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Bioware. Why are Cantina Event code items bound?


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Or the free 30 days subscription around launch. Or every single free thing they've given out ever.


pretty much this. Free CC (not enough) fee speeder (wasn't good enough), free LEGACY crystals (wrong color) Its a never ending witch fest around here when it comes to anything they try to do that is nice.

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I feel your pain. I was thinking the same thing. I got a lovely pink/purple dye, but the toon that got it, wouldn't use it in a million years. I can understand them not wanting people to sell the rewards, but certainly making them legacy bound would be helpful. Then my noobies could have the xp, and my crazy pink loving agent could have the dye.


Please consider making the rewards for legacy use...


Thanks, and thanks for the stuff regardless. It was nice getting that speeder. :)


.. I thought I was the only one who had a crazy pink loving agent.


... Who also wasn't the character that got the pink/purple dye.

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speeder bound...fine.

rest needs to be bound to Legacy.

if they could make the droid BoL then rest of it should be also.


The varactyl was also BtL.


There was no precedent for BtL dyes and XP boosters though. Not saying they couldn't have. Just saying they never done it for those particular items.

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speeder bound...fine.

rest needs to be bound to Legacy.

if they could make the droid BoL then rest of it should be also.

The droid isn't going to torpedo the market (both on the CM and the GTN) for existing items. Being able to generate unlimited XP Boosts and Dyes that you can pass between your characters would.


EDIT: Heck, let's even take the amorphous 'market' out of the equation - I understand why people feel that a random item that may end up being useless (even when it is completely free and just an addition to the advertised speeder gift) feels a bit underwhelming. But, even just looking at an individual player level, the alternative of "here's a free speeder... oh, and also you never have to buy Dyes or XP Boosts again on any of your characters" is a pretty ludicrous gift for BW to be handing out for clicking on a code.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Suggestion, though mostly for coming Cantinas:


Add a Cantina vendor that takes tokens.

Change all the drops from the Cantina packs to BoP tokens, 1 for common stuff (XP + most dyes?), 1 for uncommon (Droid, CarboFreeze and Black/Black dye?), 1 for rare (Varactyl and Statue?). Mind you, the rarities are just examples as I don't know them.


That way each character can still only get one item as it currently is, but the players get some choice regarding which item it is. With more Cantinas (and possibly more items to pick from) in the future, players might be able to get the stuff they'd like to get. The whole "lottery" feel to it will also stay as you don't know which token you will get.

Edited by MFollin
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Well, what about the carbonite chamber though? I can't see any reason why that shouldn't be unlockable in collections like the exact same carbonite chamber that you can buy with cartel coins is.


Scenario #1 - I never buy a carbonite chamber. BW gets nothing.

Scenario #2 - I get a free chamber and I pay to unlock it for all chars. BW gets some of my CC's that they wouldn't have normally gotten.


Is there a downside to Scenario #2 that I'm not seeing?


I think this has been a great promotion, btw, and I love the little thrill of opening free boxes on all my chars. I love the speeder too. :)

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I got the code from a guild member who attended the event. So, I open the little box to get the mount and the extra rewards. What do I get? Items (dyes, xp boosts, etc) that are BOUND to that character. :mad:


Why are the dyes and xp boosts you get BOUND? What exactly is the purpose of making those bound? I really fail to see the logic in that. I can't use XP boosts on my 10 lvl 60 characters. I have no use for a white green dye (or any other color) on my Sorc. Etc, etc. This is frankly ridiculous and honestly a waste of a reward.


Please. Change these Cantina Code rewards to not be bound. I haven't opened any more (still have 18 more to open) because I don't want this stuff BOUND and essentially useless. Thanx.


It is a free 'thank you' gift, if you don't want it, throw it away.


And consumables are bound specifically because they are consumables.


If they were unbound, players would create a new character, open the box for the free consumable, mail it to an alt, delete the character and repeat over and over for unlimited dyes and XP boosts.


