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Goodbye Sweet SWTOR


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I was there from the start, played pretty consistently throughout the 4 years since the launch. Bought all the expansions, Subbed through much of that time.... Always had FPS problems, and always dumped huge amounts of time and energy into finding just the right tweak to make it somewhat playable. I've run the gambit from tweaking client_settings to changing the performance settings in all different combos for both my computer and the game, installing things such as Swtor : unleashed, 3d3 overrider, game booster to name a few.... tried all the tweaks and fixes i could find on swtor forums, and Google, and you tube in the hopes of finding just one thing that would actually make the game run a little smoother.

Some patches were better than others, and i would have an amazing time with the game.... 4 years, and 3 different computers later.... the game has become quite unplayable, and now i suffer nothing but disappointment when I go into a WZ or a 16 man op, with all my tweaks on, on a brand new laptop, and get 5-10 FPS..... it's quite un-playable. With sadness, I will not be renewing my subscription, and will not play anymore.... as i simply cannot play anymore. I will keep my account active in the hopes that someday this game will be playable again......... someday... as I totally love this game, and Star Wars in general. Goodbye sweet SWTOR, it was fun while it lasted *sniffle*

Edited by Pual_Poodoo
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I also Unsubscribed. Due to all the bad FPS, Latency issues, and them turning a blind eye to it. I love the game, will always be a subscriber, and refuse to be a F2P mooch. I will return, if they fix these problems. Until then, I turn my back on the game.
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...on a brand new laptop, and get 5-10 FPS..... it's quite un-playable.


This is the problem right there. Running OPS on a standard Laptop is begging for issues. In all fairness, i got jumps in FPS myself even on a gaming stationary pc but nowhere near Your numbers. Max Down to 30 then up again.

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SWTOR performance on my laptop are pretty good since I upgraded the memory from 4Gb to 8Gb. It was such slow before i was auto kicked from PVP match because I wasn't able to load the zone in time, now I'm one of the first inside. You can try it, it's a cheap upgrade and even if it fails for SWTOR, your laptop will feel better. Edited by Nkya
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I'm crying out loud as I'm reading this. I have the exact same issues. Every point you made in the OP is what makes this game not wort anyones time. I have given up several times, just to come back because the game is still fun. It's the performance like graphic lag (=low framerate or frames per second) in 8v8 Warzones and 16 man operations. If you can't play 8v8 Warzones or Operations then why should you subscribe? It's the end game content you want as a subscriber, not the leveling, nor the story.


I don't know what makes this company go around to be honest, the RP guys? Because we who spends our time with Warzones and Operations, we are not the ones BioWare wants to please for sure.


And by the way, my system specs: (I have 15-25 fps in Warzones and Operations)


Geforce GTX 770

i7 3820 3.6 GHz



What the hell BioWare? :D (So it does not have anything to do with laptop or not, it's the game engine. People who believe they are running good are probably newbies with no clue what they are doing, there are a lot of those people in this game. A good player always need 30+ fps, a bad player does not because he is bad and dont know these things)

Edited by SirMannii
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Tell you what:

I ONLY play on laptops, because i do not have enough space at home to have desktop. Really.

While I have suffered a lot till end of last year in terms of FPS (especially in WZs) and 16 ma OPs, I continuously tried to improve my ISP and RAM and yes, the GPU.

I used to play om Alienware with i7 Intel and nVidia 560 GTX M, 4GB RAM- but sadly that was ok, for planets and FPs, not for bigger groups.

I really HATED when my characters barely moved on the Wildstar doors, while being smashed by others.

But what i did first was to double the RAM - it helped just a bit. Eventually I HAD to but new laptop (was planning anyway) and ended up with 16 GB RAM and GTX 970 M - now THAT is what i call improvement.

But still - the MAJOR issue was the internet connection.

I used to have around 15MB/s. Switched to another provider, now it's some 80MB/s (all the time wireless only) and

now I can feel I play.

