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Suggestions to Buff sage Heals Please


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I read dulfy and I follow my rotation


This may be part of your problem. PVP isn't so much about rotation as it is reading situations and managing your procs. Sometimes the most optimal thing to do in a certain situation is not the "optimal pve rotation." If you lock yourself down to static rotations you are bound for disaster in PVP.

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you know what's sad? that I get focused in every arena that's a damn shame.

Still a L2Play issue. Fault is on you, not the other team, stop running in and trying to yolo /soloing their team. You are a "17 year old kid playing a Sage / Sorc." You are not Rambo nor are you Mad Max the Road Warrior. Ironically enough Rambo and Mad Max are smart enough to utilize proper teamwork, communication and maximize the use of their tools to come out on top.

Edited by RangKer
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I love you man. :rak_03:


I almost posted something similar and constructive as you did in your previous response, wanting to give the OP the benefit of the doubt and because I kinda felt bad he was getting the flak he was.


Got distracted by work, came back and refreshed the page and read his followup posts. Glad I didn't waste my time.


But add another 1 to the whatever out of /10 score we're at now because I fell for it initially.


+1 for saying "I got distracted form posting on a video game forum with work"

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Say what you want but I already accomplished my goal of 3 pages. Bioware will see these suggested changes and add them to their list of balancing mistakes and them my revenge against all the people that insulted will be complete. Soon you people will realize who bioware actually listens to and no amount of parse sheets, data or constructive criticism with stop them from doing what I want them to do so expect to see them changes very soon in the next 2 to 3 patches. I am patient I will wait.


Do you have any idea how many times I have had to back track on tattooine to finish my missions because marauders came and face rolled me into the group? do you have idea how many credits I spent on armor repairs? I have worked HARD to lv my two characters and finally the oath of revenge I swore 2 years ago is coming to fruition , I have already succeeded in getting maras to be the worst pvp class and soon they will be completely unplayable so to all the people that LOLed 2 years ago when I said I would see maras nerfed to oblivion what do you have to say now?


It was your mistake to underestimate my cause.:mad:

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Say what you want but I already accomplished my goal of 3 pages. Bioware will see these suggested changes and add them to their list of balancing mistakes and them my revenge against all the people that insulted will be complete. Soon you people will realize who bioware actually listens to and no amount of parse sheets, data or constructive criticism with stop them from doing what I want them to do so expect to see them changes very soon in the next 2 to 3 patches. I am patient I will wait.


Do you have any idea how many times I have had to back track on tattooine to finish my missions because marauders came and face rolled me into the group? do you have idea how many credits I spent on armor repairs? I have worked HARD to lv my two characters and finally the oath of revenge I swore 2 years ago is coming to fruition , I have already succeeded in getting maras to be the worst pvp class and soon they will be completely unplayable so to all the people that LOLed 2 years ago when I said I would see maras nerfed to oblivion what do you have to say now?


It was your mistake to underestimate my cause.:mad:


Official SWTOR PvP forum super villian

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You know that's why this game cannot get better because every time someone comes with a suggestion to improve things you people come and shoot down their suggestions.


My guild sorc healers are already OP as is you want them to have more lol in pvp good diea

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I have worked HARD to lv my two characters and finally the oath of revenge I swore 2 years ago is coming to fruition.


Wait....you have only leveled 2 toons in 2 years? How in the world do you have any legitimate idea on what class balance should be then?

Edited by Saikochoro
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OP - I hope you've learned a lesson about expressing unpopular opinions in a public format.


It will not always go as planned.


Practice what you preach. Express your opinion, but do not begrudge others for expressing theirs. Even when they disagree with you.


That is part of public discourse. Just because you have an opinion, does not automagically mean everyone will agree with it.

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I have worked HARD to lv my two characters and finally the oath of revenge I swore 2 years ago is coming to fruition , I have already succeeded in getting maras to be the worst pvp class and soon they will be completely unplayable so to all the people that LOLed 2 years ago when I said I would see maras nerfed to oblivion what do you have to say now?


It was your mistake to underestimate my cause.:mad:


Have to respect the long game.

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Official SWTOR PvP forum super villian

Maybe they are a League Of Super Evil Recruit.

The path of villainy and treachery does have to start some where right?


Also to rub more salt it into the wounds of the OP who seems to get locked down by maras and sents so easily.

Classes + Combat



While on full Resolve, players now receive a 50% Slow in place of any effect that would normally Immobilize them. This Slow effect has the same duration and conditions as the Immobilize effect that would occur under normal circumstances. For example, if the Immobilize can break early when damage is taken, then so can the Slow that replaces it. Immobilizing effects still do not generate Resolve, they simply react differently when they encounter a target that has a full Resolve bar. These changes only apply to PvP combat.



