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The most annoying disconnect issue - deleting posts wont help


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Hi folks


Since i got a disconnect and have to wait now, that i am in a queue again, and yes, i know that there was a statement days ago that this is anissue you are looking into, i still take the time (i have nothing else to do right now since i am WAITING) to complain again about this issue since you still have not fixed it and it is pretty annoying. Deleting posts like this as you have so quickly done with my first is not helpfull either, since the only thing i am doing is, complaining about a realy annoying issue.

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it doenst help get the problem solved, itjust reminds them to solve that in a more speedy way. You see, the feedback and severity of issues can be measured by the amounts aof posts to a topic
Dear Lord I hope they don't choose how to allocate their development resources based on how many posts there are on the forums.
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