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Least and most favorite planet?


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I just hate Voss.


I hate the way they look. I hate the story. I hate the way they talk.


Otherwise, all the planets remain 'OK,' I've done them too many times now to still have a favourite. But I at least like them all for something. Some more than others. Tat remains pretty good. Aldy is alright.


I dunno, I think the Voss remind me of slightly more organic protocol droids. Vulcans have more emotion than the Voss--and that's saying something.

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Least favorite: Coruscant - this should have been a gorgeous planet to quest in, and you're even treated to a spectacular sight as you emerge from the taxi area and see the Senate building. ...then you spend 99% of your time questing indoors. The heck?


I don't *dislike* Coruscant, but will second the complaint about everything being forced underground in it...and the Jedi Temple? Are you kidding me? This MASSIVE temple...and you get a teeny tiny area of it to explore? DA ***??? I was SO disappointed when I saw how they treated the Jedi temple. Most anticlimactic area ever.


That could have been it's own map if you ask me.

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It is very interesting to see, that no planet wins for best or worst. Balance is high here.


As for me, i love questing in Hutta, Dromund Kass, Taris and Tatooine.


As for worst, i dont really hate any, but Rishi is the weaker of all, imo. Several reasons, SoR story is ridiculous childish, worst ever, and it is the same story and same side quests for both factions, and side quests with no conv, all in SoR exp pack felt rushed and weak quality. It is also the first planet after Quesh without a heroic mission... this alone shows the lack of investment in the planet and the entire SoR exp.


Makeb also lacked on side quests, it is a big planet but one story to follow for each faction, felt a bit empty.

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I just hate Voss.


I hate the way they look. I hate the story. I hate the way they talk.


Otherwise, all the planets remain 'OK,' I've done them too many times now to still have a favourite. But I at least like them all for something. Some more than others. Tat remains pretty good. Aldy is alright.


I agree about the Voss and Voss culture. I didn't name the planet as most hated, that was Taris for me...I don't hate Voss the planet...but I absolutely despise the Voss people, culture...everything about them irritates me. I prefer the Gormak. I've always wished we had a choice in who we get to help out.

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I was having this discussion with a friend a few months ago and I came to the conclusion that there's something about every planet that I hate and it's all got to do with moving quickly from one place to another while questing.


I suspect that a lot of this will be alleviated by the upcoming changes to taxi discovery and QT cooldowns in 3.2, so beyond that, I hate Alderaan and Corellia the most because of their much longer load times.

I dread going to either planet because of that.


Rishi & Yavin have emerged as my new favorites because it's fairly easy to get around on them and nothing is so far away from a taxi point that it makes traveling there a boring affair.


Personally, I'm hoping that the next stronghold is some sort of island paradise on Rishi similar in scope to the Tatooine stronghold but located on a secluded lagoon somewhere.

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For many years, I despised Belsavis. The most horrible planet and the most terrible maps in my opinion.


My favourites have been Ord Mantell (maybe because I tested this planet first in beta), Coruscant and recently Rishi.


Nowadays, I am pragmatical about it: My favourite planets are the small ones with short loading time. My least favourite planets are the ones which take ages to load, especially Alderaan (very beautiful, but the price for visiting it is too high) and Corellia (actually very cool scenario, but again the loading time OMG).

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I agree about the Voss and Voss culture. I didn't name the planet as most hated, that was Taris for me...I don't hate Voss the planet...but I absolutely despise the Voss people, culture...everything about them irritates me. I prefer the Gormak. I've always wished we had a choice in who we get to help out.


Yes, the Gormak are an absolutely lovely people, who quite obviously deserve our help, especially considering they seek to purge EVERYTHING and EVERYONE not Gormak on Voss. :rolleyes:


I guess Jokull's cannon aimed at Voss-Ka was meant to spread confetti all around the city, if not the planet.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think my most hated planet is Tatooine. It's not the quests or the layout. I just hate heat and deserts. And I think whatever civil engineers designed Coronet City on Corellia (if it were real life) were seriously brain damaged. The layout of that city makes no sense whatsoever. I still enjoy Corellia as a whole, though. I'm not sure I have a "favorite" planet. I do know that by the time it's time to leave ANY planet, I am ready to go. Sometimes I will even skip the "But wait, there's more" guy as I'm heading back to my ship.
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CAVEAT: I haven't done much of Makeb, nor of Ilum. My highest level pub character is only L51, and on the Imp side, just L20...


