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This is by far the Ultimate MMO


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If this is an MMO where are all the other players?! Where are the worlds? All I see is small player areas so far that are layed out completely linear in nature. In other MMO's you can explore, I have yet to see it in this game and the worlds I seen are lifeless, souless, no ambience, no critters, nothing. NPC's are dull and boring. I am sorry, I do not think this is a very good MMO at all.
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I think the great thing about SW:TOR is in terms of redefineing. this game redefined what a MMO CAN DO. for a long long time MMOs where locked into what they could do. generic quests with text boxes with maybe a rare "special mission" once in a blue moon.


SW:TOR redefines expecations of what MMOs CAN do. and this is good.

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I like this game and am having fun, but it's not the ultimate mmo.


Agreed. It's a good MMO. No doubt about that in my opinion. But it's not the best, and certainly not the "ultimate".


In my opinion, there are a LOT of features (great and small) missing from this game that, if included, COULD help it to reach even greater potential than it has now.

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I can't wait until the haters 30 days run out.


I've heard lines like this so many times in previous MMO's. Unfortunately, such myopic statements neglect to comprehend the potential disaster that could unfold if such a desire became a reality.


I'm hoping that Bioware has the intelligence and wisdom to recognise the validity of some of of the negative concerns and actually address them, rather than copy a certain element of this so-called "community" which seems to want to dismiss them as nothing more than "haters hating".

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