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Healing reduced by 30% in pvp. WHY!?


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^This is why heals take a hit.


I was playing in a Voidstar match tonight (Watchmen spec Sentinel), I used force leap on a Sorc who was facing away from me and proceed to burn him down to around 20% of his health, then I got CCed, he healed back to full, and then nuked me. If you ask me damage bubbles should be banned in PvP and healing should take even more of a nerf.


Well 1v1 a melee vs a healer or a melee vs a caster dps will always be a tough fight. It doesn't mean that he's OP, it's just the nature of the classes. You just need to learn how to fight him properly, like you would need to learn how to fight any other class. Can't use the same tactics on everyone and you also can't win every fight. Try leveling a healer in SWTOR and come back and try to say they're OP, you won't be able to.

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


You know i could see a post like this coming as soon as i read the origional post of this thread.


Simply put, it was needed. Ive been doing some warzones today (IA operative if anyone wanted to know :p) and i felt usefull and helpful, when the raid frames decided to work. A single healer should not be able to tank an entire team, or outheal 2 or more dps when they strike on the same target in a loosely coordinated manner.


Healers are not gods, we are not meant to render an entirely opposing team worthless, we're meant to keep people alive as long as we can, not keep everyone topped off permanently.

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


Seriously ?


Why would a healer win if he can't DPS ?


Let's go back to the basic of this game...




You're not suppose to be able to survive as a healer alone... And more over that you don't have a "mana" bar but Force bar that replenish itself continuously...


MORE OVER... They even made the "tank" spec in PVP having special abilities in PVP to protect such a case...


The taunts will even apply a debuff on other team members if they attack an other member of your team... so they do less damage...


So that would mean... If you put both classes that people says or underpowered... Juggernaut and a healer together... 1 Jugg gets healed... While he beat the crap out of the adversary... Even if the healer is getting beaten on the Jugg can actually apply a debuff on that same adversary so he makes less damage on your healer...


This game is not like an other game *cough*WoW*cough* it seems it's gonna take skilled player to play it...


A healer should have NEVER been allowed to survive when 4 - 5 people are attacking them ... With our without interrupt...


I haven't seen 1 single valid arguments on the side of "That debuff should die..."

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.



You must be trolling son.

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Healing is fine.

If you don't see that, I suggest you go look at your rotation, practice battlefield awareness and remember to stay mobile. Use all your tools, not just the ones who heals and you will be more than fine.


I've been a MMO healer for the last 6 years in a lot of different MMOs. I have never been as happy with healing as I am here.

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Healing is fine.

If you don't see that, I suggest you go look at your rotation, practice battlefield awareness and remember to stay mobile. Use all your tools, not just the ones who heals and you will be more than fine.


I've been a MMO healer for the last 6 years in a lot of different MMOs. I have never been as happy with healing as I am here.


Being subpar for a long time is not to your credit FYI.

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


You should play Rift....Or.. wait a minute..



Did you get used to being spoon fed there and now you expected the same here



LOL ! priceless!



I hated Rift PvP for that very reason. Don't bring it here

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You should play Rift....Or.. wait a minute..



Did you get used to being spoon fed there and now you expected the same here



LOL ! priceless!



I hated Rift PvP for that very reason. Don't bring it here


So wait, you hated Rift PvP because it required you to actually use your abilities to kill healers instead of mindlessly mashing damage...?



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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


obvious troll is obvious?

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So wait, you hated Rift PvP because it required you to actually use your abilities to kill healers instead of mindlessly mashing damage...?




Yeah 3 or 4 dpsers beating on one cleric and never killing it was due to my lack of proper use of my skills.


I'm sure your right.


If you didnt play rift from launch then you dont know what I'm talking about.


Before I left Rift which was one day before I gained early access here I played a cleric and my god it was easy. even more so than my tank was at early release.


The geeks who got used to that ease of play deserve to play a cleric anywhere else and get rolled over because it should take strategy

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Well... when a lv50 healer and a lv50 dps(equal gear and skill)lock in combat, they cancel each other out. One can't really kill the other and healer is force to focus on healing him/herself only.


and this is a good thing, makes it where 1 healer cant keep 5 people alive forever.

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Well... when a lv50 healer and a lv50 dps(equal gear and skill)lock in combat, they cancel each other out. One can't really kill the other and healer is force to focus on healing him/herself only.


That's what I would say fair... So that means if you put 2 DPS on 1 healer ... He's going down...


= Balanced to me...

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How is that a troll? Do people actually believe they should be able to just mindlessly zerg damage and be rewarded wth kills? God the average mmorpg pvper is so garbage.


yes because healers should be the automatic I win button of everything, unless of course your opponent perfectly times every interupt and stun.

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It most certainly is not fine... the only way i should be able to be killed by ANY amount of dps as a healer is if I get interrupted. If they don't interrupt me they should be punished by not being able to kill me ever. Even if it's the entire opposing team.


you is a very smart person!

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yes because healers should be the automatic I win button of everything, unless of course your opponent perfectly times every interupt and stun.


*** does "PERFECTLY TIMES" mean? Is it hard for you to press your interrupt on a 2 second cast or something? MAN, THAT SURE REQUIRES PERFECT TIMING. Are you that slow?

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Yeah 3 or 4 dpsers beating on one cleric and never killing it was due to my lack of proper use of my skills.


I'm sure your right.


If you didnt play rift from launch then you dont know what I'm talking about.


Before I left Rift which was one day before I gained early access here I played a cleric and my god it was easy. even more so than my tank was at early release.


The geeks who got used to that ease of play deserve to play a cleric anywhere else and get rolled over because it should take strategy


It absolutely was - you and the other players were bad. All of you click and keyboard turn. That's a fact in any game where the situation you described might happen.

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