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Since you can queue Solo Ranked without an Advanced Class...


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Psidon was robbed.


He got #1 Bounty Hunter with a rating of exactly 1 in season 2. Where's his All-Galaxy Edge Case title?


[side note: I believe I saw him on the PT/VG leaderboards instead of Com/Merc..]

Edited by AxeDragoneth
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This is a fun thread, thanks Krea. And everyone else who tried to ruin it.


I made a level 60 agent for fun and was considering queue syncing 2 teams with no AC (on an off-peak hour) just for fun. Understandably though not many of my friends have a high level toon with no AC.


As has been stated, queueing ranked without an AC is obvious trolling. The trolls will troll anyway regardless of an AC gate for ranked. The devs have solid plans in action to stop win trading and trolling in ranked, and kudos for that.


And for anyone suggesting the devs are paid to reply to every single ignorant comment that paying customers make, they're not. Someone used a restaurant analogy; this isn't a restaurant. But lets forget reality and play that game. Now just imagine half the diners troll and abuse the waiters often for no reason (e.g. check the threads complaining about Force Storm now that it's no longer viable for a single target rotation). Do you still expect them to respond to everything? Now lets use another stupid analogy; if you were constantly complaining to a clothing store manager because they didn't have your style, would you expect them to just take it or throw you out of the store?


Now applaud the devs for a brilliant response while ignoring stupid responses :tran_cool:

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Dude, chill out.


Attitudes like this is precisely why devs rarely post on these forums


So true.


That dev post was good for a laugh. Sad to see the PvP community has not heard of these things called "jokes".


I'm not saying they can't make a joke, what I'm saying is that in the part of the forums where there is a very high amount of disgruntled customers making a joke and only leaving it at that and not even bothering to give a generic hey I've heard you and I'll try to make some changes. Honestly I found the joke amusing and welcome it but it still doesn't change the fact that it is kind of a missed opertunity to say a bit more. What ever though it's not like I play solo ranked at all so I really don't care how many jokes are made about it

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......................4. They DESERVE your consideration, gratitude, and kindness for giving you (The Customer) as much as they possibly can..........................................


Amidst the rest of your vitriol, I have to say that the above comment just blows my mind.

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I'm considering starting a Kickstarter or something to try to raise 50 grand (Average US salary) to pay for BW to hire one extra person, from a pool of applicants who can demonstrate knowledge of playing the game and average competency with the tools they use, to take over PVP development.


because that can't possibly turn out worse than the current path.


Edit: Scratch the competency thing, let's make that knowledge of playing the game and the tiniest shred of common sense.

Edited by Phorenzyk
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Alex, I'm pretty sure this is one of the worst responses you could have just given for the PVP forums, a place where they rarely get dev responses. While a joke is all good a lot of ppl are probably going to be pissed that you didn't take a second to be serious about the fact that you can que with out and AC, you, as the PVP dev, really should take into consideration the whole no AC or having far below 2018 expertice, I know you want PVP to be a place where everyone can "give it a go" but top tier game play isn't for casuals and it angers many players who get affected by this.



I bet I could get my lvl 60 bounty hunter full 2018 exp. challenge accepted!!!

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OK PvP community, how about four of the top PvP players get together and form a 3 assassin/shadow, 1 inquisitor/consular ranked team? With that composition they would stand a decent chance of getting the inquisitor/consular to a rating high enough to qualify for the lowest tier team ranked season reward. THAT would be an appropriate response to this stupid troll answer from the dev..


Make no mistake it was a stupid troll answer. Yes it was a joke, but it was only a joke. If the joke had been paired with an acknowledgement of the real problem highlighted then it would have been funny. With the current atmosphere in the community and the current perception of Bioware's competence and community relations, lack of acknowledgement of the problem highlighted further exacerbates tensions and dissatisfaction within the community.

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I made a level 60 agent for fun and was considering queue syncing 2 teams with no AC (on an off-peak hour) just for fun. Understandably though not many of my friends have a high level toon with no AC.


Dude!!!! Awsome idea I have to say. If you ever do this please capture it on vid as that'd be hilarious to see :)


I have a level 60 imp agent myself, although I have to say the removal of frag grenade aoe, aoe flashbang and cover protection have hit him hard. Still a very fun toon to use though (under the right circumstances of course I very quickly add). I've grouped up with a few friends with him for lvl 60 regular warzones on extremely rare (i.e. one 2 hour session since 3.0) occassions but that's about it.


People who misuse toons like these are the ones that ruin it for the rest of us.

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Now that I understand the context I retract my reply to Alex. Nah that's not funny. What is it you guys do all day? Play darts or WoW or what? For the extremely limited amount of stuff you guys produce for PVP, including ranked parameters, I'm guessing it's like the main char. in Office Space while he's describing his day to Bob.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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If we broke this up into a pie chart, realistically how much of a slice would the no AC "problem" be?


With win traders, queue syncing, pve geared players; how often do we see threads about no AC's in ranked?


I don't arena, so I don't understand and probably not fair of me to dismiss it. But based on these forums and complaints I do see, my money is on 1 percent of the player base actually has a level 60 with no AC and 1 percent of that player base actually queued for ranked. So napkin math that's what .01% of players in solo queue with no AC. Just report them, I bet for first offense they will get a friendly mail from a droid asking them nicely not to que for ranked again before choosing an AC. They do it again it's suspension time.


