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Least and most favorite planet?


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The situation on Voss is a perfect allegory of Class Conflict.

The Voss used to be Gormak (working class) but they got better and evolved (i.e -became middle or upper class). They suddenly don't even recognize they own kin. They look different, they act different, they speak different -as do people who came from poor environment and need to fit in, or create their own class.

They blindly follow their Mystics (the Elite), they don't ask questions, they know that they have to do what the Elite tells them to do, think what the Elite tells them to think.

They despise the Gormak, because subconsiously they remind them of what they used to be. People who advance to a "higher" social class often are ashamed of their parents.

The Gormak symbolize the revolution. They are the raw force that wishes to overthrow the established order. But what they don't realize, they are under influence of evil force (Sel-Makor). Revolutions often fall prey to evil (see-lyrics for Sympathy For the Devil :D).

Utterly this is a very good drama of modern society, pictured as Voss-Gormak conflict.


That's a pretty dead on anaylsis of the cultures, can't say that I can really argue with any of that. There's a very similar trope in Star Trek Insurrection between the B'aku and S'ona. My biggest issue with the Voss is the way they are with the outsiders...they use them for all their worth to do everything they need, and give very little in return, all the while stabbing both factions in the back. (If you've played out the Agent story, you know this is a fact). Voss aren't going to ally with either Pubs or Imps, because they've already committed themselves elsewhere. Personally I'd rather take on a race that hates me, and is direct to my face about it, than a sneaky lazy culture that uses and abuses me, pretending to be high and mighty and friendly, while holding the knives behind their backs.

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So, in other words, who prefer a bunch of genocidal savage maniacs, who seek to annihilate an ENTIRE species altogether -- or anyone else for that matter, who is NOT Gormak.




The Voss, for all their flaws, at least try to welcome outsiders.




The Voss. Are. Protecting. Themselves.


Both Gormegan-1 and the Evuk-Nosk could be used to destroy Voss-Ka -- or even the Shroud of Healing for that matter -- from the skies.




Look at it this way: the cannon was primed to be fired, and its aim was set on Voss-Ka. As stated earlier, it is unlikely it would spread confetti all over the place, especially considering the Gormak had other minor ballistic devices, stationed elsewhere, meant to destroy the Shrine of Healing.


TL;DR: You're trying to point out stuff that isn't actually there. As stated earlier:



The Voss may be jerks; difference being, they are NOT genocidal jerks.


The Voss only welcome the outsiders so that they can use them to do their bidding and take advantage of the factions, that are courting their allegiance. That is the only reason the Voss seem welcoming, and not even all of them are that friendly either, look at the rude guy at their temple. He doesn't even try to hide his disdain, but at least he's honest.


Until a cannon is fired, it's for protection. There was no evidence other than it was pointed their way, that they'd been attacked or were about to be attacked. It wasn't smoking, nothing was damaged, it was just *there*.


At least you concede that the Voss are jerks. They are. I absolutely loathe how they use the outsiders and take advantage of them, leading them to believe, that if they do them enough favours, they'll commit, when many of us know they've committed elsewhere.


Like I said to another poster, I'm fairly direct, and I appreciate directness. I'd rather tangle with someone who openly hates me, than someone who pretends to be my friend, uses me, whilst stabbing me in the back.


It's a matter of perceptions I suppose, and that's fine. I know from other posts, you enjoy the Voss, and that's your right....I don't enjoy them, and yeah, I say release the genocidal freaks on them. They'd have it coming. So we'll have to agree to disagree, cause I know we could debate this forever, but I don't have the time or energy. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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The Voss only welcome the outsiders so that they can use them to do their bidding and take advantage of the factions, that are courting their allegiance. That is the only reason the Voss seem welcoming, and not even all of them are that friendly either, look at the rude guy at their temple. He doesn't even try to hide his disdain, but at least he's honest.


Is it possible you are truly this naive? Have you missed the very FACT both Republic and Empire seek to further use the Voss in their war against each other?


Neither faction is there for the betterment of the Voss.


Taking that into account, why should the Voss try to disregard that very FACT, and be ultra-nice to both parties?


What you say makes zero sense.


Until a cannon is fired, it's for protection. There was no evidence other than it was pointed their way, that they'd been attacked or were about to be attacked. It wasn't smoking, nothing was damaged, it was just *there*.


Have you ever heard, for example, of the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Probably not, but food for thought nonetheless.


