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Why I Unsubbed and Quit


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Not sure what I expected. I guess objectivity isn't big with this community. Also 3 months = 90 days. That's actually a pretty decent time. It's not as if it takes long to level to max level... Coming on here and trying to discredit someone or just being rude because you don't agree with them is pretty pointless. Just don't bother posting if you can't at least be civil.


Last I checked, you haven't presented anything that corroborates your claim.


However, assuming what you say is true, spending 24/7 -- so to speak -- playing a game, throughout three months is just... pitiful.


It's not being rude or uncivilized, but rather an objective remark.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Well, he did not have anything to do with Legends (or very little), he left to make and overhype Godus, and after that bubble burst, he broke down crying as Internet publicly told him he is a chronic liar, and supposedly left game development forever.


We're not that lucky:(

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Last I checked, you haven't presented anything that corroborates your claim.


However, assuming what you say is true, spending 24/7 -- so to speak -- playing a game, throughout three months is just... pitiful.


It's not being rude or uncivilized, but rather an objective remark.

Yes because you need to play 24/7 in 3 months to get to max level. Apparently the "searching for a job for 3 months" part flew right over your head. Also, I apparently need to provide proof to some random person on the forum that I'm not a liar, even though this thread had nothing to do with stroking their egos, and making sure to go out of my way for everyone just because they dislike my opinion on the state of the game. Some of you people are being ridiculous. Fan-boy syndrome at its best. Edited by Shyroma
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Also 3 months = 90 days.


And your /played time in your main char? are you 60? decked out in at least full 192 gear? and how's your legacy leveling coming along? do you atleast have your base stats maxed? (datacrons)


Most people that know that have been here a LOT longer than 3 months/90days would agree that the "average" gamer barely even scratches the surface of all the levels of depth SWToR has to offer within a 3 month span of starting the game from scratch.

Edited by Mavolio
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And your /played time in your main char? are you 60? decked out in at least full 192 gear? and how's your legacy leveling coming along? do you atleast have your base stats maxed? (datacrons)


Most people that know that have been here a LOT longer than 3 months/90days would agree that the "average" gamer barely even scratches the surface of all the levels of depth SWToR has to offer within a 3 month span of starting the game from scratch.

You apparently associate my complaint with seeing no visible content updates with needing to have a full gear set. Excuse me while I go grind months more to get endgame gear so I may be allowed the privilege of having an opinion. I mean... Do you guys even hear yourselves?
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Not sure what I expected. I guess objectivity isn't big with this community. Also 3 months = 90 days. That's actually a pretty decent time. It's not as if it takes long to level to max level... Coming on here and trying to discredit someone or just being rude because you don't agree with them is pretty pointless. Just don't bother posting if you can't at least be civil.

here's your problem. you are not objective, you are actualy VERY subjective. you only think you are objective. and by your own admission you haven't even done SoR yet. you sound like you tried couple of stories, but that's about it.


edited to add. final fantasy spreads their content more into smaller chunks. that is how they chose to release content. it doesn't objectively make it more content, it just means you subjectively prefer to feel like content is released more often. there's NOTHING wrong with that preference on its own. claiming that a game that chooses to release their content on a different schedule, is not releasing enough content? that part is where the issue lies.


P.S. given this topic, your signature is hypocritical in the extreme.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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here's your problem. you are not objective, you are actualy VERY subjective. you only think you are objective. and by your own admission you haven't even done SoR yet. you sound like you tried couple of stories, but that's about it.
No I haven't done SoR. Fairly sure doing all of the base quests and then the Rise of the Hutt Cartel gives me room enough to be objective about the quality of the base game vs. the first mini-xpac. I never said anything about SoR, besides maybe I should try it to see if it was an improved mini-xpac over Rise of the Hutt Cartel. That's not being subjective at all.


Also, I love how when I mention objectivity, the next three people use the same exact line to try and counter an opinion on the game's state. If you're going to try and counter someone's post, do try and have a bit of creativity in the process instead of just copying the person you're trying to counter. Otherwise it just looks like you're reaching and don't actually know how to counter them because their opinion is actually somewhat logical.


Again though... What does the amount of content I've completed have anything to do with how I personally feel about the game? Nothing. My big gripe was how the cartel market and cartel coins seeped into quite a lot of the game, even if you were a subscriber. The content updates (or lack of) were just a concern for me for in the future. I mean, if you're playing a game you notice if it's getting steady updates or not. If it's not, it doesn't exactly paint an encouraging picture.


P.S. Given this topic, I probably don't much care to take the time to tidy-up my signature (although, no clue how it makes me hypocritical, but please, keep those not-so-sneaky slights towards me coming, they are truly a joy to read).

