just politely and calmly asking for help or saying "LFG [insert group mission]" bad :| And since you mention RP servers like..... People giving their characters depth beyond "hurr hurrr i am scary sith/bh/agent fEAr mE!!!!!1111!!11oneeleven!!1" is bad or.....?


Id on't either, all I got out of it is the opening poster is "in character" and this is a role playing discussion.


Therefore it doesn't belong in the general discussion and needs to be moved to the role playing forum.

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Id on't either, all I got out of it is the opening poster is "in character" and this is a role playing discussion.


Therefore it doesn't belong in the general discussion and needs to be moved to the role playing forum.


No, he just said "especially on the RP forums". If he just meant RP, then ok, I can see the point that the typical Sith lord probably wouldn't be begging for help.


On the other hand, even in the story there are pretty out of character sith lords.


There's really nothing about BH stereotype that dictates they cannot be whiney, or the agent for that matter. The point I got from his post, RP server or not, play like he sees fit, not how you want to play your character. Which is just silly.


Then we have the "don't use treek" which makes absolutely no sense. I think this is a case of posting while drunk.

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I agree! I also hate all those whiny Republic players doing all the same exact things you mentioned.


I think the joke is that a mighty sith lord is asking for help. Which is amusing.


A jedi probably would ask for help if he needed it. lol

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I think the joke is that a mighty sith lord is asking for help. Which is amusing.


A jedi probably would ask for help if he needed it. lol


See, you're confusing The Old Republic Jedi with the Jedi of the future. Have you not noticed that the Jedi in this time line are all D-bags, and in a lot of instances, worse than the Sith? I've just experienced too many stories where the high and mighty Jedi's were just as evil, if not more, than me, and demand more stuff to be done for them.

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