At least you concede that the Voss are jerks. They are. I absolutely loathe how they use the outsiders and take advantage of them, leading them to believe, that if they do them enough favours, they'll commit, when many of us know they've committed elsewhere.


I indeed concede they are jerks, though they have every reason to be.


You, on the other hand, have failed to concede that the Gormak are both genocidal AND savages. Guess that says plenty.


Like I said to another poster, I'm fairly direct, and I appreciate directness. I'd rather tangle with someone who openly hates me, than someone who pretends to be my friend, uses me, whilst stabbing me in the back.


Addressed that already.


You talk as if the Republic or the Empire went to Voss for the betterment of the Voss people, as a whole, when that is hardly the case.


It's a matter of perceptions I suppose, and that's fine. I know from other posts, you enjoy the Voss, and that's your right....I don't enjoy them, and yeah, I say release the genocidal freaks on them. They'd have it coming. So we'll have to agree to disagree, cause I know we could debate this forever, but I don't have the time or energy. :)


There's not much to discuss really, other than you seem, of course, to favor a bunch of genocidal jerks over another bunch of jerks.


Issue being, as stated already, one bunch of jerks seeks to coexist with other nations, while the other seeks to ERADICATE THEM all altogether. They are ALL "corruption", a "blight".


Again, it is clear where you stand on that front.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Is it possible you are truly this naive? Have you missed the very FACT both Republic and Empire seek to further use the Voss in their war against each other?


Neither faction is there for the betterment of the Voss.


Taking that into account, why should the Voss try to disregard that very FACT, and be ultra-nice to both parties?


What you say makes zero sense.




Have you ever heard, for example, of the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Probably not, but food for thought nonetheless.




I indeed concede they are jerks, though they have every reason to be.


You, on the other hand, have failed to concede that the Gormak are both genocidal AND savages. Guess that says plenty.




Addressed that already.


You talk as if the Republic or the Empire went to Voss for the betterment of the Voss people, as a whole, when that is hardly the case.




There's not much to discuss really, other than you seem, of course, to favor a bunch of genocidal jerks over another bunch of jerks.


Issue being, as stated already, one bunch of jerks seeks to coexist with other nations, while the other seeks to ERADICATE THEM all altogether. They are ALL "corruption", a "blight".


Again, it is clear where you stand on that front.


No need to get nasty. You don't know me, and have no right to call me naive just because I have a difference of opinion. I do realize, that both the Empire and the Republic, hoped to gain Voss support in their war against each other. But the fact that everything that both sides did for the Voss, did in fact better their world, doesn't change the fact, that both factions were used by the Voss to achieve this. How can you not see, that both factions were used shamelessly by the Voss to further their agenda against the Gormak. They never had any intention of committing to either faction's side.


Please don't make assumptions about people you don't know. I HAVE heard of the Cuban Missle Crisis, studied in school, as it took place 6 years before I was born. I don't see the point of comparing something as trite as a video game to a very real event, that might have resulted in a nuclear war.


I will not concur that the Gormak are savages. They have an organized society with leadership, they are technologically advanced, and organized enough to create their ship and defense systems. If you mean savage because they like to ambush and kill the Voss, okay, in that sense of the definition of 'savage', I'll concur. They weren't exactly kind in how they chose to put down their enemy...then again who is really? I know of no kind way of killing enemies. How are the Voss not equally as genocidal? They sick the Imps and Pubs at the Gormak every chance they get, to kill them, to sabotage their project so they can leave, to ruin their property. They are no less vicious than the Gormak, but they have this air of civility about them, because they get other people to do their dirty work, and under false pretenses no less.


You are right about one thing: There is nothing to discuss because you are as adamant about your stance as I am about mine. The only casualty is going to be this thread, because it's veered off the subject matter...to which I still hold that TARIS sucks. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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This thread is the living proof how much easy of traversal matters. Hoth, Tatooine are winning because its not a major pain to get where you want. Alderaan is a good example how a big and semingly open planet is actualy no different than Corellia. Traversal is only possible using tiny roads and corridors. One of the H4 in Ulgo Castle is located right above republic base, but it takes forever to get there going around as mountains make gigantic walls in the terrain. Same reason why Dromund is way better than (much more iconic) Coruscant Edited by Pietrastor
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Favourite: Voss, with Rishi now as close second. Beautiful worlds and one can do most of the stuff solo (the four heroics on Voss are not that much of a loss if ignored and the operation on Rishi can be done later with the group finder).


