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If you could change the companion's characterization, what would you do?


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#1 The companions should have their own gear appearance even if you upgrade it. Corso should not look like he's in Trooper armor and why is Lt Pierce in BH gear? Also, I don't like that all of my cunning companions look the exact way when I call them up. At level 55 it is like an endless parade of Eddie Murphy Delirious wannabes.


#2 Tank companions that don't die every battle.

#1: You want to convert all companions into Bowdaar or Khem? They keep their original cosmetic appearances regardless of what gear we slot? No thank you. If you don't like Corso in Trooper armor, find something else for him to wear. One of the first things I do when I'm about to acquire a new Companion is sort through my collections to find the right look for that incarnation of that Companion.


#2: Every battle? Sorry, no. Regardless whether I'm playing a healer or DPS, my tank Companions finish every fight on their feet.

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* Bring back the ability to kill companions! (Stares menacingly at scourge, Quinn, & Broonmark)

* Allow force users to convert another force user to the light/darkside (stares at Ashara :confused:)

* more convo's and stories with companions who've reached max affection.

* my "wives" shouldn't just become quiet after we get married. THAT doesn't happen in real life. Give me a "honey do" list, another quest we have to do together, or at least acknowledge the fact that I'm about to have a "fade to black" moment with this Sith chick after I stomp Revan. And she's standing right beside me! :rolleyes:

* Rescue missions. The way I see it working is a random event where a companion doesn't return from a gathering quest. Instead you get a holocom call from "kidnappers/bounty hunters/random Sith or Jedi" that they have your companion and want you to bring _______ or you'll never see them again. You can choose to pay em, rescue em, or leave em (nice knowing ya Gault :D)

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First of all, I would have loved the Appearance Customization open to the companions, including the species changes for the non-monster class companions.


Then I want the Premium Training available, so I could buy efficiencies compared to the Treek or HK for my fav companions.


I want ‘married’ soundsets that would add a few affectionate lines instead of the ‘stock’ ones.


I want romances in Chapters 4+ for Zenith, Scourge and Gault.


I want full romances for Pierce and Tharan Cedrix.


I want Xalek to become less pointless in some way


I want companion quests go from the discussion with a black-out to quests.


I want companion interjections to be there again


I want a dialogue pack for Chapters 4+


I want latent affection gains based on the time the companion is ‘out’ with the character.


I want a higher value placed on the female friendship, and the “-ra” squad (Kira, Elara and Ashara) to start taking

the gifts at a higher affection value after a certain point in the dialogues is reached, particularly for Ashara, or quadrupling the affection gains in convos for a female PC that can’t bed for affection.


I want Quinn’s, Kira’s, Risha’s, Ashara’s, Jaesa’s and Kalyio’s romances to open up for the same gender. They are plot-important, and non-romancing gender loses out on a lot of cool RP.

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I would put into the game what was planned in the early stages, but because of player feedback or lack of time was cut. Stuff like:


- The possibility of killing companions.

- Companions abandoning the player character altogether, provided their affection was low enough.

- Companion quests for every single companion, which are still noticeable one way or another.

- Allowing a group of four players to use one companion each, as envisioned at one point.

- The companion kits that allowed Xalek to wield two single-hilt lightsabers, as seen


The last of the bunch wouldn't be that much of a priority to me, but the first four would be great. I do know they'll never come to pass, but it doesn't hurt to dream a bit every so often.














Does it? :o



It's rediculous that they didn't put those in-game, as that was what i was expecting them to do. The 4 i should say.

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The big wish for me is to have more romance and story for companions. I'd like to be able to have conversations past the 10K mark...it's always saddened me, that once you reach that level of affection, they shut down. How is that a reward for gaining their affection?


More options for romances too, with both existing companions and new ones we can pick up a long the way, that appeal to us. I'd like to be able to romance Scourge (and even though he can't feel, it's probably not that much worse than being with a Vulcan, or Lt. Commander Data. If they can marry, romance and have relations, then why not our more unusual comps?) Also Zenith and Gault.


