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Nerfs and Buffs


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Ok I'm confused and this has been going on since launch. How is it possible the a QA team tested any of the broken specs prior to releasing them? I mean you can't tell me nobody noticed that Hatred, tactics and sorcs seemed over buffed. Good lord when we saw the changes prior to the release everyone already knew just by the patch notes which classes were op. What's the explanation? What am I missing? It's like the nerf to maras and deception just by the patch notes you could see all the flaws in the spec. Then to have to go back and redo what was clear from the beginning. My god they basically put back the ability they removed pre 3.0 and deception is still pretty bad.


I'm not in the development meetings (if those even exist) and I'm by no means a developer but wouldn't common sense say that you should nerf in one patch and buff in another? Just so you stop breaking **** constantly. Hell hatred didn't need a buff for 3.0 it was already fine and mara / sent would have been fine leaving them pre 3.0. The buffs to all the other ACs would have balanced it out instead of nerfing and buffing in the same update.

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Closed Beta. I recall a large number of people bringing up the issue of a closed beta for an expansion that had a major overhaul to balance (introduction of disciplines). Don't care, force it through, ignore issues, deadline met, mission successful.
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I could see if it was useful but pre 3.0 maras weren't that powerful anyway. I know we need FOTM to get pugs active in wzs but it still seems like trying to make less mistakes would at least give us a healthier more positive pvp community and not cost the devs a dime. I think it would go a long way to just drop a post that says either "this class is preforming exactly how we currently want it to" or the opposite. The whole hiding in the shadows hoping we don't notice they ****ed up balance again isn't working. I know balance will never be perfect but in a AAA mmo the current gap between a hatred sin and a carnage mara is kinda ridiculous.
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