I guess providing unlimited dye and XP boost consumables was not their intent.

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.. I thought I was the only one who had a crazy pink loving agent.


... Who also wasn't the character that got the pink/purple dye.


:) I guess not lol. I love the new speeder for my Chiss agent, cause it matches her funky hair. It's too bad you didn't get the dye you wanted on the toon you wanted it for too. I'm hoping they'll change it to legacy...that way they don't have to worry about people selling them, and we can apply them to the ones we want.

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Why can't everyone be satisfied? No matter what the items are (bound, BoL, tradeable) people are going to be annoyed.


Scenario #1: Items are bound. People complain that they should be BoL or tradeable.


Scenario #2: Items are BoL. People complain that they should be tradeable.


Scenario #3: Items are tradeable. People complain of exploiters abusing the free codes and people abusing the codes say that there is nothing wrong with selling the items since they are tradeable.


I am a subscriber, and have been for almost two years, but I don't have a false sense of entitlement when I get free items for doing nothing but clicking on a link, and yes, I posted the link I received on the forum thread so others could get free items.


I'm not pointing fingers at anybody. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to think that you are "entitled" to free items is ludicrous. Flame me if you want. I could care less. I will continue to enjoy playing the game and enjoying myself.




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I've only opened two packs myself so far. One got a pink/purple dye, the other got a white/yellow dye....of course both got that pink speeder :( (and I'm one of those guys who think only women should wear pink :rolleyes: )


But you know what....IT'S STILL ALL GOOD. It was free....didn't cost me a thing. :D


The pink dye I'll use as soon as I get a female companion on that character. The white/yellow dye I slapped in a companion I don't use anyway. The speeder....well, my female toons can use it. All my other toons can use one of the 10 mounts I've ALREADY unlocked in collections. ;)


And I'm just happy it's not full of more fireworks lol

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I got a BoL pet (some droid that I already have on my main).


I don't think any of the bonus rewards should be BoL. Everything should be BoP. It is a free bonus gift after all. I am happy about it.


My lightside Jedi Knight - the char I like the least of all my various chars - got a BoP black/black dye. First, I was like: "Noooooooooo!" (Darth Vader style). But then I realised: That's a good chance to give this char some new perspective for his life. Maybe I will hate him a bit less soon. ;)

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I swear, people will complain about the stupidest crap.


You know what? I am sick and tired of stupid crap. It's about time something was done about that.


BioWare, make smarter crap or else I'm cancelling both my subs!



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You just don't get it.


And you CLEARLY don't get it either. My "complaint" is very valid. I am a paying sub of many years in this game, I'll "complain" (VOICE MY OPINION AND CONCERN) all I freakin' want to pal. It's called FEEDBACK, yet another thing you and many other people clearly don't understand.


No, I get it that you are a whiner. Here's something for free and it's not good enough for you, so you're whining that you want more. Here you get a free mount and they threw in a little something extra and all you do is whine about it! SURE you have the "right!" to whine. Go ahead and show your character through repeated whining.


But know it for what it is: Whining. And it's completely pathetic.

Edited by MSchuyler
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Who cares if someone sits there and creates/deletes a new toon every 2 minutes in hopes of getting a rare cantina event item? Even if they get it, its still bound so it cant be sold or traded. What difference does it make if I create and delete a new toon 24 hours a day for a week until I get a statue? I can only have a max of 22 toons so Ive got to delete as many as I make while trying to get it. Why do you care so much if I waste days on end creating/deleting toons so that I can get the mount? Big deal if I have to create and delete 267 toons until I get what I want? Once I get it its mine forever since I cant trade or sell it. Thats like complaining that I bought too many lottery tickets in hopes of winning the lottery.
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My grandparents used to say things like "beggers can't be choosers, never look a gift horse in the mouth, appreciate the little things and ya can't beat free."


I understand where you are coming from I really do wish I could move the Black Black dye I have on my Sent to my Commando, but it is very ungrateful to gripe about a gift. I mean if your parents got you a new car for Christmas but it was green and you prefer blue are you going to complain to them about getting you the wrong color car?


