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I can see why complaints have been lodged.


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What even makes matters worse, is when you ding 30, you gain zero extra abilities. Your next talent point is at 32. Bioware really have taken balance to a new level. Never seen anything so lazy before in my life. Is it any wonder Mid bracket pvp is dying out?
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BioWare could adjust bolster to check player level, and adjust HP / mainstat on the 30-54 players to equate those of a level 59 player (in addition to the usual gear side of bolster).


It would make a difference, and wouldn't involve adjusting anything else or lowering bracket player pools etc. I can live with a set bonus discrimination, but that 10k extra HP makes a fair difference, as does the extra mainstat :D


For Bioware to adjust Bolster, they need to understand how it works. So we're out of luck

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I am completely resigned to the fact that my lvl 30+ will have to suffer through pve content until level 41. My sage heal has had no new heals in ages and won't until 41. The lack of utility and shear lack of stats to do any meaningful healing is just horrible. And so. Balmora will be fully quested out with all bonus missions done to get me to 41 fast. I'll test the waters there again but PvP in the 30's is running a marathon uphill in the desert with full winter gear on.


You don't have to wait; you can still PvP but just stay out of the fray (which I have a habit of being caught up in, lol). The problem you will have if the enemy has multiple level 55+ people is that you cannot contribute by fighting whatsoever.


As a healer I still kill people whenever I get the chance (and if they are silly enough to group up even more so) but what I have to do for now is to just follow everyone around and run (if I can) once I am targeted. Sure it's going to be a pita, but I will still be earning Valor and commendations so that when I reach 60 I will have a full set of gear.


Unfortunately I won't be able to get revenge, but oh well...

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What even makes matters worse, is when you ding 30, you gain zero extra abilities. Your next talent point is at 32. Bioware really have taken balance to a new level. Never seen anything so lazy before in my life. Is it any wonder Mid bracket pvp is dying out?


That's the biggest thing; a 30 versus a 59 is no contest because gearing and bolster and HP aside, they have way too many skills to keep you at bay.

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The issue with making a new bracket for maybe 30-44 and 45-59 is the queue times will be significantly longer. You will get that bored of waiting for a game you will be soon wishing the bracket was back to 30-59 I can guarantee it.


We don't need a new bracket we just need bolster to put lvl 30's up to lvl 60 stats not lvl 55 stats.

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We don't need a new bracket we just need bolster to put lvl 30's up to lvl 60 stats not lvl 55 stats.


When BioLazy said 'no' to anything new for PvP, they weren't lying. They are again trying to kill off PvP and this time, it's heading to a point of no return

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Easiest solution is to create a 50-59 bracket.


I PVP'ed my way from 55 to 60, wearing full min-maxed ranked gear from last season.


It was an absolute slaughter. Nobody below 55 could touch me. Those who could, still lost most fights. It wasn't fair or funny.


creating new brackets is out of the question, imo. and I had min/max'd gear on my first few toons. I did not have it for other 55s. and I did not have it for rerolls. The ONLY problem was with the rerolls. It's not a gear set issue. it's that 55s/56s are literally GIFTED 162s/168s (pve) for just running through the introductory Shadows of Revan quests & instances. wearing just that basic stuff, they get a massive stat advantage and, in most cases, maintain full expertise.


I honestly think the least invasive thing to do just bump up 30s and 40s with more bolster. for example, missing an implant or having an old implant should still get bolstered the equivalent of those freebies that 55s/56s get in solo FPs.


new brackets are more invasive and will affect frequency of pops.


rebalancing is incredibly invasive and idiotic to do around sub 60s.


I'm not sure of what other options exist, but, again, fixing bolster is the least invasive and directly addresses the issue.

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Easiest solution is to create a 50-59 bracket.


I PVP'ed my way from 55 to 60, wearing full min-maxed ranked gear from last season.


It was an absolute slaughter. Nobody below 55 could touch me. Those who could, still lost most fights. It wasn't fair or funny.


I agree. I'd like to have my level 55 - 59 characters (who do not have old pvp gear btw) get 20+ minute queues during prime time and no warzones spin up at all the rest of the day.

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I am a healer and how will you learn a thing or two if you don't get a chance to get off a single skill, hmmm? Tell you what: queue as a level 30 healer (whatever class you wish) and become targeted by a level 59 Vanguard with no one around to assist you and tell me what you learn; I will wait.


So much this^^^^^^. is why I'm questing my 30s to mid 40s. BW hates mid level players.

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This is a fair argument but I am not really sure what the solution is.

Create a third bracket (30-49) and que times drag out which is even more unpopular than imbalance.

Balance around mid pvp and you could wreck end game pvp (which already has some issues).

You can play a healer or tank which is a solution although not a very good one as you will still get blown up by high 50s. At least you can feel as if you help in the objectives.

Fix bolster? Due to some unknown reason Bioware hasn't been able to make bolster work as intended since it was launched. This would be great but I am not sure Bioware has the desire or skill to do this.

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Fix bolster? Due to some unknown reason Bioware hasn't been able to make bolster work as intended since it was launched. This would be great but I am not sure Bioware has the desire or skill to do this.

lol -- ok. I'll concede this point. that's sadly true.