Tython is a mixed bag. I found the Gnarls (where you start, before going to the JT) just obnoxious, but the rest was nice, with interesting quests, especially


the JC quest up in the mountains where you make your sabre from the "first blade" (? , literalism for the French localisation's name "Première Lame", the old artifact-grade blade the droids help you find). Compare this to the SI quest where you get your first orange sabre, with Zash saying more or less, "Well done again, oh, and by the way, here's a lightsabre."


Ord Mantel is fun, and I like how all three H2+ missions happen in the same area.


Hutta is just obnoxious.

Korriban is too easy to get lost in, although at least you have quest markers to help you find your way.


Coruscant's taxi routes are a bit weird, but the planetary story was good, even if the endless street scenery was a bit tedious.


Pub Taris was tedious finding my way around, especially since the which-taxi quest markers are incorrectly placed in a few cases.


Pub NS? A bit like a neon-lit and even sleazier version of Coruscant.


Tatooine is a bit on the big side, with obnoxious routing issues especially

during the rescue mission you get from Aric Jorgan



Pub Balmorra and Alderaan both had the disvirtue of large size combined with tangly routing, although Alderaan was where I had my only OWPvP encounter.

My Commando was tooling around, and at one of those defended bridges, she started taking down the defenders when a three-levels lower red-name Sith of some sort decided to interfere. I stopped burning the NPC defenders, and stomped the Sith instead. And then ran away in case he had guildies in the area to gang up on me...



Pub Quesh was way too short. It was also a bit obnoxious (a sort of level 36 version of Hutta), but its main problem was being too short.


Like Tatooine, Hoth is a bit on the big side, although I very much liked the scenery.. Like Tatooine, some of the routing was a bit obnoxious, although driving over the ridges rather than through the Imp bases was easier.


Belsavis was nice-looking with an interesting story, but let down by some of the obnoxious routing.


Voss? I liked Voss. The scenery reminds me of certain parts of Guild Wars (specifically the Charr Homelands in the Eye of the North maps, and somewhat of Pre-Searing Ascalon), and the whole mystics-and-messiahs quest line was fascinating.

I liked the quest where you enter the mystical trance thing, and the whole sequence is done in glowy yellow-orange fog.



Corellia was simultaneously obnoxious (routing through individual zones) and entertaining (riding the rapid-transit trains, looking at the pedestrian crossing warning signs, etc.).


But my favorite planet wasn't a planet at all. I just loved the Gauntlet. The greatest single mission sequence I've done anywhere, in this game or any other that I've played.

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I don't have a planet that's especially dear to me.

What I do have are two planets I hate in equal parts, Tatooine and Hoth.

My characters usually skip one or the other aside from the class missions unless an event allows them to skip both.

I guess I'm not one for extreme temperatures and expansive landscapes with nothing much in them.

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Least is Corellia... I hate it when I see the quest marker "just to the west" but I need to travel east then north then west then north then south then west then south then east to get there. What ID10T architect/city planner designed this place?!? Belsavis gets an honorable mention, but the teleporter links getting all put together helped. Last honorable mention is Alderaan's taxi system.


Favorites: Hoth and Tatooine feel just right (if they weren't big, then the vast expanses of nothing would not feel dangerous) Tython and Alderaan are beautiful. Voss has grown on me (especially since I spent so long there leveling as high as I could to avoid Corellia!) Dromund Kaas is awesome and not just a "copy from a movie".

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Least is Corellia... I hate it when I see the quest marker "just to the west" but I need to travel east then north then west then north then south then west then south then east to get there. What ID10T architect/city planner designed this place?!? Belsavis gets an honorable mention, but the teleporter links getting all put together helped. Last honorable mention is Alderaan's taxi system.


Favorites: Hoth and Tatooine feel just right (if they weren't big, then the vast expanses of nothing would not feel dangerous) Tython and Alderaan are beautiful. Voss has grown on me (especially since I spent so long there leveling as high as I could to avoid Corellia!) Dromund Kaas is awesome and not just a "copy from a movie".


It was the city planning droid, ID-10T


Another tangent: Ever get the feeling that by the time you're done with Rishi, you think (and look) like you're really playing SWTOR: Dead Man's Chest?

Edited by Lewintelamon
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Yes, the Gormak are an absolutely lovely people, who quite obviously deserve our help, especially considering they seek to purge EVERYTHING and EVERYONE not Gormak on Voss. :rolleyes:


I guess Jokull's cannon aimed at Voss-Ka was meant to spread confetti all around the city, if not the planet.