So, pls consider the above, perhaps it also helps you

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Tell you what:

I ONLY play on laptops, because i do not have enough space at home to have desktop. Really.

While I have suffered a lot till end of last year in terms of FPS (especially in WZs) and 16 ma OPs, I continuously tried to improve my ISP and RAM and yes, the GPU.

I used to play om Alienware with i7 Intel and nVidia 560 GTX M, 4GB RAM- but sadly that was ok, for planets and FPs, not for bigger groups.

I really HATED when my characters barely moved on the Wildstar doors, while being smashed by others.

But what i did first was to double the RAM - it helped just a bit. Eventually I HAD to but new laptop (was planning anyway) and ended up with 16 GB RAM and GTX 970 M - now THAT is what i call improvement.

But still - the MAJOR issue was the internet connection.

I used to have around 15MB/s. Switched to another provider, now it's some 80MB/s (all the time wireless only) and

now I can feel I play.

So, pls consider the above, perhaps it also helps you


The OP is not even talking about internet connection so it doesn't make sense you mention that you feel you can play because you got better broadband...

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The OP is not even talking about internet connection so it doesn't make sense you mention that you feel you can play because you got better broadband...


Actually it has. because all the changes I made were related to hardware not the sofware as OP mentions.

So my suggestion was to check those specs too.

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i get 30+ fps if not more all the time. I dont lag hardly ever and have just about zero issues. This PC was built in Dec of 2013.


my pc:


i3 haswell 4330 3.5ghz/HT w/stock heatsink

16GB ddr3 1600 ram

240GB intel 335 SSD

Gigabyte motherboard GA-Z87-D3H

rosewill hive modular PSU 750w

rosewill "Line-M" case

1TB WD 7200rpm HDD

Sapphire AMD 7870 2GB

optical drive

Hard wired to router with cat6 cable


If you have better specs than this and you are having problems:


Its your internet connection


something is wrong with the software on your machine (misconfiguration, malware, corruption etc)


a hardware issue, but thats less likely

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Before I write, it's important to note that everyone's computer configurations are different. It's important to post specs before going into these things so experienced users can identify the problem.


I have a computer with all parts from 2010 (save an SSD). Here are my specs:


CPU - Xeon 5660 (6 Core) at 4.41 Ghz

RAM - 24GB Corsair Vengeance Ram (1600mhz)

GPU - XFX HD6970 x2 in Crossfire (I play swtor in full Windowed mode, so it only uses one of the GPUs)

HDD - OCZ Revodrive SSD (120gb)

Motherboard - Gigabyte x58 USB 3.0


I'm not going to put things like PSU and stuff, but these are all 4+ year old parts. I maintain 60FPS while playing swtor on a four year old system and I never had issue when I only had 12GB of RAM which was the case until last year.


The problem with gaming on laptops is that everything is clocked lower than their desktop counterparts for cooling issues. A 970 mobile edition is just not equivalent to what you can get on a desktop and cpus are generally severely under clocked. In laptops, they are usually 2.8Ghz at the max. Granted I've overclocked my CPU as it came at 2.8Ghz, but the clock speeds do make a difference! This is especially the case with a cpu intensive game like swtor (most MMO's are cpu intensive because of the amount of NPCs, open world environment, and client connections).


Also just because a computer has all new parts doesn't mean it's better. I'd bet my 4 year old system (going on 5) can go toe to toe with most new hardware unless it's top of the line. Those new Nvidia 970 can gimped depending on manufacturer and while they might have better processing power, they have lower bandwidth buses than previous high end cards; they have a 256 bit bus, my 4 year old 6970 has 384 bit bus. You may have more RAM for GPU, but if it's being maxed out, your bandwidth will be limited. That may be a small factor, but little things like this over the course of all the processes occurring could be the equivalent of a death of performance in your game by 1000 small cuts.