Edited by Shyroma
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So you rush to max level and then complain there is no content. You see, if someone's goal is to hit max level it means he or she is interested in the endgame. But you clearly stated that you're not interested in grinding better gear, so it's not the game fault that you decline to do what you're supposed to do at the highest level. If it's not your cup of tea you still have other class stories to play and enjoy.
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Your post, OP, is a very good example why few people take these forums seriously. Your issues are pathetic. You were here for a grand total of three months and you feel experienced enough to give us all the benefit of your "wisdom"???? Just leave already. You won't be missed.
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So you rush to max level and then complain there is no content. You see, if someone's goal is to hit max level it means he or she is interested in the endgame. But you clearly stated that you're not interested in grinding better gear, so it's not the game fault that you decline to do what you're supposed to do at the highest level. If it's not your cup of tea you still have other class stories to play and enjoy.
Where did I say I rushed? Nowhere. Where did I say I wasn't willing to grind for better gear? Nowhere. You misread my sarcastic post about needing a full set of gear to have an opinion on the game, and twisted it for your own post. Seriously, are you people this desperate to make it seem as if it's somehow my fault, and that I'm clearly playing the game wrong because my view on the game differs from yours? Apparently, it would seem so...


My post was pretty damn objective, succinct, and actually factual regarding the UI and lack of content updates during my months playing. Nowhere have I said anything untrue. Maybe that's what makes so many of you upset though. You can't go with the "she's a liar" angle.

Edited by Shyroma
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To be honest OP you remind me of a guildie of mine that talked about endgame content the way you do. He was a hard core console type gamer, and was always power leveling to get to the level cap. Once there he would complain there was nothing to do. However that isn't really how MMO's really work, especially big sandbox games. There is also the achievements thing to do. I personally love when I can see a planet at 100%. So in 3 months I doubt you have all of the achievements done to 100%, I get you don't want to endlessly grind and I can get your point with the Cartel cash grab. I do have to say there are a lot of F2P and Preferred players so they have to keep the electricity flowing somehow, so I don't get to bent on that. I just think you're looking to "beat/complete" this game and that really isn't how this game works.


Sorry that you did not like the current state of the game, hope you find one that suits you, and best of luck in the university!

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To be honest OP you remind me of a guildie of mine that talked about endgame content the way you do. He was a hard core console type gamer, and was always power leveling to get to the level cap. Once there he would complain there was nothing to do. However that isn't really how MMO's really work, especially big sandbox games. There is also the achievements thing to do. I personally love when I can see a planet at 100%. So in 3 months I doubt you have all of the achievements done to 100%, I get you don't want to endlessly grind and I can get your point with the Cartel cash grab. I do have to say there are a lot of F2P and Preferred players so they have to keep the electricity flowing somehow, so I don't get to bent on that. I just think you're looking to "beat/complete" this game and that really isn't how this game works.


Sorry that you did not like the current state of the game, hope you find one that suits you, and best of luck in the university!

I've played many MMORPGs. I don't really rush. I actually enjoy exploration (although it was a bit hard to do in SWTOR because it sort of seemed like they wanted to keep you on a linear path, but that's a themepark MMORPG for you in general, so can't really complain about that). I also don't even own a console. I just built my first gaming computer and it's pretty fun to be able to play PC games with maxed out graphics.
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I've played many MMORPGs. I don't really rush. I actually enjoy exploration (although it was a bit hard to do in SWTOR because it sort of seemed like they wanted to keep you on a linear path, but that's a themepark MMORPG for you in general, so can't really complain about that). I also don't even own a console. I just built my first gaming computer and it's pretty fun to be able to play PC games with maxed out graphics.


I know they kind of leave you bread crumbs to finish a planet, but all of the fun to find junk is away from the crumbs! Hop off the yellow brick road! (all said jovially) I do get some of your points about the cartel stuff. Also wasn't being negative but you just reminded me of him. Wasn't accusing you of anything. I try not to get my panties twisted about stuff on these forums.

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I know they kind of leave you bread crumbs to finish a planet, but all of the fun to find junk is away from the crumbs! Hop off the yellow brick road! (all said jovially) I do get some of your points about the cartel stuff. Also wasn't being negative but you just reminded me of him. Wasn't accusing you of anything. I try not to get my panties twisted about stuff on these forums.
Yeah, I tried to make my post objective from my personal experience. I have liked some stuff like I said. It's just that the bad outweighed the good in this case, but I'm hoping that changes later on as I really like Star Wars, and there isn't another Star Wars MMORPG out there.
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Yes because you need to play 24/7 in 3 months to get to max level.


Your reading skills are lacking:

The issue is that he played the game for three months.


Either the dude has no life and played the game 24/7 and, as stated earlier, managed to finish every single class story, flashpoint, operation, bonus series, etc etc, or he's just trolling.


I bet on the latter myself. :p


^^ Read.


If the above is not the case, then I fail to see how you can complain about anything.


Apparently the "searching for a job for 3 months" part flew right over your head.


You looked for a job for three months while exploring every nook and cranny pertaining this game, which is what drove you to create this thread to begin with, I take it.