Didn't say they were perfect and docile, I said I preferred them over the Voss. Just look at the Voss, strong, tall, exceptionally LAZY people who refuse to deal with their own issues, and manipulate the outsiders to do their bidding for them, but still give back extremely little in return for the favors.


The Gormak want to leave that sanctimony filled hell hole and start a life elsewhere, so they built a ship...what do the Voss do? They go blow it up! (rather they instigate the outsiders to do it cause they're too lazy to do it themselves, they don't f*art unless their 3 tell them to) Why? Because they don't believe they're actually trying to leave so much as blow them and their precious temple up. I think they want to leave, but if I were them? I'd drop a parting gift right smack dab on their sneaky 3rd faction loving selves.


Look at it this way, they had those cannons for quite some time, cannons don't appear over night, and they hadn't used them yet. I think it was in case the stupid Voss tried anything.

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Didn't say they were perfect and docile, I said I preferred them over the Voss. Just look at the Voss, strong, tall, exceptionally LAZY people who refuse to deal with their own issues, and manipulate the outsiders to do their bidding for them, but still give back extremely little in return for the favors.


So, in other words, you prefer a bunch of genocidal and savage maniacs, who seek to annihilate an ENTIRE species altogether -- or anyone else for that matter -- who is NOT Gormak.




The Voss, for all their flaws, at least try to welcome outsiders.


The Gormak want to leave that sanctimony filled hell hole and start a life elsewhere, so they built a ship...what do the Voss do? They go blow it up! (rather they instigate the outsiders to do it cause they're too lazy to do it themselves, they don't f*art unless their 3 tell them to) Why? Because they don't believe they're actually trying to leave so much as blow them and their precious temple up. I think they want to leave, but if I were them? I'd drop a parting gift right smack dab on their sneaky 3rd faction loving selves.


The Voss. Are. Protecting. Themselves.


Both Gormegan-1 and the Evuk-Nosk could be used to destroy Voss-Ka -- or even the Shroud of Healing for that matter -- from the skies.


Look at it this way, they had those cannons for quite some time, cannons don't appear over night, and they hadn't used them yet. I think it was in case the stupid Voss tried anything.


Look at it this way: the cannon was primed to be fired, and its aim was set on Voss-Ka. As stated earlier, it is unlikely it would spread confetti all over the place, especially considering the Gormak had other minor ballistic devices, stationed elsewhere, meant to destroy the Shrine of Healing.


TL;DR: You're trying to point out stuff that isn't actually there. As stated earlier:

So, in other words, who prefer a bunch of genocidal savage maniacs, who seek to annihilate an ENTIRE species altogether -- or anyone else for that matter -- who is NOT Gormak.


The Voss may be jerks; difference being, they are NOT genocidal jerks.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Didn't say they were perfect and docile, I said I preferred them over the Voss. Just look at the Voss, strong, tall, exceptionally LAZY people who refuse to deal with their own issues, and manipulate the outsiders to do their bidding for them, but still give back extremely little in return for the favors.


The Gormak want to leave that sanctimony filled hell hole and start a life elsewhere, so they built a ship...what do the Voss do? They go blow it up! (rather they instigate the outsiders to do it cause they're too lazy to do it themselves, they don't f*art unless their 3 tell them to) Why? Because they don't believe they're actually trying to leave so much as blow them and their precious temple up. I think they want to leave, but if I were them? I'd drop a parting gift right smack dab on their sneaky 3rd faction loving selves.


Look at it this way, they had those cannons for quite some time, cannons don't appear over night, and they hadn't used them yet. I think it was in case the stupid Voss tried anything.


The situation on Voss is a perfect allegory of Class Conflict.

The Voss used to be Gormak (working class) but they got better and evolved (i.e -became middle or upper class). They suddenly don't even recognize they own kin. They look different, they act different, they speak different -as do people who came from poor environment and need to fit in, or create their own class.

They blindly follow their Mystics (the Elite), they don't ask questions, they know that they have to do what the Elite tells them to do, think what the Elite tells them to think.

They despise the Gormak, because subconsiously they remind them of what they used to be. People who advance to a "higher" social class often are ashamed of their parents.

The Gormak symbolize the revolution. They are the raw force that wishes to overthrow the established order. But what they don't realize, they are under influence of evil force (Sel-Makor). Revolutions often fall prey to evil (see-lyrics for Sympathy For the Devil :D).

Utterly this is a very good drama of modern society, pictured as Voss-Gormak conflict.

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