Of course there's other things like what graphic settings do you play at as well as what is your internet connection like. If my game does lag it is 99% of the time internet issues. It could be my end or it could be their end. Also just because you pay for 80mb/s doesn't mean you're actually getting that. A lot of factors, like what kind of router you have as well as your ethernet port on your computer could be bottle-necking that conneciton.


Now if all your other games play great and it's just swtor that might mean it's a swtor issue, but if all the other games you play are FPS and swtor is the only MMO you play, well it'd better to find another MMO and test how that plays (or any game with an open world environment and not small mapped based).


There's just so many reasons there could be issues. I've never used any game tweaks on this game to get better performance, I've just always had it. I build my own computers and make sure everything works and if doesn't I find the bottleneck. I don't claim to know any of the experience of users having problems with swtor, but I'd hate to see people leave the game for problems that more than likely can be fixed. Working in tech, I can tell you most issues I see are user error. No one wants to admit it, but such is the case.


Anyways if anyone wants help with swtor or wants to find if there could be any other underlying causes to performance, feel free to PM me.


TL;DR: My 4/5 year old PC has never had problems with swtor and working in tech, most issues I see are user error. Your problem can more than likely be fixed and without any game tweaks as I've never done any. Before you quit, PM or someone else you trust and we can probably find what kind of underlying issue it is you are having to give you better performance.

Edited by Papazmurf
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Before I write, it's important to note that everyone's computer configurations are different. It's important to post specs before going into these things so experienced users can identify the problem.


I have a computer with all parts from 2010 (save an SSD). Here are my specs:


CPU - Xeon 5660 (6 Core) at 4.41 Ghz

RAM - 24GB Corsair Vengeance Ram (1600mhz)

GPU - XFX HD6970 x2 in Crossfire (I play swtor in full Windowed mode, so it only uses one of the GPUs)

HDD - OCZ Revodrive SSD (120gb)

Motherboard - Gigabyte x58 USB 3.0


I'm not going to put things like PSU and stuff, but these are all 4+ year old parts. I maintain 60FPS while playing swtor on a four year old system and I never had issue when I only had 12GB of RAM which was the case until last year.


The problem with gaming on laptops is that everything is clocked lower than their desktop counterparts for cooling issues. A 970 mobile edition is just not equivalent to what you can get on a desktop and cpus are generally severely under clocked. In laptops, they are usually 2.8Ghz at the max. Granted I've overclocked my CPU as it came at 2.8Ghz, but the clock speeds do make a difference! This is especially the case with a cpu intensive game like swtor (most MMO's are cpu intensive because of the amount of NPCs, open world environment, and client connections).


Also just because a computer has all new parts doesn't mean it's better. I'd bet my 4 year old system (going on 5) can go toe to toe with most new hardware unless it's top of the line. Those new Nvidia 970 can gimped depending on manufacturer and while they might have better processing power, they have lower bandwidth buses than previous high end cards; they have a 256 bit bus, my 4 year old 6970 has 384 bit bus. You may have more RAM for GPU, but if it's being maxed out, your bandwidth will be limited. That may be a small factor, but little things like this over the course of all the processes occurring could be the equivalent of a death of performance in your game by 1000 small cuts.


Of course there's other things like what graphic settings do you play at as well as what is your internet connection like. If my game does lag it is 99% of the time internet issues. It could be my end or it could be their end. Also just because you pay for 80mb/s doesn't mean you're actually getting that. A lot of factors, like what kind of router you have as well as your ethernet port on your computer could be bottle-necking that conneciton.


Now if all your other games play great and it's just swtor that might mean it's a swtor issue, but if all the other games you play are FPS and swtor is the only MMO you play, well it'd better to find another MMO and test how that plays (or any game with an open world environment and not small mapped based).


There's just so many reasons there could be issues. I've never used any game tweaks on this game to get better performance, I've just always had it. I build my own computers and make sure everything works and if doesn't I find the bottleneck. I don't claim to know any of the experience of users having problems with swtor, but I'd hate to see people leave the game for problems that more than likely can be fixed. Working in tech, I can tell you most issues I see are user error. No one wants to admit it, but such is the case.