Least: Besavis, with Alderaan as close second. Too much travel time and if one tries to find a short cut one will likely just get stuck somewhere. Worse, the questines (especially the agent on Alderaan) requires too much travel back and forth. Sure, the maze like structure of Belsavis might be intentionally, but it is still annoying. The bonus quest on Alderaan is just a waste of time which I usually ignore, and the daily quests on Belsavis had once it uses, but seems like even then most people prefered to not do them there (not talking about Section X, which is a little better aside from the Heroic 4 quest there).

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Favourite: Korriban. Occult academy, ghosts, archaeological digs, and ancient artifacts check so many of my boxes. I've made new characters just to play that planet over and over. Others I enjoy are Dromund Kaas, Hoth, and Rishi.


Least favourite: Corellia. It's a dull world with too much long-winded travel. Alderaan, Belsavis, and Coruscant are also planets I don't look forward to.

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Ord Mantell --yes, really. Marvellously evocative. The best origin-world, IMHO.

Hutta --my favourite class, the Bounty Hunter is born here!

Tatooine -- simply the best planet, fullstop/end-of.

Voss --very, very cool, and again wonderfully evocative.




Taris --both sides

Quesh --this place just seems like filler, but it's quick and easy XP.

Tython --this pace tries just a little too hard, although it sure is pretty.

Balmorra --both sides

Nar Shadaa --this place could, and should have been so much, much more than it is.

Coruscant --same as Nar, same reasons. An ecumenopolis is not well-evoked by a bunch of linear, copy-pasted tunnels, OK?


Hate with the white-hot nuclear fire of a thousand supernovae:


Hoth --Ugh! This place has always rubbed me severely the wrong way, because reasons.

Alderaan --someone tried way too hard here, exacerbated by a ****-designed map/quest-pathing.

Makeb --all this game's poor design and crap implementation just come together in a huge, icky wad of ****. The planet I hate most, by far. (The story isn't even all that good. I'm sorry, but it just isn't.)

Belsavis --Gods, get me out of here! So annoying :(

Edited by midianlord
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I haven't seen all the planets yet, but a vast majority.






1.) Tatooine - Amazing, Beautiful world with great missions and feels very lively.


2.)Hutta - IA was born here. (Favorite class)


3.) Rishi - Clutered with people and vendors, feels very cramped which I like. Beautiful world. (But hella glitchy)


4.) Dromound Kaas - The most iconic planet when you think of SWTOR. Nice jungle atmosphere filled with people.







1.) Taris - Boring world with boring missions


2.) Belsavis - So much potential but falls really flat. The world feels like it was made last minute.


3.) Balmorra - Ugly


4.) Nar Shadaa - AWFUL missions, and its too big to have 20 people on it at a time..

Edited by NoahRedden
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Nice topic!


Least favorite has to be Balmorra, I really dont like the navigation there :(

As for my favourite? Hard to say, I enjoy most.


Alderaan is great, big, varied and has some interesting quests.

Hoth and Tatooine capture the desolate world's theme nicely and Dromund Kaas has a proper grim vibe going on, just as Taris.


But my biggest favorite? Nar Shaddaa. Bright lights big city kinda thing. Sparkly place and colorful - love it.

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That's a pretty dead on anaylsis of the cultures, can't say that I can really argue with any of that. There's a very similar trope in Star Trek Insurrection between the B'aku and S'ona. My biggest issue with the Voss is the way they are with the outsiders...they use them for all their worth to do everything they need, and give very little in return, all the while stabbing both factions in the back. (If you've played out the Agent story, you know this is a fact). Voss aren't going to ally with either Pubs or Imps, because they've already committed themselves elsewhere. Personally I'd rather take on a race that hates me, and is direct to my face about it, than a sneaky lazy culture that uses and abuses me, pretending to be high and mighty and friendly, while holding the knives behind their backs.


Both sides are oppressive, both sides seek to destroy the other. Utterly both sides need to understand they need each other. LS Voss planetary quest is way to go.

I also wish we could side with the Gormak -they bought me with their ship actually. Probably the remorse after destroying the Evocii ship on Hutta.

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Both sides are oppressive


The Voss reside atop their mountain, on Voss-Ka. Aside from the Shroud of Healing, they don't have a significant military presence scattered throughout the playable areas, seeing they try to hold their territory, not conquer new one.


That would be the Gormak. The Voss strive for survival.


Both sides seek to destroy the other.


Actually no, especially seeing there's this prophecy by a Voss Mystic specifically stating that the "last Gormak must no die".


On the other hand, as stated earlier repeatedly, the Gormak see both Voss and outsiders as "corruption" that must be purged.