I'm also not much of an IT person either but realistically how hard would it be to change the WZ queue button in general, not just the ranked, from level 10 to "any advanced class"? That would probably solve this problem with one stroke. The theory being the queue button is greyed out till level 10, just change it so it stays grayed out till an AC is selected.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I think what some of you guys are missing is that anybody queuing ranked without an advanced class is purposely trolling and can do so just as easily with an advanced class. Show up naked, sit in a corner or just flat leaving the match after saying "eph yew tr-ols dnt deesirv meh on yewr teem. I wnt rward tr-ols"... Ad infinitum. So requiring an advanced class is kind of a moot point anyway. 2018 expertise would be a nice gate as I think many well-intentioned players enter not knowing this is ideal to have. But nothing can stop a true troll from trolling.


I'm just gonna quote this again, because it alone should have ended all the nerd-raging at a dev making a joke. If you can't wrap your brains around the above concept, then you have no business criticizing a dev, or really anyone, about anything. Because you just don't understand reality.


Trolls are gonna troll, and the devs ARE taking steps to curb that behavior when it's reported. If you see that guy with no AC and don't report it, then your bad experience is all on you.


It was a joke. Grow up.

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I'm just gonna quote this again, because it alone should have ended all the nerd-raging at a dev making a joke. If you can't wrap your brains around the above concept, then you have no business criticizing a dev, or really anyone, about anything. Because you just don't understand reality.


Trolls are gonna troll, and the devs ARE taking steps to curb that behavior when it's reported. If you see that guy with no AC and don't report it, then your bad experience is all on you.


It was a joke. Grow up.


Some people are such mlgnoscope-forumwarriors they cling to any chance to criticize a dev, rather than try to improve the game or dev relations.


Don't. See. Rational. Arguement... Must. Criticize. Dev. Made. Joke...

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I don't think anybody has said you don't have a right to complain. You absolutely do, that's correct. Just like in a restaurant, if you weren't getting good service you could complain. But. You having that right doesn't take away their right to choose what posts to respond to and if a good lot of the forum is just constantly making comments like, I don't know, "I'm honestly surprised anyone in there still has a job." why would they ever want to post here? If the same thing happened in a restaurant, you'd be lucky if you weren't asked to leave.


Does it suck when they don't post more? Absolutely. 100%. Communication is always a great thing with stuff like this and when the game has issues as it currently does, having good communication could always bring it back up to where it should be. But as much as Bioware is the problem, you're no better. Not even a bit. Because every post you make like that gives them one more reason to not post because they're gonna get ridiculous responses like yours to a joke. In fact I'd go as far as to say you're worse because at least with Bioware they're not coming up with excuses to refuse responsibility for their lack of communication. You most certainly are, hiding behind the fact that you're a paying customer and are therefore "entitled" to your opinion in order to throw out all of these criticisms in an extremely hostile manner. That's the problem. It's not the criticism part, it's the hostile part. I know if I was the devs I wouldn't want to post here.


This all reminds me of the whole idea of Freedom of Speech. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. At the same time, though, you are also entitled to take responsibility for what you say and face the ramifications of what you say. Too many people love to think that Freedom of Speech means you can say whatever you want with no consequences. That has never been the case and even though you're anonymous through the internet and thus face no "real" consequences for this, don't be surprised that the devs don't post often. It's just as much your fault as theirs.


All of the problems they have right now, is because the initial poor community management and lack of communication, if they had handled things better before all this wouldn't have happened. This is not a one time occurrence right ? I'm all for a funny joke and everything, but there is a time and a place for a joke. This wasn't the time nor the place for it. After a year or so of no pvp content, and terrible balance and almost zero communication regarding said terrible balances coming out with a joke in response to this matter (i know it was brought up as a troll, but it is an issue that effects endgame) just makes them look like an ******e. look at the pts forums, look at the class forums they are all left without a yellow post. How is this acceptable behavior ? How does this not require criticism ? People have their limits of patience you know, and how long can we let this go one before we say enough is enough ?

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Altough most ppl realize that having no AC by the time you hit 60 is very rare they obviously dont get the point that some ppl have tried to make concerning this issue, and that would be that it even is possible to que for Endgame PvP content without an AC as a lvl 60, end obvious...:rolleyes:


IMO, and it has been mentioned dozens of time by other players aswell, the reasons why there is no check whatsover when ppl que up for ranked are:


1. Low population numbers, add a gear/spec check and que times will increase

2. PvE comes 1st, PvP has been by all accounts past and feedback given considered a minigame by the devs, and if i may dare state so by most players who play this game (really brings us back to point 1)

3. Bolster was supposed to deal with that sort of thing but i dont need to remind ppl how bad the system was at start and how long it took to get it to a state where it could be implemented live, or should have been so to speak amongst BWs dear (silent) paying customers...

Just a wild guess but it seems some ppl forget that to rage and rant, fight keyboard wars and maybe even for it get banned you have to pay your admission fee....


The simple fact that some ppl believe the forums arent a place to express how bad a customer considers the product just goes into BWs favor. The feedback on how to make PvP more fun and thus appeal to a larger pool of the player base is several hundred pages long, so plz dear fanboys/girls, let us spew some fire at the devs from time to time on something we enjoy or have enjoyed for such a long time...




--The Irenicus Legacy--

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This is the response devs get from a joke. Man I wonder what kind of response you'd give if he said something serious you didn't like. Post's like this are the reason devs rarely post in forums.


I agree to that.


People make a joke,

joke among themselves,

buzt as soon as a dev appears,

they expect all joke to suddenly vanish.


No outsiders, please !


And after the dev is gone,

people still continue doing this joke among themselves.


This is childish behaviour, like school pupils reacting when their teacher suddenly notices that they are making a joke.

And they most definitively don't want the teacher to be a part of their sphere.

And still they are looking for the teacher's teaching.

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