Anyways if anyone wants help with swtor or wants to find if there could be any other underlying causes to performance, feel free to PM me.


TL;DR: My 4/5 year old PC has never had problems with swtor and working in tech, most issues I see are user error. Your problem can more than likely be fixed and without any game tweaks as I've never done any. Before you quit, PM or someone else you trust and we can probably find what kind of underlying issue it is you are having to give you better performance.


Agree with this 100%!

Laptop CPUs are usually underclocked garbage. Especially, if you are on battery power or have misconfigured windows power management.

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Well it's nice to know there are moderators moving topics. Nice to see you guys alive. Not so nice to see all the effort I put into my helpful post be relegated to the off-topic sub-forum. There was good advice in there that I already got PMs about. I guess I'll have to start my own thread to HELP people with YOUR game.
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I used to play om Alienware with i7 Intel and nVidia 560 GTX M, 4GB RAM- but sadly that was ok, for planets and FPs, not for bigger groups.

I really HATED when my characters barely moved on the Wildstar doors, while being smashed by others.


That GPU is really weak... too many people think because it says "nVidia GTX something or other" they'll be fine.


That GPU has 192 CUDA Cores. It is better than the built in Intel graphics, but not by THAT much...


Your new GTX 970M has 1280 CUDA Cores,, or about 6.6 times the performance.


This means that if you ran at 10fps before, if there are no other things limiting performance, now you'd have 66fps. That is not a small difference.


In reality, it never is that much of a difference because of other bottlenecks such as memory, CPU, etc.


But still - the MAJOR issue was the internet connection.

I used to have around 15MB/s. Switched to another provider, now it's some 80MB/s (all the time wireless only) and

now I can feel I play.

So, pls consider the above, perhaps it also helps you


15 megabit connection is PLENTY to play this game, it was not your speed but the quality of connection and PING time.


This game uses very little total data, I did a warzone test the other day and in 14 minutes it transferred a total of 6.4 megabytes of data. If you do the math, it works out to about 8k per second. You could almost fit that into a 56k modem (not quite, but close).

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Before I write, it's important to note that everyone's computer configurations are different. It's important to post specs before going into these things so experienced users can identify the problem.


I have a computer with all parts from 2010 (save an SSD). Here are my specs:


CPU - Xeon 5660 (6 Core) at 4.41 Ghz

RAM - 24GB Corsair Vengeance Ram (1600mhz)

GPU - XFX HD6970 x2 in Crossfire (I play swtor in full Windowed mode, so it only uses one of the GPUs)

HDD - OCZ Revodrive SSD (120gb)

Motherboard - Gigabyte x58 USB 3.0


The irony is that you talk about posting specs, yet don't talk about the monitor resolution you're running. That makes a difference...


1080p, vs 3x 1080p, vs. 1440/1600p, vs. 3x 1440/1600p are four very different configurations and will have very different levels of performance on the same hardware.

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OP here

I am aware that a new laptop is not automatically going to give me the specs i need to play, but it does meet the minimum system requirements. Granted it is clocked way down. Seems like before 3.0 i was was holding at least 15-25 fps in WZ's and ops with this system, choppy... but good enough to keep up with the action. Now as i said, im lucky to go 2-5 during combat. Would just be nice to play with what I got. Here are my system specs:


Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_r7.150109-2022)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.