Regardless, I'll leave this here:

Aside from their affinity for technology, the Gormak’s most notable feature is their hatred of the Voss species. The Gormak view the Voss as abominations that must be purged from their homeworld, and they are quick to extend this animosity to newcomers from the Republic and the Empire–like the Voss, these newcomers are all “outsiders.”


The Gormak population is estimated to be in the millions, spread across the planet, but so far their tribal, warlike nature has kept them from uniting against the Voss. Yet over the centuries, the Voss have had to constantly fight against the Gormak to survive–and developed a hatred just as strong as the Gormak’s.




The bit I was referring to earlier:

While the Voss readily acknowledge the threat the Gormak represent to their society and constantly war against them, there is never any consideration given to wiping them out entirely–as Mystic law clearly states that the last Gormak must never die.


- - - -


I also wish we could side with the Gormak -they bought me with their ship actually. Probably the remorse after destroying the Evocii ship on Hutta.


Issue being, the Evocii are oppressed by the Hutts at every turn. On the planet Voss, the Gormak are not the oppressed, but rather the oppressors.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Not a fan of Balmorra nor Alderaan because, like others have said, it's too large and travel times are insane.


My favs would have to be Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. I've always like the sprawling mega-opolis planets in the Star Wars universe and being able to "live" them is pretty enjoyable.

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Least favorite: Nar shadaah, because all the places are broken up in sectors you can't look into unless there to see what is where, at least not that ive found.


Favorite: Tatooine, love the side quest story lines, at least on the imp side, and the fact that its the only planet that I recall where enemies will ambush you out of nowhere.

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The Voss reside atop their mountain, on Voss-Ka. Aside from the Shroud of Healing, they don't have a significant military presence scattered throughout the playable areas, seeing they try to hold their territory, not conquer new one.


That would be the Gormak. The Voss strive for survival.


and yet they pass no opportunity to harm the Gormak, like with the ship


there's this prophecy by a Voss Mystic specifically stating that the "last Gormak must no die".


Voss Interpreter might say: lets destroy Gormak civilization and leave just a bunch of them in some kind of ghetto, so tha last Gormak would not die :p


On the other hand, as stated earlier repeatedly, the Gormak see both Voss and outsiders as "corruption" that must be purged.


That's why I wrote that both sides are the oppressors. Voss are too refined to admit they want Gormak gone. But they want them contained.



Issue being, the Evocii are oppressed by the Hutts at every turn. On the planet Voss, the Gormak are not the oppressed, but rather the oppressors


Give them a few centuries more, and the Gormak would be no more then the Evocii on Hutta.


Ultimately we don't know what or who started the war, not that it matters now. But my impression on Voss was that we're witnessing the beginning of the end of Gormak.

The Sel-Makor affair may lead this to positive solution of course.


It would be cool to have a possibility, even if only for DS character (but I still claim there is no clear good/evil side here) to lead the Gormak Horde against Voss-Ka :)

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Favorite - Alderaan. Yeah travel times kind of suck, but I've thoroughly enjoyed the planet quests all the class stories i've done there. Plus I think it's the most beautiful planet in the entire game. Also spent a lot of time there since it was the only place I could get magenta crystals, until the cartel market crystals ruined my scheme!


Worst - Belsavis - This planet just seems out of place when you level through it. This random prison planet feels a bit forced. It's saving grace is that if you actually do the planet missions, Eternity Vault makes a lot more sense. Meh I hate that OP as well. People complain about Alderaan travel time. I thought Belsavis was much worse!

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Favorite: Voss and Tatooine. Tatooine obviously had a lot of love put into it, while Voss is just beautiful. If it were up to me, I'd put a stronghold on Voss next with a medium-to-large outdoor area with Voss' signature Autumn fields and trees. :D


Least favorite: Belsavis and Quesh. Both are weak, tedious planets. Belsavis is important in that it (briefly, tangentially) introduces Eternity Vault *and* the Dread Master storyline, but beyond that it's a complete snooze.

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Hoth is my least favorite, the snow is EXTREMELY bright and even on lower brightness settings it's still so bright I occasionally have to open the map just to rest my eyes for a moment, for someone with light sensitive eyes and glasses it's a nightmare and always has been.

Also takes forever to complete, especially for someone like myself who is compulsive where side missions are concerned :/


Favorite has to be Belsavis because of it's history, followed closely by Tatooine for the same reason (Minus 'The thing that Czerka Found' xD).

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