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Least and most favorite planet?


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1. Taris - I know a lot of people don't like this planet, but I love it. Especially the Republic side (the Empire side not as much). But to me, Taris is the kind of place I would go if I was traveling the universe because it seems like an archaeologist's dream planet. I really wish they had done more with the finding of ancient stuff and made the ruins much more explorable (like allowing you to climb onto some of those levels that have been piled on top of each other). I keep imagining them reinventing Taris for higher levels because that would be such a great place to explore (or another planet doing the same sort of thing).


2. Tattoine - because of that same reason as Taris. In the beginning there's not a lot of the archaeology side, but then it opens up to that with the whole Rakata thing going on (think that's who they are) with the Infinite Machine and all that. I really would have liked to see even more covered dealing with Czerka as they were that organization I loved to hate.



1. Alderaan - Traveling around this place is really difficult. And for some reason almost always when I get there they decide to do that whole rakghoul thing, and I can't move two feet without being constantly attacked in the city. I never liked the political families thing, especially when you generally know how it's going to eventually all play out. And I understand that they're appealing to people who recognize the Organa family, but when you're talking thousands of years before the movies, the continuity in time lines just seems a little bit odd and unbelievable. I would have rather seen an obscure Organa family that isn't that prominent, but might be rising up in the ranks for the future (or just not brought in at all).


2. Quesh - Really dislike the toxic waste thing going on with this planet. Never appealed to me. Also, the planet is way too small and the adventure way too quick to be considered a significant stop over at all.

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FavoriteLeast favorite: Belsavis and Quesh. Both are weak, tedious planets. Belsavis is important in that it (briefly, tangentially) introduces Eternity Vault *and* the Dread Master storyline, but beyond that it's a complete snooze.


Quesh is such a weird planet. It's like half the size, structured differently than all the rest, the class arcs are all brief stop-overs that only sometimes relate to the rest of the story, and there's missing companion affections and DS/LS gains. Either Quesh was the first planet made as a prototype or the last planet created just in the nick of time.


Anyhow, I always kind of liked it just because it is different structurally.

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Quesh is such a weird planet. It's like half the size, structured differently than all the rest, the class arcs are all brief stop-overs that only sometimes relate to the rest of the story, there's missing companion affections and DS/LS gains. Either Quesh was the first planet made as a prototype or the last planet created just in the nick of time.


Anyhow, I always kind of liked it just because it is different structurally.


They never got to finish Quesh truth be told.


Companions don't even have affection points available outside class story missions, the description for some missions don't fit the map area, and the story, as it was designed, makes it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to establish a canon pathway of sorts without fully nullifying what the opposite faction does.


I also still remember being forced to take shots periodically -- or even use a mask -- while outdoors, seeing you'd gain a debuff that would reduce your overall stats. Shame that was dropped, since it made the most sense, but whatever.

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"Stair boss"? Are we talking about Kaon Under Siege? :o


Maybe falling platforms that felt like stairs?


Speaking of Kaon Under Siege, I still haven't done that again since I did it when it was a lvl 50 FP. No good memories there either.

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I'm surprised so many people dislike Alderaan, since it's easily my favorite planet in the game. Act 1 conclusion/s, beautiful scenery, great NPCs and planetary quest/s, very diverse and the open PvP part helps, too.


My least favorite... tie between Nar Shaddaa and Voss.

Nar Shaddaa: Repetitive side + planetary quests, not a single especially memorable storyline arc, the taxi/area system is a mess and I have seen it way, WAY too often in so many different Star Wars games.

Voss: The planet itself is actually quite cool, but the quests are probably the most boring in the entire game and I immensely dislike the Voss. Seriously, they are worse than even the most tradition-conscious Jedi - arrogant, ignorant and completely intolerant of other cultures.

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Fav: Prolly Tat


Hate: Voss and Taris absolutely hate those two... though they are not nearly as bad now with the 12x XP but once 12x XP goes away again they will be the absolute worst planets to quest on.

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Least fave: Balmorra, even with 12xp and skipping everything but the class quests.

Most fave: Tatooine.


Most likely to be found on: Yavin 4. Gearing up alts and decking out all companions takes a bit of time.


Least likely to be found on: Quesh.

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Favourite planet is definitely Rishi, specifically the pirate cove. NS and Coruscant are up there due to all the little neat buildings/apartments and such you can find scattered around the different areas.


And while Hoth physically hurts my eyes due to all the whiteness, my least favourite planet has still got to be Belsavis.

The layout still confuses the hell out of me even after having taken more than 15 characters through it, "Kill X amount of Esh'kar", the quest objectives constantly has the longest distance possible between them, "Kill X amount of Esh'kar", quest markers are evil and constantly tries to kill you by pointing towards access points that goes through enemy bases for both sides, "Kill X amount of Esh'kar", It drags on for way way too long.. I usually find myself ready to move on by the time i've finished the first zone, and lastly "Kill X amount of Esh'kar".

