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Healing reduced by 30% in pvp. WHY!?


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lol frankly


i would love to parse the posters in this thread. and i bet most of the "its fine" people all play DPS and dont know how to interupt, too busy bashing their faces on the keyboard so they can "win"



Ive been playing healer mains for 10 years, and this is pathetic, frankly. Its lowest common denominator PvP for cretins. "oh noes, i actually have to be aware of the fight, assist people, and bring down healers? !?!"?! but i want to press tab then mash 1-2-3 and win waa waa"



I really hope this turns into the Rift Cabalist love patch. namely, all the Healers reroll DPS in protest.. then watch all the "pro" dps whinge and ***** about how "gay" everyone else is and the fact that they cant faceroll anyone any more without someone to heal them.



for the record. my heals atm are :


1.43 sec cast single target

2.39 sec cast single target

insta hot 30 sec RUT

9 sec channeled

1.91 cast GTAOE hot 15 sec RUT


wow thats a lot of heals, how many attacks do you DPSer have ? 10 ? 15?


ALL bar the HoT can be interrupted by anyone even vaguely aware of their surroundings. you will also notice the absence of INSTAs . so you can hop around like a WoWrogue , i HAVE to stand still. . .



45 Sorc. 31corrupt/5lightning




Side Note: anyone notice this :


Damage is normalised, Healing isnt. it might be a bug, but my lvl 12 operative can shoot someone for 1200 damage, but heals for 40/tick.. Oo

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I am a healer. According to the forum whines I am the squishiest class with the least amount of survivability. I mean.. if I see a red coming at me, I might as well just give up and suicide, because there's no way to survive and it is clearly impossible for me to kill him! Right.. right!?


I guess my character is bugged or something, because I am doing more than fine.


Tiny tip for those who complain about how much a Sage gets interrupted in PvP:

You have more than one heals.


It's funny interrupting healers and watch them stand there, doing nothing, looking stupid for the full duration.

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


Not every dps class has true cast interrupts, fyi.

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So tanks should have to rely on healers when they are doing their job guarding and taunting but healers should just lol-jump around the map spamming HOTs? You SHOULD have to rely on a tank to do his job to keep yourself or another playing from being killed by 3 focused DPS.


Wait a sec... Are you implying Warzones are about teamplay??? :eek:

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


Troll alert - This is NOT WoW

Edited by Torn
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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


You, sir, are a moron.


Yeah... you should never be able to be killed by any amount of DPS... because that's balanced.


Also, tanks should never die and DPS should two shot everything. Because it's possible to balance the game that way... and Daniel Erickson is actually a space alien who is out to eat your babies.

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I am a healer. According to the forum whines I am the squishiest class with the least amount of survivability. I mean.. if I see a red coming at me, I might as well just give up and suicide, because there's no way to survive and it is clearly impossible for me to kill him! Right.. right!?


I guess my character is bugged or something, because I am doing more than fine.


Tiny tip for those who complain about how much a Sage gets interrupted in PvP:

You have more than one heals.


It's funny interrupting healers and watch them stand there, doing nothing, looking stupid for the full duration.


Are you dumb? You interrupt a 2.5 second heal at the end of the cast and you just completely ****ed the person. They lost 2 seconds of time. They're completely dead if the player is competent. Stun the next cast near the end, even if they break it, you still cost them time. Use force lift to stop the last cast. They're always dead by this point unless they have help.


I kill the **** out of healers and i'm one of the lowest damage classes. The only healer I have trouble killing is mercenaries when they have their 2min cd damage reduction up.

Edited by CHRISGG
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lol frankly


i would love to parse the posters in this thread. and i bet most of the "its fine" people all play DPS and dont know how to interupt, too busy bashing their faces on the keyboard so they can "win"


Let me point this out since it seems no healer posters in this thread know how interrupts work in this game. You lock out 1 healing spell for 5 seconds, most healers have more than 1 healing spell. Even if I use my interrupt on every cooldown, plus my stun and my incapacitate, a braindead healer could manage to heal him or herself.


Yes I play DPS and that doesn't impact my argument in this thread what so ever. The fact is that without school lockdowns and with each healing class having multiple healing spells, every last one of them having more CC than a frost mage did in WoW and everything else, what are you crying about?


That you can't somehow keep yourself and the rest of your team up when you're being jumped by 3 people? Well, you shouldn't. After watching how level 50 healers perform, I'm actually in favor of upping it to 50% or adding school lockdowns on healing spells. Just earlier today, or rather last night I ended up in a huttball game where the opposing team had 5 healing capable classes out of which 4 were pure healers and they simply walked the huttball through the fire traps, through our entire team and scored 6 times.

Edited by Scelerant
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I play a healer (Medic Commando). Healing is actually really balanced right now.


