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I know this a pipe dream (Future expansion suggestions)


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I been taking a break from SW:TOR and been playing some Mass Effect 2 and 3 (Still love #1 the most but much to my chagrin I found out something like 50-60 play through's makes the game unplayable after that lol! ahhhh well, amazing game that I definately got my enjoyment from and money worth from)


Anyways, so Im playing ME2 and I just cant help but think many of the designs, companions, even combat would fit so well in SW:TOR


SW:TOR has no companion, not imp, not rep that matches the intensity of Jack, the humor of Mordin, the battle lust of Wrex and Grunt. All these NPCs would add amazing flavor and atmosphere to SW:TOR.


Now yes, Jack is very Vulgar and probably to over the top for a Star Wars game (and for that reason alone Id drop SW:TOR for a more adult setting sci fi MMORPG like Mass Effect Online or any other host of potential settings, if they were made. The awww shucks does get old fast and some grit and grim in game would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.


But even with out the vulgarity a Jack type companion would work in SW:TOR


Also the Facial appearance options in ME2 would be heads and tails above what is offered now in SW:TOR. More flexibility is better when it comes to character appearance designing.


Lastly, EA has gone out of its way to make SW:TOR solo playable. To much so if you ask me because now everyone wants it easier and faster as well (the natural progression when you continually dumb things down as EA done in SW:TOR). So why not start pumping out solo missions much like the missions found in Mass Effect 2 and even 3? Short 30 minute to 60 minute solo missions that has you exploring a lost base, hunting down a criminal on Coruscant or Dromman Kass.


These would add greatly to the feel of the locations they located on and could be self enclosed instances that require no new map extensions in the existing playable maps.


And certainly would be an easy way to add in end game content to the game on a ongoing basis.


I know none of this will ever happen.

EA has all but abandoned SW:TOR development it seems now and just using it as a cash cow for how ever long it lasts.


But still, how awesome would it be to many of Mass Effect concepts transfered to SW:TOR


I would so play a Salarian character, a Krogan character, A drell character

Aliens that actually look alien (beyond just being different color) but still humanoid so EA wouldnt have to work hard at designing new interesting character choices (lets face it, right now we can be a human, a red human, a blue human, a blind human, and green human, a cyborg human, a furry human, am I missing any?). So real aliens would be a welcome change

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