Enjoy being a fancy looking target dummy for melees now. :D

Edited by RangKer
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Actually, I would not mind tips on getting higher heals on a Sage EDIT: in current set up!!!!


I typically end up with 1 to 1.5 mln range, lower than I should (I assume it should be 1.5-2 mln range), and normally lower than the better Operatives.


I assume that I over-heal in the beginning and should make a conscious effort to save the insta-casts until the multiple targets start to burn seriously.


I am guessing that what trips me is that ‘on the move’ part of my rotation sort of seems to come first if you go by Dulfy, with the Rejuvenate getting the procs rolling, then the Trance or WM (‘on the move’ heals), and only then, I’d buff up the channeled sequence with the crit to channel the Deliverance with the insta-Benevolence or drop an insta-puddle if I have my 3 charges.


Should I go the other way around, and start with the long channels while the set up is taking place, then hit the now, now, now ones?


Obviously, I cleanse and bubble in between, to keep the guys moving and buffered, but I was wondering if I should retrain myself to channel Deliverance after Rejuv, so I could save the Trance and Mend to when things get hot and folks’ health bars start dropping simultaneously?


I prioritize the classes with no off-heals/self-heals, but any advice what the heck I can pump real fast into a Sent, Slinger or a Mando who’s being focused by 3-4 DPS?


Any advice as ever will be deeply appreciated1

Edited by DomiSotto
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Actually, I would not mind tips on getting higher heals on a Sage EDIT: in current set up!!!!


I typically end up with 1 to 1.5 mln range, lower than I should (I assume it should be 1.5-2 mln range), and normally lower than the better Operatives.


I assume that I over-heal in the beginning and should make a conscious effort to save the insta-casts until the multiple targets start to burn seriously.


I am guessing that what trips me is that ‘on the move’ part of my rotation sort of seems to come first if you go by Dulfy, with the Rejuvenate getting the procs rolling, then the Trance or WM (‘on the move’ heals), and only then, I’d buff up the channeled sequence with the crit to channel the Deliverance with the insta-Benevolence or drop an insta-puddle if I have my 3 charges.


Should I go the other way around, and start with the long channels while the set up is taking place, then hit the now, now, now ones?


Obviously, I cleanse and bubble in between, to keep the guys moving and buffered, but I was wondering if I should retrain myself to channel Deliverance after Rejuv, so I could save the Trance and Mend to when things get hot and folks’ health bars start dropping simultaneously?


I prioritize the classes with no off-heals/self-heals, but any advice what the heck I can pump real fast into a Sent, Slinger or a Mando who’s being focused by 3-4 DPS?


Any advice as ever will be deeply appreciated1


2 things to keep in mind when looking at scoreboard numbers is a) hps is a lot more important than actual healing done and b) the enemy must be able to deal the damage before you can heal it


in terms of hps for a geared sage healer in 8 mans, >2000 is ok, >3000 is seriously good. The most important thing to get high numbers is your uptime, and for that your positioning is crucial. You can never let ranged shoot you up, always have a los object or an escape route ready. You can overextend a bit (in order to safe the sentinel that charged straight into them for example), but only if you have speed ready. If you use speed to go safe someone, you'll get focused the moment they realize their target is getting healed, and without speed to get away you'll probably die.


So while you are alive, it's very important to not waste cooldowns doing nothing. For example you want to heal someone and realize you have no los, bubble / hot someone else while you move in position. If you watch a replay of your game, there should be very few instances where you could have done something but did nothing. Doing not the optimal thing is still way better than doing nothing.


Don't worry too much about your rotation, sages have a huge resource pool and easy force management, so you can afford to be inefficient for a time. Just make sure to diligently noble sacrifice during quieter phases. The important abilities for big numbers in the end are the aoes, salvation and wandering mend (i don't think the force wave heal is worth it, but i may be wrong) I would usually use wandering mend with the rejuvenate proc unless you're 100% certain that your target is currently taking damage.


I don't safe instants for when i have to move. Wandering mend is way too good at keeping the team at high hp. Healing trance is really strong, i need the procs for force management and it has a low cooldown. The only things i really safe for hard times are potency and mental alacrity. If i'm the one in trouble i can use a potency charge with force mend otherwise i try to use both charges with deliverance.


If you want to safe someone who is focused by multiple dps consider pulling him? To heal through i'd probably go bubble -> mental alacrity -> rejuvenate -> healing trance -> roaming mend -> potency ->2x deliverance -> benevolence

but really we're not supposed to heal through 3-4 dps, that would be op :-)

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Yes, I am working on moving and seeing while not being seen, it's my main goal, but I was wondering if there was a bit of a different rotational strategy from the available guides.


Thank you for the burst sequence suggestion, I will try that out.

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Well, maybe the thread was prophetic. Sage Healers proposed changes to the Force Management on PTS might make the Discipline more challenging with a Noble Sacrifice going on a long CD.