Also, I apparently need to provide proof to some random person on the forum that I'm not a liar, even though this thread had nothing to do with stroking their egos, and making sure to go out of my way for everyone just because they dislike my opinion on the state of the game.


At first glance, I see a troll act, not much else.


Some of you people are being ridiculous. Fan-boy syndrome at its best.


The only person coming across as ridiculous is the person who created this thread.


Guess who that is.


Again, either you're misrepresenting your experience with the game or you did nothing else other than playing it, 24/7, throughout these three months.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Your reading skills are lacking:



^^ Read.


If the above is not the case, then I fail to see how you can complain about anything.




You looked for a job for three months while exploring every nook and cranny pertaining this game, which is what drove you to create this thread to begin with, I take it.




At first glance, I see a troll act, not much else.




The only person coming across as ridiculous is the person who created this thread.


Guess who that is.


Again, either you're misrepresenting your experience with the game or you did nothing else other than playing it, 24/7, throughout these three months.

I've clearly and repeatedly addressed posts like yours. Get over it. not everyone is in love with the game to the point of being blind to anything wrong with it. Grow up and learn that people have different experiences/opinions. It doesn't always take a year to form that opinion.
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I've clearly and repeatedly addressed posts like yours.


Not really.


In fact, thus far, you have repeatedly refused to state if the stuff below is accurate.

The issue is that he played the game for three months.


Either the dude has no life and played the game 24/7 and, as stated earlier, managed to finish every single class story, flashpoint, operation, bonus series, etc etc, or he's just trolling.


I bet on the latter myself. :p

Again, is it?


Get over it. not everyone is in love with the game to the point of being blind to anything wrong with it. Grow up and learn that people have different experiences/opinions. It doesn't always take a year to form that opinion.


Last I checked, one of your earlier issues was the release cadence for the game, not so much the game's merits, regardless of the fact you've been around for only three months.


I guess you're changing your tune, seeing that isn't working.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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No I haven't done SoR. Fairly sure doing all of the base quests and then the Rise of the Hutt Cartel gives me room enough to be objective about the quality of the base game vs. the first mini-xpac. I never said anything about SoR, besides maybe I should try it to see if it was an improved mini-xpac over Rise of the Hutt Cartel. That's not being subjective at all.


Also, I love how when I mention objectivity, the next three people use the same exact line to try and counter an opinion on the game's state. If you're going to try and counter someone's post, do try and have a bit of creativity in the process instead of just copying the person you're trying to counter. Otherwise it just looks like you're reaching and don't actually know how to counter them because their opinion is actually somewhat logical.


Again though... What does the amount of content I've completed have anything to do with how I personally feel about the game? Nothing. My big gripe was how the cartel market and cartel coins seeped into quite a lot of the game, even if you were a subscriber. The content updates (or lack of) were just a concern for me for in the future. I mean, if you're playing a game you notice if it's getting steady updates or not. If it's not, it doesn't exactly paint an encouraging picture.


P.S. Given this topic, I probably don't much care to take the time to tidy-up my signature (although, no clue how it makes me hypocritical, but please, keep those not-so-sneaky slights towards me coming, they are truly a joy to read).


given that subscribers get cartel coin allowance every month WITH their subscription? I fail to see how bioware showing use ways we could use those coins we get with subscription is a bad thing, especially since cartel coin cost is OPTIONAL for vast majority of those things (the only exception I can think of, off the top of my head is GTN slots and given that you get 50 as a base... )


opinions by definition are subjective. everything you have stated? is your personal opinion. and I say that as someone who has major issues with the way the game was handled in recent months.


you are claiming that quality of content has gone down. yet... you haven't even played through all of that content. you are JUDGING it based on hearsay not your own personal experience.


what was mentioned just above - you issue is with cadence of content update. that TOO is subjective. different games release content at different cadence. which you prefer? is entirely personal.


and your signature is hypocritical because you are putting a referral link into it. to get yourself more stuff basically for a game you are sooo very unhappy with.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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given that subscribers get cartel coin allowance every month WITH their subscription? I fail to see how bioware showing use ways we could use those coins we get with subscription is a bad thing, especially since cartel coin cost is OPTIONAL for vast majority of those things (the only exception I can think of, off the top of my head is GTN slots and given that you get 50 as a base... )


opinions by definition are subjective. everything you have stated? is your personal opinion. and I say that as someone who has major issues with the way the game was handled in recent months.


you are claiming that quality of content has gone down. yet... you haven't even played through all of that content. you are JUDGING it based on hearsay not your own personal experience.


what was mentioned just above - you issue is with cadence of content update. that TOO is subjective. different games release content at different cadence. which you prefer? is entirely personal.


and your signature is hypocritical because you are putting a referral link into it. to get yourself more stuff basically for a game you are sooo very unhappy with.

You realize I haven't even logged into the forums for weeks? Quit digging, please, it's pathetic.
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