I have 2 words for half the people in this thread:



I've been destroyed by a well organized opposing team, and I've won MVP with a good team. It's all about the competence of your fellow teammates, bottom line.


I've had 4-5 people hammering on me as the ball carrier in hutt ball drawing in all melee players while I heal myself and pass the ball and die, but watched as teamates reign down aoe damage on my attackers Felt just like the grenade charge scene in the cinematic.


Clearly the whines don't see past their abilities bar. That is not where strategy comes from.

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Are you dumb? You interrupt a 2.5 second heal at the end of the cast and you just completely ****ed the person. They lost 2 seconds of time. They're completely dead if the player is competent. Stun the next cast near the end, even if they break it, you still cost them time. Use force lift to stop the last cast. They're always dead by this point unless they have help.


I kill the **** out of healers and i'm one of the lowest damage classes. The only healer I have trouble killing is mercenaries when they have their 2min cd damage reduction up.


If the healer is stupid enough to stand still in full LoS and let you lol around and interrupt his heals, it's a L2P issue, not a class one.

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If the healer is stupid enough to stand still in full LoS and let you lol around and interrupt his heals, it's a L2P issue, not a class one.


I have far more instant cast damage abilities than a healer has instant cast healing spells. If he wants to try and LoS me, he will die. You can't run around and not cast in this game. YOU DIE.

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I have far more instant cast damage abilities than a healer has instant cast healing spells. If he wants to try and LoS me, he will die. You can't run around and not cast in this game. YOU DIE.


And yet I seem to manage just fine. At lvl 34.

I see a lot of healers who doesn't, who seem to post as much threat as a piece of paper does to a fire.

L2P issue.


I'm not immortal. I die a lot. I die way more frequently than in any of the other MMOs I have played. If I get focused by 50's I will be dead, but I will usually keep myself and my team up long enough for more to get there and defend.

Over all, healing is weak and it is simply not doable to play a healer in SWTOR like most people are used to in other MMOS. Which is good imho.

Edited by Senefera
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I want and am entitled to a THOROUGH explanation as to why this is necessary.




Not later.




I know I skipped an entire thread to post this, but reading this literally caused me to laugh out loud at work.


Awesome post, OP.

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healing is fine. if it was anymore powerful it would be OP. I usually hit 200k heals and 150k damage in huttball or voidstar that are full length matches.


lol that does not show or display that healing is or is not were it should be at all.

there are so many thing that would need to be looked at.


i for one would not recommend changing much on any class at all until a larger number of people have gotten into more end game gear because a lot of balancing and character performance is based around this type of game play

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lol frankly


i would love to parse the posters in this thread. and i bet most of the "its fine" people all play DPS and dont know how to interupt, too busy bashing their faces on the keyboard so they can "win"



Ive been playing healer mains for 10 years, and this is pathetic, frankly. Its lowest common denominator PvP for cretins. "oh noes, i actually have to be aware of the fight, assist people, and bring down healers? !?!"?! but i want to press tab then mash 1-2-3 and win waa waa"



I really hope this turns into the Rift Cabalist love patch. namely, all the Healers reroll DPS in protest.. then watch all the "pro" dps whinge and ***** about how "gay" everyone else is and the fact that they cant faceroll anyone any more without someone to heal them.



for the record. my heals atm are :


1.43 sec cast single target

2.39 sec cast single target

insta hot 30 sec RUT

9 sec channeled

1.91 cast GTAOE hot 15 sec RUT


wow thats a lot of heals, how many attacks do you DPSer have ? 10 ? 15?


ALL bar the HoT can be interrupted by anyone even vaguely aware of their surroundings. you will also notice the absence of INSTAs . so you can hop around like a WoWrogue , i HAVE to stand still. . .



45 Sorc. 31corrupt/5lightning




Side Note: anyone notice this :


Damage is normalised, Healing isnt. it might be a bug, but my lvl 12 operative can shoot someone for 1200 damage, but heals for 40/tick.. Oo


I base it on long experience of MMO gaming, yes I do play a DPS, although I have several friends doing more then well in PvP as a healer. They dont think the debuff is OP or nerfing heals too much, because it doesnt.


You just have to learn to cope with it, and have teammates helping you out if you are getting trained.


Most healers I've fought so far are abo****ely attrocious aswell, so I do understand why this was brought up, eventhough its fine.

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No relevant experience. End.


I have leveled almost purely through warzones, but I guess you're right.

As a lvl 34 I have no clue how it is to meet 50's in PvP, see their skills in action and experience how hard it must be to both survive AND heal through all that damage.


Oh wait...

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I have leveled almost purely through warzones, but I guess you're right.

As a lvl 34 I have no clue how it is to meet 50's in PvP, see their skills in action and experience how hard it must be to both survive AND heal through all that damage.


Oh wait...


Well guys, he's played a lot. That means he's good. That's a wrap people.

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