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Read here first... you PVP pro 'you'


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TL / DR:


PvP in this game's a joke, and the people who actually take it seriously really need to look elsewhere, because they'll never find what they want/need here.




What else is new?

Edited by midianlord
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Came for the lols, was not disappointed.


Honestly PvP here is exactly as serious as any other gameplay in any other game that has no real-world consequences. I would've thought that was common sense...


No, it's still not an excuse to be terrible at it, stop queuing if you aren't gonna play right ;)

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Came for the lols, was not disappointed.


Honestly PvP here is exactly as serious as any other gameplay in any other game that has no real-world consequences. I would've thought that was common sense...


No, it's still not an excuse to be terrible at it, stop queuing if you aren't gonna play right ;)


I'm by no means terrible at pvp, but you must admit, solo ranked is a joke and easy in this game.

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I'm by no means terrible at pvp, but you must admit, solo ranked is a joke and easy in this game.



But your a sin... That could be why. Tbh I find it fun and challenging as a dps merc. So I dont have to time to play as much and the time I do spend playing is sitting in fleet waiting for a pop while I multitask. However don't get me wrong I do get frustrated only difference with me and "most" of the elitists is I could care less. Losing in this game does not effect me IRL so there is no reason to go and tell people to kill themselves due to a loss (most that I've seen was in regs matchs ha! Funny right?) Here I am rambling again.

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Wait, so I can't chat to other faction, or even play it....yet somehow I am able to fully view and understand my enemies gear? Seems kind of hypocritical in this universe of yours. I am against that completely. In fact, character classes should be hidden in my opinion. The only thing you should be able to tell about a character is their name, you can look at their outfit, weapons, watch for abilities to figure out who they are. That's real. You don't go to war and go "Oh look that's the captain...I can tell there is a symbol hovering over his head from behind a wall" That other guy who hasn't drawn his weapon yet is a sniper! yadda yadda....and realm pride? Also you can lvl entirely by pvp I have 11 characters that have lvld up not pveing minus starter planet.


Other note some of it does sound interesting or cool, but you might as well not even dream about it when it comes to this game... Uh, you can get a different hilt for your hatred sin ...that'll show em that you are not a fotm sheep...you're unique.


This is a nice idea indeed.

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You want real pvp that takes skill? How about Tera or Archage instead of easy mode tab target games like this one. There's no skill in tabbing to next player and pressing buttons. Try aiming your abilities while simultaneously dodging the abilities of other enemies. There is 0 skill involved in swtor pvp, period. The only defining trait of a "good" player vs a "bad" player is how mechanically aware a player is and how far in advance a player can think. That's no harder than learning to play chess well. Good try though, you almost had me for a second :rolleyes:


^ This.

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That's kind of a narrow definition of skill.


True, tab mmos are less twitch-based than some of the action games out there (a shortcoming that made me drop this game on multiple occasions) but that hardly means there is no skill involved in playing them. Just a different kind of skill.


Working from the perspective of someone who has become very familiar with the chaotic clusterf* of telegraph spam in WildStar and spent plenty of time in both Tera and vindictus, I'll go ahead and dispel any notions that those games are that much more skill intensive than this. Basically everyone has fewer tricks to use and has to aim the ones they do have, that's it.

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That's kind of a narrow definition of skill.


True, tab mmos are less twitch-based than some of the action games out there (a shortcoming that made me drop this game on multiple occasions) but that hardly means there is no skill involved in playing them. Just a different kind of skill.


Working from the perspective of someone who has become very familiar with the chaotic clusterf* of telegraph spam in WildStar and spent plenty of time in both Tera and vindictus, I'll go ahead and dispel any notions that those games are that much more skill intensive than this. Basically everyone has fewer tricks to use and has to aim the ones they do have, that's it.


Fewer, perhaps, but that's only because there is less ability bloat. Prime example, Sorc in this game vs Sorc in Tera. It's like night and day. Sorc in Tera actually requires skill, you can tell a good Sorc from a bad one immediately. A good Sorc will take literally no damage, whilst blowing up multiple enemies. A bad one will be killed in under 5 seconds while doing 0 damage. There is no "oh ****" God bubble. In this game even a bad Sorc can tab target and even smart cast their aoe at a targets feet.


So it's not a narrow definition of skill imo, it's a totally different level of gameplay. Now do each games require a different type of skill set to succeed? Sure. But it's surely not the same level of difficulty.

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But your a sin... That could be why. Tbh I find it fun and challenging as a dps merc. So I dont have to time to play as much and the time I do spend playing is sitting in fleet waiting for a pop while I multitask. However don't get me wrong I do get frustrated only difference with me and "most" of the elitists is I could care less. Losing in this game does not effect me IRL so there is no reason to go and tell people to kill themselves due to a loss (most that I've seen was in regs matchs ha! Funny right?) Here I am rambling again.


My class has nothing to do with solo ranked being a joke, simply put, this game doesn't have the population to create fair games. Skilled players will never face similarly rated skilled players and the Elo system is unforgiving in a game where the population can't support it. That has nothing to do with me playing an assassin, I could be playing a lethality operative and it would do nothing to change the flaws of the current ranked system in play.