You got a free gift and all you had to do was click on a link then open the free gift to see what you got. They didn't have to give you anything. BW could have said, nope, only folks who travel to Anaheim and attend the Cantina Tour in the Star Wars celebration get a gift. They decided to be generous and give everyone the free speeder and the chance to open a box and have a bad *** free gift in it.

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Who cares if someone sits there and creates/deletes a new toon every 2 minutes in hopes of getting a rare cantina event item? Even if they get it, its still bound so it cant be sold or traded. What difference does it make if I create and delete a new toon 24 hours a day for a week until I get a statue?

Who's complaining about that behavior?

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Who's complaining about that behavior?


"People already are creating mass amounts of toon's to get the rare drops. So, how is how they did this solve or stop the exploit? It isn't. They are still doing it. "


"...anyone making more than 5 toons in a 24hr period should be punished."


Two quotes from the OP.

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So... I'll just dog pile here.


No need to do anything more than they have already done. It goes to every single one of your toons as has been mentioned, and they throw in a little something extra in the box, a xp pack, color dye etc.


Sure, not all my toons will use it, but there it is. And... it is rare. Not something you can buy or get in a drop. I nice mount to have.

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And you CLEARLY don't get it either. My "complaint" is very valid. I am a paying sub of many years in this game, I'll "complain" (VOICE MY OPINION AND CONCERN) all I freakin' want to pal. It's called FEEDBACK, yet another thing you and many other people clearly don't understand.


Yeah this isnt feedback, it is someone bi@ting about something that cost them nothing. Just because you subscribe doesnt mean you are a special snowflake that should be given anything you want.

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No, I get it that you are a whiner. Here's something for free and it's not good enough for you, so you're whining that you want more. Here you get a free mount and they threw in a little something extra and all you do is whine about it! SURE you have the "right!" to whine. Go ahead and show your character through repeated whining.


But know it for what it is: Whining. And it's completely pathetic.


This is QFT

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"People already are creating mass amounts of toon's to get the rare drops. So, how is how they did this solve or stop the exploit? It isn't. They are still doing it. "


"...anyone making more than 5 toons in a 24hr period should be punished."


Two quotes from the OP.

I guess I missed that amongst the mindlessly childish ranting.

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They could have made it all LEGACY BOUND so people could actually USE this stuff.


So because of a few stupid people that will misuse it this "reward" is wasted. Make everyone else suffer because of a few idiots. Typical.


Got it. What a waste of a reward. :mad:


look at what happened with the cartel faux-slot machine. people will exploit whenever they can. The faux-slot machine would have never needed a nerf into the ground had people not taken advantage of it like they did.


This is just to prevent people that get these items from doing the same.


to say it's a waste is absolutely asinine...fact. As said most people will just exploit it and sell the items to make tons of credits FORCING them to "nerf" this so they couldn't...hence all this is is them skipping a few steps since people will exploit anything exploitable. Don't believe me? again go look at the cartel faux-slot machine debacle.

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This is so funny, I have like a dozen toons, but have been busy, so I only opened 3 boxes before I read this thread. Each one contained the speeder and a green and white dye. I assumed that is all there was until I found this thread. LOL
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  • 1 month later...
I kinda wish that the items unlocked in collections but I understand why they don't.


I don't want to do any major recro here, but I do wonder : Are pets as Cantina Event Code Items unlocked in Collections or not ?


I ask because I got my very first "Power Droid" that way ( yay ! :D ) and I want to be sure before I use this pet ( unused it's still bound to Legacy, however ) whether it sticks to that character or not.


If it doesn't unlock, then I'll be careful about which character to give it to ...


In the past, I got an Carbonite Chamber regeneration item, by the way, as an Cantina Event code item, and it does not ( ! ) bear an Cartel Market sign ... And it is bound, too ... I haven't used it so far, because I already have the one from the Cartel Market ...

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