As for Khem? Why not let him have a relationship with the SI, if that's what they want? One of my SI's is depraved enough, that the first thing she wondered about, was what was under the loin cloth. In my headcanon she found out. And that's why he gets jealous on Tatooine, when you have to swap him out for Revel. It makes perfect sense to me, and their bond could evolve, so that he has even more reason not to kill her.


I would like the ability to either break Ashara or kill her. I'd be okay with breaking her...but if she persists in that 'don't make me go against my teachings crap' then I'd have to kill her.


Also the ability to dismiss companions you don't like. Like Skadge. Yuck. And pretty much everyone the Trooper runs with. Except the Roger Ramjet droid. 4X is ok...but a mute control would be nice on him.


I would like to see a companion recruitment facility where you could recruit new companions according to what you want. You check off a list of abilities...depending on what their primary role is to be...and if you want to romance them. You could trade out comps you don't like, for someone you do. These will come with stories of course. Also the option to rehire the dismissed comps, so that if over time, you want them back, you can re-hire them (because some people might change their minds).


I would also like it, if female comps, could romance their superiors. I'd like it if the female force users could romance someone on the dark council of their choosing...like Marr...or Ravage. Maybe not necessarily run with them on the ship, but have the ability to 'visit them'...or the ability to place them at your home, where you can interact privately. I could see Fem!Agent and Keeper. I really do dig on Keeper. He's awesome. Or even Jadus. Wouldn't that be fun lol.


What you do in the privacy of your home...stays in the privacy of your home, and it wouldn't break up anyone else's emersion by seeing them trail after you on fleet when you're shopping lol. Can you imagine collecting NPC's for your home to romance? I'd totally love to have Theron Shan!, Marr, Ravage, Keeper, Orgus Din, JONAS BALKAR! The possibilties are endless.

Edited by Lunafox
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i dont like the ones that cant show armor so i'd like to race change or get rid of those. especially on my troopers i wanna show off my team all wearing the same armor. if they cant sport a helmet they have no place on my team :mad:

the droid is fine though.(as long as he can color match)

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I would put into the game what was planned in the early stages, but because of player feedback or lack of time was cut. Stuff like:


- The possibility of killing companions.

I think you know exactly who I would kill and why.

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Well, not so much characterization changes, but some ideas I've kicked around for companions:


1. Additional over world dialogue:

Any agent player will tell you it's tiring to hear Kaliyo "call dibs on the head" for the hundredth time before you've made it half way through Dromund Kaas, or dismounting your speeder later for her to remind you it's "you and her, agent".


So basically, new, context sensitive lines get added for each companion depending on various circumstances, such as max/romanced or negative affection, like if you romanced Kira and she goes down, she just lets out a weak and sad "I love you" as she keels over, or a negative affection Kaliyo might grumble "I still want my money..."

Further more, lines of entering and ending combat would be different based on the strength of the enemy like if you and Qyzen take down a champion, instead of just his usual alien gibberish, he goes into a nearly psychotic laugh (the dude just got SOOOOO many points! He can't hold all them!) or when facing down a heroic mob of multiple Elite enemies, Mako might comment "Is now a bad time to mention my medical skills are all downloaded from the holonet?"

Add on the this some lines specific to a companion 'being summoned' via getting off a speeder like Scourge queazily asking the JK to "not go so fast, next time." and it could bring some interesting new frontiers of characterization.


2. Flirting with other NPCs while you're romanced to a companion damages affection

As the title says there. I mean I get they can't constantly add new lines and it could even get annoying for romanced companions to spend new dialogue humping you leg, but still, at least be the clingy, jealous lover interest Bioware always writes.


And on the note of romance...



