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Crafting Schematic Sets, Sorting, and GTN


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Instead of a piece of gear here and there, how about complete sets every X levels. I like to have matching looks and by the time you get to the level where a set might be complete, another part of it is obsolete. Would be nice to have, even with Outfit Designer coming. Being able to precraft sets for alts/friends/guildies being a bonus.


Improve sorting. I mean there are so many recipes, something has to be done. Expandable/collapsible sets/level batches? Maybe a way to sort recipes into Favorites? Have the UI remember how I last had it so when I go back I don't have to collapse entire categories AGAIN.


Below being an example of the above two suggestions.


- Heavy Armor

+ Level 32

+ Level 29

- Level 27





+ Level 25



Obviously, you would still need to find/buy the schematic for it to show up in the set.


GTN Schematic searching is alright once you know most all of the schematics, but until then can be a real chore to find ones appropriate to your crafting level. Perhaps a way to sort by crafting level in the search??


I love crafting, but feel there is a bit that can be done to make it much more enjoyable.

Edited by Elvenos
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