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Using a pistol = melee?


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So if someone handed you a gun, you'd use it as a melee weapon?

lololololol :D


If I had a flamethrower, jet pack for flame sweep or rocket punch, or any of the other cool abilities that PT's have, then yes, I would definitely use the mundane gun as a "nothing else to use or conserve heat" type of thing....which is what any good PT should be doing. This debate is like saying a Sorc/Sage should be melee simply because they have a lightsaber.


Note my comment stands for any of the other "ranged" melee classes. As a scoundrel, why would you opt to use the gun just because you have one when you can use all the fun and powerful moves in melee range. Nothing is more satisfying then finishing someone off with the low kick...*crunch*. :D

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Every other game ever created that has weapons would like a word with you.


Call of Duty, one of the most popular shooters of all time is a game where you're armed to the teeth with modern military hardware. And yet, one of the most dangerous weapons in your arsenal is...a knife. In fact, if you tailor your perks appropriately, you can run around the map like a crazed crack head stabbing people all over the place. Talk about a melee class with a gun.


Diablo II, the necromancer can be played as mostly a caster or summoner class, and yet in addition to being able to hold a wand it can hold (if I remember correctly) a bow, a knife, a sword, an axe, and I believe even a shield.


In Battlefield the sniper, a ranged class, is mechanically encouraged to run up to tanks and other big guns and throw C4 on them.

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So if someone handed you a gun, you'd use it as a melee weapon?

lololololol :D


Commando response: stock strike, then push back until you're far enough away for me to just Mortar Volley you to death.


Merc response: rocket punch. Flamethrower, jet boost to vent heat and push back, Death From Above.


VG response: stock strike, then use the electro shock thing on my weapon, push back, storm to your new location, repeat. Just like the Mass Effect 3 Shepard Vanguard.


PT response: Rocket punch, flamethrower, push back, storm equivalent, repeat.


Operative response: Stabbing. Stun. Stab for more.


Scoundrel: don't remember the rotation, but it wasn't much shooting. And shotguns/scatterguns are a short range gun anyway, my Vanguard in Mass Effect can tell you that with her Claymore.


Sorc/Sage: stun/knock back, throw rocks and sparks.


My Guardian and Jugg can throw their weapons, then force leap, throw/knock back, throw blades, leap, repeat.

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Commando response: stock strike, then push back until you're far enough away for me to just Mortar Volley you to death.


Merc response: rocket punch. Flamethrower, jet boost to vent heat and push back, Death From Above.


Mortar Volley and Death from Above no longer require them to be a minimum distance away from you. I get your point though, just wanted to let you know. :)

Edited by BrittneyNB
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Mortar Volley and Death from Above no longer require them to be a minimum distance away from you. I get your point though, just wanted to let you know. :)


They can be interrupted by enemies who are nearby. I'm not sure if any of my classes actually use their blaster weapons for much anymore anyway, with darts, knives, missiles etc..

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Every other shooter you mean. How many MMORPG's give a crap about weapon versus class mechanics?


Hint: none of them do.


Wrong. The problem with your assertion is that no other MMO is in a setting like SWTOR is. They still have weapons restrictions based on class which is really all this is. People are just stuck on the whole "pistol = ranged" thing which is where the problem is.


But let's take a look at some real life comparisons. If SWTOR weapons were equivalent to real weapons, snipers should have a range of at least 1000 meters. Instead, they are limited to 30 to 35 meters max range. That alone should tell you that you can not compare real life with the game.


But even in real life, pistols have a very short effective range. Yeah, bullets can travel far but beyond 10 meters most pistols lose a ton of accuracy making them ineffective. An FBI statistic from a few years back stated that most criminal firearm discharges occurred between two untrained individuals at distances less than 10 meters and resulted in neither shooter being hit. I routinely qualify with a 4" barrel semi-auto and beyond 10 meters accuracy falls into the toilet no matter how good a shot you are.


But this isn't real life, it is a game with set mechanics that are more important than trying to shoehorn real life into the mix even if the majority of pistols in real life are considered short range weapons.

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You. People.

Is it really that hard to understand? ;)


For a "community ambassador" you really don't seem the most friendly.


To the topic: They're designed to use more melee abilities rather than their weapon. Operatives, for example, use a lot of knives and darts. Sorcerers use a lot of force lightning and force abilities, rather than their lightsaber. Hence, Sorcs are ranged. Weapon doesn't automatically denote ranged vs. melee, although it can provide implications.

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I just created Sith Assassin. I got double bladed lightsaber from bag. I don't know what to do with it because I've seen a lot of ranged Assassins recently in KDY. I tried beating some enemies with it and it seems to work better than I expected. Edited by Halinalle
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So if your toon has melee weapon, he/she can't be ranged - poor sorcs/sages


Why choose a melee weapon if you're fighting style is ranged?

It's like giving someone one a gun in a fight and they decide to charge you to beat you with it instead of shooting at you.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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Why choose a melee weapon if you're fighting style is ranged?

It's like giving someone one a gun in a fight and they decide to charge you to beat you with it instead of shooting at you.


You know, we're 3 years into this game. It's a little late to be complaining about the archetypical baked-in mechanics of the ACs..


If you had concerns about Powerguards or Scoundatives being melee despite main handing a firearm, or Sorcisages being ranged, despite being lightsaber-wielders, it might have been better to raise them, oh, I don't know, during early alpha testing.

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But let's take a look at some real life comparisons. If SWTOR weapons were equivalent to real weapons, snipers should have a range of at least 1000 meters. Instead, they are limited to 30 to 35 meters max range. That alone should tell you that you can not compare real life with the game.


But even in real life, pistols have a very short effective range. Yeah, bullets can travel far but beyond 10 meters most pistols lose a ton of accuracy making them ineffective. An FBI statistic from a few years back stated that most criminal firearm discharges occurred between two untrained individuals at distances less than 10 meters and resulted in neither shooter being hit. I routinely qualify with a 4" barrel semi-auto and beyond 10 meters accuracy falls into the toilet no matter how good a shot you are.

^This x1000


And 2 Points LNF:

1) Change your sig. You're not our Ambassador

2) If you want realism, Star Wars is the wrong franchise for you.


Oh and one final note: Legolas*cough*

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why not strip the ranged ( butnot really ranged ) classes of their ranged weapons since they're really a melee class?

Would enhance immersion for everyone.


I can think of a dozen other things that would fix immersion far more for me.

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