Edited by Ershiin
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I don't really have a favourite, only one planet that makes me appreciate all others, all the more because they're not that planet.



Whether Imperial or Republic, Alderaan feels like a sluggish waste of time.

Its load times and travel times are pretty horrendous for me. Always the longest planet for me to do class quests on, because I always wind up voluntarily taking a couple of days minimum out of a combination of boredom and frustration at how much it feels terrible to be there.


An honourable mention for Republic Taris though, if you're a first time player or only on your second/third Republic class.

It really feels like a major ramp up in difficulty on that planet, because all the DoT and health reduction done by Rakghouls really takes a toll in many encounters.

It's not a problem on Imperial Taris, because the planet comes when Republic classes are heading for Balmorra, but Taris as a 20-25 feels like an uphill battle at times, with the only exception being as a Trooper, because that's where we get our healer Elara Dorne from.


Still better than Alderaan though. Taris doesn't make me want to log out/switch characters at all.

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I used to really dislike Alderaan, to the point of skipping it whenever I could. However, after playing through two full class storylines recently, and considering the quality of life changes in transportation... I'd say Alderaan became absolutely bearable. The planet I began to hate with the passion of an angry Sith is now... Corellia. It lacks quick travel points in a few strategic locations, making you run back and forth across entire map, the streets and passages are a maze and sometimes you go towards a quest marker on a map only to find out you need to backtrack to the other end of the area because the only path leading to your destination is there. Frustrating.


Most favorite planet for me will always be Dromund Kaas, for the rain, puddles, vegetation, Sith-y atmosphere and the Dark Temple.

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For years I couldn't stand Balmorra, hated levelling and playing on that planet with a passion that I would ONLY do class stuff as soon as I could, it's not as bothersome now, as for favourite planet I would say Makeb or Tatooine
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I really dug Voss in terms of questing, the Voss civilization is very interesting to me. I also like the ice worlds, Hoth and Illum (though I'm just starting Illum, so far it looks great). Hoth has the ship graveyard, that I really like.


Least Favorite would probably be the city worlds, Nar Shadaa, Coruscant, maybe even Corellia. On the ones with the sky taxis my graphics glitch so that my character is flying through the air in an invisible taxi at times, and they just feel hemmed in. Corellia seemed all about "follow the road grid or get nowhere" which I didn't really like either.


I'm a nature guy, not an urban guy, so I guess that's my bias. :)

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I like all ruined world like Taris,Belsavis or Corellia:

Out of the three my favourite is Belsavis becuse it has a interesting (and very long) history.

Next is Taris. Now wee see what are the 'results' after 300 years when Malak bombed that planet.

Corellia i love the 'middle-in-action' feeling regarding war:Rep vs. Imp. The destroyed buildings and infrastructure make the immersion more intense.


I dont like the deserted planets or planets that are complete opposite of that:



first three you take a nap while searching for enemis.

And in the last one you get cuddled every 20 yards by an vorantiki, gormak or hound ;)

But i like the story of Voss, only the mob density is sometimes annoying.

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Least Favourite would be Taris or Makeb both of those I struggle to keep interested while playing through.


Most Favourite would be Tatooine I have no idea why, I suspect its probably the one which gives me the most star Wars fuzzies in terms of associating it with the films.

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Hard to pick just one, so here's my top three, and worst 3.


Top spots in no particular order,

1) Taris both Imp and pub sides..that's still only one pick right?

2)Alderran. Wonderful landscapes, great background music, quests are interesting too for the most part.

3)Corellia. Great city planet, visually inspired. Imps and pubs openly at war. End of the class story before any expansions.


Worst Spots

1) Balmorra, both imp and pub side...that's still only on pick right? Actually like the look of this planet...it's just too long.

2) Hoth, as Vette says...I'll just stay on board ship my lord!

3)Korriban or Tython..yeah technically 2 planets..but I can never be clear of either fast enough. Its probably cause of main mobs...Kor'Slugs..and Flesh Raiders....bleh!!

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This question is harder than I thought... :confused:


I guess I must be most fond of Alderaan (both) and Empire Tatooine. Good stories and nice to look at, and I never feel like I've been there too long or itching to leave. I also feel this way about all of the starter planets, but it would probably be different if they were any longer.


Nar Shaddaa, however, I am only happy when I'm leaving it. I have no idea why, but the stories and atmosphere there just do not hold my interest. I believe I only did the bonus series once.


All of the rest have good and bad points, and it just depends on how I am feeling or what faction/class I am playing.

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