That CD's a terrible idea.


OP, another suggestion: Request MA increase mana regen. rate by 500% for 10 minutes to comp. for this new noble sacrifice nonsense.

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Why do Sorc/Sages need a buff? They already have great burst healing and AoE healing, as well as the best effective healing in the game (smart heals/bubbles). They can also cleanse 90% of everything in the game.

Long Answer:

They are a League Of Super Evil Recruit.

Short Answer: OP is a Troll


But for all "Seriousness claims." The OP while being level 55-57, openly claimed they gets focused and killed by low level Maras on Tattoine in 1v1, as well they openly admitted that they don't know how to play their class (even after 2 years exclusively playing only 2 classes) and cause they are 17 years old.

Edited by RangKer
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Please do not cast me as the villain because I am not evil I am simply seeking retribution against the people that wronged me 2 years ago, the guilty parties MUST be punished. And I was level 23 at the time when I got burned on tattoine so please get your information right.


You people like to cast insults and judge others and be critical of other peoples mistakes yet you do not look into the mirror and see what you are doing is wrong. All I wanted was to quest an do my missions and when I asked "Why do you keep killing me?" their answer was "LOL dumb noob."


That really hurt my feelings and from that day I plotted my revenge and planted the seeds of destruction one thread at a time and then I WAITED. I waited update after update, fabricating parse sheets and inciting hatred until finally my dream of cold hard retribution came to life and soon I will finish what I started 2 years ago. I was a nice guy that's why I only played republic characters but you all made me into this monster but it doesn't matter now because no one can stop what is to come.


The internet is full of narcissistic people who like to insult and degrade others jsut to uplift yourself and fortify your egos and it is really sad that descent people who truly wanted the game to be balanced and fair ahd to get dragged into this but I can't enjoy warzone pvp and open world pvp then NOBODY can!


Bioware will listen to me, they have done so in the past. I was one of the main orchestrators of the sages force barrier.

Edited by charlieferari
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Please do not cast me as the villain because I am not evil I am simply seeking retribution against the people that wronged me 2 years ago, the guilty parties MUST be punished. And I was level 50 at the time when I got burned on tattoine in Outlaw's Den by level 26 Maras and Sents so please get your information right.


You people like to cast insults and judge others and be critical of other peoples mistakes yet you do not look into the mirror and see what you are doing is wrong cause you all know I am right and better. All I wanted was to back track a few quests an do my missions and when I asked "Why do you keep killing me?" their answer was "LOL dumb noob."


That really hurt my feelings and from that day I plotted my revenge and planted the seeds of destruction one thread at a time and then I WAITED. I waited update after update, fabricating parse sheets and inciting hatred until finally my dream of cold hard retribution came to life and soon I will finish what I started 2 years ago. I was a nice guy that's why I only played republic characters but you all made me into this monster but it doesn't matter now because no one can stop what is to come.


The internet is full of narcissistic people who like to insult and degrade others jsut to uplift yourself and fortify your egos and it is really sad that descent people who truly wanted the game to be balanced and fair ahd to get dragged into this but I can't enjoy warzone pvp and open world pvp then NOBODY can!


Bioware will listen to me, they are f a g s and f u c k t a r d s, so they favor me over your bias finger pointing. I was one of the main orchestrators of the sages force barrier and merc nerfs on my main account before I got banned for telling jewish and black gamers to get off my game, which they still need to do.

Glad I quoted you before you ninja edit your post. But, honestly hate to break it to ya; you're the one who said you lose to low level maras on Tat at level 50, but in all seriousness BW hasn't, nor ever did they or will they listen to your suggestions.


As well too rub more salt it into your wounds.

Classes + Combat



While on full Resolve, players now receive a 50% Slow in place of any effect that would normally Immobilize them. This Slow effect has the same duration and conditions as the Immobilize effect that would occur under normal circumstances. For example, if the Immobilize can break early when damage is taken, then so can the Slow that replaces it. Immobilizing effects still do not generate Resolve, they simply react differently when they encounter a target that has a full Resolve bar. These changes only apply to PvP combat.



Enjoy being a fancy looking target dummy for these "OP" melees now. :D

I'm amazed you know how to use a keyboard actually. A Level 55+ Sage / Sorc that gets wrecked in Open world PvP by Low Level melee classes.


Needed a early afternoon laugh.

Edited by RangKer
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Hate to break it to ya; you're the one who said you lose to low level maras on Tat at level 55+, but in all seriousness BW hasn't nor ever did they listen to you. As well too rub more salt it into your wounds.




Enjoy being a fancy looking target dummy for these "OP" melees now. :D

I'm amazed you know how to use a keyboard actually. A Level 55+ Sage / Sorc that gets wrecked in Open world PvP by Low Level melee classes.


Needed a early afternoon laugh.


D: I'm adding you to the list of people to take revenge on.

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