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Relatively new to the game, started playing nearly a month ago. lvl 10-29 pvp was fun. Now at lvl 35 i've entered some kind of retarded dimension where you face lvl 55+ who have 10-15k hp more than you, more available skills, who refuse to be hit, and crit you for 9k+.


There's no way that BW doesnt know how **** it is. But they see that there isn't any money to be made from balanced pvp so they put it waaaaaaaaay down the list of things to make. I guess I'll be rerolling chars all the time to re-experience that sweet lvl 10-29 pvp :p

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Relatively new to the game, started playing nearly a month ago. lvl 10-29 pvp was fun. Now at lvl 35 i've entered some kind of retarded dimension where you face lvl 55+ who have 10-15k hp more than you, more available skills, who refuse to be hit, and crit you for 9k+.


There's no way that BW doesnt know how **** it is. But they see that there isn't any money to be made from balanced pvp so they put it waaaaaaaaay down the list of things to make. I guess I'll be rerolling chars all the time to re-experience that sweet lvl 10-29 pvp :p


Welcome to an MMO Bioware style. I won't ever be buying one of their MMOs ever again. Littered with bad design decisions and this is the best one I have ever seen.

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Under 60 PVP exists only to practice. And will be a short stage in your toons life. Dev time IS WASTED tweaking under 60 pvp.


Plus do you expect to compete with a higher lvl? you arent supposed to. Its the incentive to lvl. One day soon YOU will the the 50 stomping the lvl 30. turn turn turn and such. Bolster is just to make you competitive. Fighting people better than you makes you better, higher lvls are better, they beat you till you learn, then you beat others. Its how it goes.


Nothing needs to be done.

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Under 60 PVP exists only to practice. And will be a short stage in your toons life. Dev time IS WASTED tweaking under 60 pvp.


Plus do you expect to compete with a higher lvl? you arent supposed to. Its the incentive to lvl. One day soon YOU will the the 50 stomping the lvl 30. turn turn turn and such. Bolster is just to make you competitive. Fighting people better than you makes you better, higher lvls are better, they beat you till you learn, then you beat others. Its how it goes.


Nothing needs to be done.


Go and play it, then come back and find out. Your view is extremely narrow minded. And for the record, you can't learn anything in 3 hits and dead.

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Under 60 PVP exists only to practice. And will be a short stage in your toons life. Dev time IS WASTED tweaking under 60 pvp.


Plus do you expect to compete with a higher lvl? you arent supposed to. Its the incentive to lvl. One day soon YOU will the the 50 stomping the lvl 30. turn turn turn and such. Bolster is just to make you competitive. Fighting people better than you makes you better, higher lvls are better, they beat you till you learn, then you beat others. Its how it goes.


Nothing needs to be done.

If level 30s are not expected to compete with higher levels why even bother letting us play in that bracket? I can't see what you can learn when your dead before you can even push a button. Mid level PVP in this game is a mess.

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Under 60 PVP exists only to practice. And will be a short stage in your toons life. Dev time IS WASTED tweaking under 60 pvp.


Plus do you expect to compete with a higher lvl? you arent supposed to. Its the incentive to lvl. One day soon YOU will the the 50 stomping the lvl 30. turn turn turn and such. Bolster is just to make you competitive. Fighting people better than you makes you better, higher lvls are better, they beat you till you learn, then you beat others. Its how it goes.


Nothing needs to be done.


lol, lvl 10-59 is a "short time in my chars life" . I'd say the leveling experience is a substantial part of a game. Especially in this game where the story that you level through is one of the advertised strong points.


You say bolster is meant to "make you competitive". That is what it fails to do. Yesterday I was defending a node in one of the bgs with another guy. We were lvl 35/34. Lvl 58 shows up, stomps us both and takes the node with 75% health left. **** like this happens all the time in midlvl bg's. I don't see how you can call getting stomped on without posing a threat to your opponent "practicing". This is not fun and not adding anything to my leveling experience. Like you say, it is encouraging me to power level through the story, negating all that effort they put into worldbuilding and storywriting, just to be competitive in pvp.


I'm not asking balance between classes, that will never happen until mmo producing companies stop being retarded and completely segregate pvp from pve, including skills. Just asking to fine tune the bolster mechanic (which is an excellent idea in itself).

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The issue with the bracket is definitely not bolster it's a combination of things.


A lot of it is down to what abilities a particular class/spec has compared to the others on the enemy team. When you factor in the people playing those toons...well lets just say it's a potent combination. Pre 3.0 if decent pvp'ers grouped up together and hit the lowbies/midbies they tend to stomp over everything without even trying, that's not necessarily the class but the player.


My point is even if you did split the bracket up into two you will still occassionally have issues with getting stomped on precisely because of this.


The other part of it is down to the individual classes. I've tried my lvl 33/34 sniper and I have to say I didn't have a harder time post 3.0 than I did before. The sniper tends to have his defensive abilities early on compared to other classes so as long as you know how to use them you're half way there already.


Personally speaking I don't think they have the numbers on all servers to realistically split the brackets up any further.

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