I'm currently Rank #1 across all players in solo ranked atm. Does that mean I'm the best player in swtor? Hell no. I will never be afforded the chance to know because there is no cross server. I would love to be able to fight more skilled opponents and learn from people on EU servers but it's impossible to do without rolling a new toon, starting my legacy level back from one and grinding more pvp gear.


Simply put, solo ranked rating and even team ranked rating, without coss server, is simply indicative of how many ranked games you're willing to play until you reach your desired elo. Nothing more, nothing less.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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Fewer, perhaps, but that's only because there is less ability bloat. Prime example, Sorc in this game vs Sorc in Tera. It's like night and day. Sorc in Tera actually requires skill, you can tell a good Sorc from a bad one immediately. A good Sorc will take literally no damage, whilst blowing up multiple enemies. A bad one will be killed in under 5 seconds while doing 0 damage. There is no "oh ****" God bubble. In this game even a bad Sorc can tab target and even smart cast their aoe at a targets feet.


So it's not a narrow definition of skill imo, it's a totally different level of gameplay. Now do each games require a different type of skill set to succeed? Sure. But it's surely not the same level of difficulty.


Difficulty is relative. For some players - especially those who have grown up with FPS games readily available - the twitch aspect of games like Tera is actually pretty slow, relative to shooters, and with so few abilities it's easy to know when to use what and predict what an opponent will do.


And I'm sure you've seen how fast bads get melted in PvP here. That's the same everywhere.

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My class has nothing to do with solo ranked being a joke, simply put, this game doesn't have the population to create fair games. Skilled players will never face similarly rated skilled players and the Leo system is unforgiving in a game where the population can't support it. That has nothing to do with me playing an assassin, I could be playing a lethality operative and it would do nothing to change the flaws of the current ranked system in play.


I'm currently Rank #1 across all players in solo ranked atm. Does that mean I'm the best player in swtor? Hell no. I will never be afforded the chance to know because there is no cross server. I would love to be able to fight more skilled opponents and learn from people on EU servers but it's impossible to do without rolling a new toon, starting my legacy level back from one and grinding more pvp gear.


Simply put, solo ranked rating and even team ranked rating, without coss server, is simply indicative of how many ranked games you're willing to play until you reach your desired elo. Nothing more, nothing less.



Valid point so if your not having fun or any sorta challenge then why not cross to another server lvl an identical alt and send him over to test new waters? I've thought about it and was about to do till I quit for a lil bit.

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Valid point so if your not having fun or any sorta challenge then why not cross to another server lvl an identical alt and send him over to test new waters? I've thought about it and was about to do till I quit for a lil bit.


I've started leveling an assassin on TOFN, but it comes with the consequence of having legacy level 1, losing ALL of my legacy buffs (Warrior, Bounty Hunter, Etc), as well as losing all of my gear and my 67 million credits. Yea, not too encouraged atm, and I've moved to other games for now until I feel drawn back to swtor.

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Whilst, clearly, this game has lost talented players for a vairety of reasons I can't believe that the OP made up some numbers, put those numbers into a formula, then posted the resulting calculation as the basis of his argument. Amazing.
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Whilst, clearly, this game has lost talented players for a vairety of reasons I can't believe that the OP made up some numbers, put those numbers into a formula, then posted the resulting calculation as the basis of his argument. Amazing.


Thats why I said he was ignorant. He was putting up fake numbers and acting like he is the last "founder"

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Thats why I said he was ignorant. He was putting up fake numbers and acting like he is the last "founder"


That fact that you, or anyone else reading this thread, is looking at my numbers as the point of it is another reason why those who left before you are better and apparently more intelligent.


Hint: My OP was to get people to enjoy the game for what it is and stop demanding change as if they were the next Fatal1ty.


Hint 2: I don't like Mercs who play on Role Playing Servers who also use WoW as the basis for PVP authority. The first thing a 'good' PVP will tell you is to not start out with any disadvantages.


Hint 3: I was acting like a 'founder'? I am bringing the perspective of someone who has played PVP at the highest level in many games.


The discussion broadened to what players want more of, which is great. Now go and 'role play' your skill a bit more, get some real perspective, and come back and add to the discussion.

Edited by Killamanjaroo
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Actually the really really really really really super skilled pvpers quit during beta b4 the game launched. So this game has never seen an actual super elite pvp player. If any of them ever came back they would totally like 1v8 any of us scrubs that are left.
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Nah, it's true. I've been doing ranked exclusively up until the last week and have instead been developing alts in regs. I must say, I haven't witnessed this pathetic level of derp in warzones ever. Leveling alts in the +50 brackets this weekend has unveiled the most comical and frustrating comedy of errors I've ever seen. You would never find this level of incompetence pre2.0, back when warzones where "thee" main event. Now it just seems like an awful waste of time.


Sigh, might have to take up coaching again.

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Nah, it's true. I've been doing ranked exclusively up until the last week and have instead been developing alts in regs. I must say, I haven't witnessed this pathetic level of derp in warzones ever. Leveling alts in the +50 brackets this weekend has unveiled the most comical and frustrating comedy of errors I've ever seen. You would never find this level of incompetence pre2.0, back when warzones where "thee" main event.


This is so true. Logged on Saturday, saw it was Double XP, decided to jump on alts and run some lowbies/midbies...lord god, the horror. It was a sh*t show from h*ll.

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