Once in awhile, your romanced companion will show up in your ship's bedroom and you can talk to them. Set up a small list of possible dialogues to keep it from being repetitive, and what you get is a chance to talk with your lover about options for a bit of alone time, some will saucy and lead to a minor mission (like running around your ship, talking to your other companions to convince them to leave for long enough for some alone time), others can be sweet with just the two of you sitting on the bed watching holomovies/dancing, or there's even going out some place (like going hiking with Vector). Some romancable companions will prefer one thing over another, or even dislike some other things.


Redress the dialogues and activities and you could even make a "bros/ladies night" thing where you just shoot to the breeze with a maxed affection companion as a friend. (Like going out and getting plastered with Pierce, or accepting Khem Val's challenge to a boxing match)


This all just makes me a bit sad since it'll probably never happen.

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Well, not so much characterization changes, but some ideas I've kicked around for companions:


1. Additional over world dialogue:

Any agent player will tell you it's tiring to hear Kaliyo "call dibs on the head" for the hundredth time before you've made it half way through Dromund Kaas, or dismounting your speeder later for her to remind you it's "you and her, agent".


So basically, new, context sensitive lines get added for each companion depending on various circumstances, such as max/romanced or negative affection, like if you romanced Kira and she goes down, she just lets out a weak and sad "I love you" as she keels over, or a negative affection Kaliyo might grumble "I still want my money..."

Further more, lines of entering and ending combat would be different based on the strength of the enemy like if you and Qyzen take down a champion, instead of just his usual alien gibberish, he goes into a nearly psychotic laugh (the dude just got SOOOOO many points! He can't hold all them!) or when facing down a heroic mob of multiple Elite enemies, Mako might comment "Is now a bad time to mention my medical skills are all downloaded from the holonet?"

Add on the this some lines specific to a companion 'being summoned' via getting off a speeder like Scourge queazily asking the JK to "not go so fast, next time." and it could bring some interesting new frontiers of characterization.


2. Flirting with other NPCs while you're romanced to a companion damages affection

As the title says there. I mean I get they can't constantly add new lines and it could even get annoying for romanced companions to spend new dialogue humping you leg, but still, at least be the clingy, jealous lover interest Bioware always writes.


And on the note of romance...



Once in awhile, your romanced companion will show up in your ship's bedroom and you can talk to them. Set up a small list of possible dialogues to keep it from being repetitive, and what you get is a chance to talk with your lover about options for a bit of alone time, some will saucy and lead to a minor mission (like running around your ship, talking to your other companions to convince them to leave for long enough for some alone time), others can be sweet with just the two of you sitting on the bed watching holomovies/dancing, or there's even going out some place (like going hiking with Vector). Some romancable companions will prefer one thing over another, or even dislike some other things.


Redress the dialogues and activities and you could even make a "bros/ladies night" thing where you just shoot to the breeze with a maxed affection companion as a friend. (Like going out and getting plastered with Pierce, or accepting Khem Val's challenge to a boxing match)



This all just makes me a bit sad since it'll probably never happen.


Would Scourge be using an old man voice as he complained? =P


I love those. And those extra quests could help flesh out companions too.

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This would never in a million years happen but would be nice to be able to swap crew skills among your alts.


Some companions have + crit on crew skills that if you had only known and understood the consequences in the beginning, you might have chosen that matching profession for that character before leveling them all the way up to 500 on an alternate crew skill.


Would be nice to take all your crew skills and move them from one character to another so you actually get the best match between companion bonus and that particular crew skill.


Only way to fix it now is to unlearn said crew skill and all the schematics you've learned over the years and start over by leveling them in the preferred crew skill.

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I think you know exactly who I would kill and why.


He was right though. :p

Had the SW ignored the Hand, and allowed the Emperor -- or his Voice -- to play pazaak with Sel-Makor until the end of days, he wouldn't be free once more to devour the galaxy. :D


JK story finale would have been a drag though. :o


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I want Sir Copperfield as the 3rd legacy companion. HK-51 has outlived his usefulness and I already turned Treek into a sofa cushion.


