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Coratanni still broken: Please fix


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Patch notes wet up today saying this fight was "fixed"


Upon clicking the pod to transition into phase two of the fight, Coratanni still resets.


Guild run of 8m SM tonight. She reset two times. The only way to fix it was for EVERYONE to exit, reset, go do the first boss of ToS, come back, and re-enter.


This boss has been bugged for months. I have yet to do the boss fight without it re-setting at least once, and I do it multiple times per week. Enough is enough. I, and others, are tired of this. There is zero excuse for it still being in the game after this length of time. Piles of people paying 15 bucks a month and you can't fix one bugged boss weeks and weeks later? Yet, you could fix the Slot Machine in a matter of days. To me, and many others, that is shocking and disheartening. It is blatantly obvious there is a serious problem with priorities and resource management at Bioware SWTOR. I discussed this with my Guild tonight and we all agreed on that, this bugged out boss is our proof. There really is no excuse for it STILL being in the game. It is beyond frustrating. The two new ops are frankly deterrents for even wanting to do them due to bugs like this and mechanics in ToS not working well with this engine and server hitches. The mere thought of doing the 2nd and 3rd bosses in ToS makes me not want to even bother, and I am not alone in that.


Furthermore, you had to cancel an event you had thought up because of the bugs. Something isn't right here and it seems you don't see it.


I suggest Bioware needs to have a meeting and problem solve. Set goals and improve. Re-evaluate. Please. This stuff is making people not want to play.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Yup can confirm it, here is a Highlight from the stream, sorry for the MIC quality, but settings were a bit off.


Anyhow, we found out that if one of the raid members pressed ESC OR Space during the transition... it will reset.

As soon as we tried on our timed run to tell members to stop doing it, all hands away from keyboard during transition it worked just fine. :rak_03:


Twitch Highlight - Ravagers BUG

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Anyhow, we found out that if one of the raid members pressed ESC OR Space during the transition... it will reset.

Cannot confirm this, I ran Ravagers SM yesterday and everyone hit space to skip the cinematic and we killed the boss in the first try without any bugs or resets.

However, no one pressed Escape afaik, maybe that's what's causing the bug, not sure.

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How on earth does this happen? Been running 8sm with my guild since before xmas, cleared Ravagers pretty much every week since, never once had this reset occur. We take Pearl to between 10 and 15%, swap to Cora herself, switch to Pearl to finish when Cora disappears. Is this not what other people are doing or are we just lucky?
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We take Pearl to between 10 and 15%, swap to Cora herself, switch to Pearl to finish when Cora disappears.

That's exactly what I am doing in PuG groups as well. Pearl needs to be below 20% before Coratanni reaches 66%, that way you skip the Deck Guns phase and you don't have to deal with players unable to move out of the telegraphs and losing 90% of their HP.

However, I've also done the fight normally (bringing down both bosses at the same time) in groups with more skill and gear, and it also worked fine without any bugs or resets.

Edited by Jerba
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Done this a number of different ways. Balanced bring down the two, concentrating on Coratanni until leaves and then burning Pearl, burning Pearl to 20% ish and then pushing Coratanni. Pretty much every week clearing this Op and never had this bug. I was actually surprised when they cancelled the speed runs because of it as I had not experienced any buggy issues with 8m SM Ravagers.
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Done this a number of different ways. Balanced bring down the two, concentrating on Coratanni until leaves and then burning Pearl, burning Pearl to 20% ish and then pushing Coratanni. Pretty much every week clearing this Op and never had this bug. I was actually surprised when they cancelled the speed runs because of it as I had not experienced any buggy issues with 8m SM Ravagers.


same here

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How on earth does this happen? Been running 8sm with my guild since before xmas, cleared Ravagers pretty much every week since, never once had this reset occur. We take Pearl to between 10 and 15%, swap to Cora herself, switch to Pearl to finish when Cora disappears. Is this not what other people are doing or are we just lucky?


Nah we cleared it several times before the patch without a single issue, so its not our first time far from, it was just wierd... it just became persistent in wierd and odd moments now after the patch to be honest.


And no pets were summoned during the encounter. We did end up clearing it after we said no touching the keyboard during transition xD but still... its odd...


Oh well the only reason we decided to highlight it and post it here, was because of the odd bug, and its well... recurring state.

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If anyone had a pet out it causes the fight to reset.




No one in my raid groups have pets out, ever. No one hits esc or space bar.


That is great some people have never had the bug. Fantastic for you. I have yet to see the fight since late December where she DOESN'T bug, and I and others are doing nothing any different than you and the piles of suggestions. I run this mutiple times per week on alts, and she bugs out every..single...time. Not matter the group or make up. No pets, not esc/spaceber, etc. The fight is bugged.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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No one in my raid groups have pets out, ever. No one hits esc or space bar.


That is great some people have never had the bug. Fantastic for you. I have yet to see the fight since late December where she DOESN'T bug, and I and others are doing nothing any different than you and the piles of suggestions. I run this mutiple times per week on alts, and she bugs out every..single...time. Not matter the group or make up. No pets, not esc/spaceber, etc. The fight is bugged.


It honestly helps narrow down the issue by cutting out other factors that have not caused it. You have seen this bug and apparently a lot while I have not seen it at all. This allows developers to try and zero in on what might be causing it. Who knows? could be f2p people in group that cause it to bug. No idea. Most are trying to help with what they have seen cause and correct it.

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