We need class, authority, and the most goddamn impressive gaming resumé in existence to accompany our lowly characters on our galactic adventures.

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He was right though. :p

Had the SW ignored the Hand, and allowed the Emperor -- or his Voice -- to play pazaak with Sel-Makor until the end of days, he wouldn't be free once more to devour the galaxy. :D


JK story finale would have been a drag though. :o



In what conversation does Skadge ever have about ignoring the Hand?



I'm kidding! I swear!


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I would like to be able to put them in my Stronghold and actually maybe have some poses or programmable emotes for them to do instead of just standing there. If I can only have standing there that's better than nothing but I want them to stay, not be holograms when I log on with a different character. Being that as it may I'd also like some customizable NPCs for my stronghold but that's a different thread.


I would definitely like to be able to customize them with something like the character creator set up instead of change everything equippable customizations.


What I've really always wanted was to be able to change their combat roles. For example I wish I could turn Kira from a Jedi Shadow into a Jedi Sage and have her play a healing role so I can retire smart arse Doc. That's a tall order though, a VERY tall order and I figure there's no use in even entertaining the idea that it would ever happen.

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I want Sir Copperfield as the 3rd legacy companion. HK-51 has outlived his usefulness and I already turned Treek into a sofa cushion.


We need class, authority, and the most gosh darn impressive gaming resumé in existence to accompany our lowly characters on our galactic adventures.


No we don't. Unless it comes with the option to shoot it out the air lock. I don't want some jabbering ego maniac on my ship. At least I can block it here. :mad:

Edited by Lunafox
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Well, not so much characterization changes, but some ideas I've kicked around for companions:


1. Additional over world dialogue:

Any agent player will tell you it's tiring to hear Kaliyo "call dibs on the head" for the hundredth time before you've made it half way through Dromund Kaas, or dismounting your speeder later for her to remind you it's "you and her, agent".


So basically, new, context sensitive lines get added for each companion depending on various circumstances, such as max/romanced or negative affection, like if you romanced Kira and she goes down, she just lets out a weak and sad "I love you" as she keels over, or a negative affection Kaliyo might grumble "I still want my money..."

Further more, lines of entering and ending combat would be different based on the strength of the enemy like if you and Qyzen take down a champion, instead of just his usual alien gibberish, he goes into a nearly psychotic laugh (the dude just got SOOOOO many points! He can't hold all them!) or when facing down a heroic mob of multiple Elite enemies, Mako might comment "Is now a bad time to mention my medical skills are all downloaded from the holonet?"

Add on the this some lines specific to a companion 'being summoned' via getting off a speeder like Scourge queazily asking the JK to "not go so fast, next time." and it could bring some interesting new frontiers of characterization.


2. Flirting with other NPCs while you're romanced to a companion damages affection

As the title says there. I mean I get they can't constantly add new lines and it could even get annoying for romanced companions to spend new dialogue humping you leg, but still, at least be the clingy, jealous lover interest Bioware always writes.


And on the note of romance...



Once in awhile, your romanced companion will show up in your ship's bedroom and you can talk to them. Set up a small list of possible dialogues to keep it from being repetitive, and what you get is a chance to talk with your lover about options for a bit of alone time, some will saucy and lead to a minor mission (like running around your ship, talking to your other companions to convince them to leave for long enough for some alone time), others can be sweet with just the two of you sitting on the bed watching holomovies/dancing, or there's even going out some place (like going hiking with Vector). Some romancable companions will prefer one thing over another, or even dislike some other things.


Redress the dialogues and activities and you could even make a "bros/ladies night" thing where you just shoot to the breeze with a maxed affection companion as a friend. (Like going out and getting plastered with Pierce, or accepting Khem Val's challenge to a boxing match)


This all just makes me a bit sad since it'll probably never happen.


Love these ideas! Except for the whiny Scourge one, I'd want him to say something more awesome, or even a tiny bit suggestive :D Everything else though? Top notch, I'd love it, especially the date nights :D

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