System Model: Inspiron 3541


Processor: AMD A6-6310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics (4 CPUs), ~1.8GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 7096MB RAM

Page File: 2381MB used, 11882MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.17415 64bit Unicode


Card name: AMD Radeon R4 Graphics

Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Chip type: AMD Radeon R4 Graphics (0x9851)

DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)

Device Type: Full Device

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9851&SUBSYS_06571028&REV_00

Display Memory: 4333 MB

Dedicated Memory: 1005 MB

Shared Memory: 3328 MB


I have many windows functions disabled, the most basic theme, power settings set to high, everything set for best performance, CCleaner, SWTOR: Unleashed, GameBoster, unparked all my cores, Tried different compatibility settings to the launcer.exe and swtor.exe files, updated all drivers. I play the game in the lowest graphics settings. Im not really sure about what kinda internet connection speed im getting, but i play with LAN instead of wireless.... any other suggestions (besides getting a new computer) will be appricated!

Edited by Pual_Poodoo
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The irony is that you talk about posting specs, yet don't talk about the monitor resolution you're running. That makes a difference...


1080p, vs 3x 1080p, vs. 1440/1600p, vs. 3x 1440/1600p are four very different configurations and will have very different levels of performance on the same hardware.


There's no irony in my post. Everything mentioned in it is accurate and could be a valid issue. I've got a few PMs since I wrote my post with a lot of questions about BIOS settings, like RAM timings, RAM overall speed and CPU clocks and you're on me about resolution? Resolution is the easiest setting to change to get better performance (it can even be set in the game!) and most of these guys say they are playing at the lowest settings and still getting bad performance. You think they are pushing 1440/1600p or a 3x1080p monitor setup on a laptop? Come on man! You may be up on your tech and I am too, but not many regular gamers are running those settings and if they are they likely know what they're doing.


I'll tickle your slight annoyance anyways though. With Crossfire on 3 x 1080/1200 I get 75fps steady. I mainly play at 1440p in windowed with 60fps steady. With non-windowed it goes up to 96fps and tries to push more but my refresh rate is at 96hz. I haven't done any 16 man stuff since 3.0 so things might be different in those environments. However, I seriously doubt resolution is the main culprit in any of these guys settings, but you never know.

Edited by Papazmurf
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Well I keep seeing those who don't have problems with the game sporting 12 gigs of ram. So in order for people to run the game and have fun with it, they must invest into a computer with at least 12 gigs of ram and what not? That seems very expensive in order to play a game. If you look at WoW and other MMO's, the requirements are never this high. So in order to play this game, it sounds like people must spend at least 1200 bucks on a computer and occasionally upgrade everything on a yearly basis. i was thinking about upgrading my rig, but looking at all the FPS and UI issues I don't see the point. Was going to run 8 Gig of ram. But seeing as I need 12, I don't see myself wasting the money. It was already going to cost me a lil over 400 bucks for the upgrades. But after reading this, my upgrades aren't even close. Was looking into getting an 8 core, with an R7 graph card, a new motherboard, and 8 gig of ram. But I guess that won't be good enough to see good FPS numbers. Right now I keep seeing signal loss. Its normal at first, then spikes to 5k, returns to normal, then does it all over again. This process continues the whole time, no matter the planet, FP, WZ, etc. I love the game and want to play. But if spending a good amount of money isn't going to change things, then what is the point?
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OP here

I am aware that a new laptop is not automatically going to give me the specs i need to play, but it does meet the minimum system requirements. Granted it is clocked way down.

Processor: AMD A6-6310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics (4 CPUs), ~1.8GHz


The CPU and GPU are your problem. The CPU is a low end chip from the current low end company, AMD. At 1.8GHz, it is less than half the speed of the current Intel chips.


The GPU is another problem, that Radeon R4 graphics has 128 shaders, which is better than what Intel includes on the iGPUs, but not by a lot.


That system is never going to run SWTOR very well and it will only get worse as more detail is added to the game. Sadly, there isn't much you can do about it without replacing the machine.

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There's no irony in my post.


Well perhaps we have a different point of view on that then...


Everything mentioned in it is accurate and could be a valid issue. I've got a few PMs since I wrote my post with a lot of questions about BIOS settings, like RAM timings, RAM overall speed and CPU clocks and you're on me about resolution?


RAM speed rarely affects game performance. Oh sure, a benchmark might show it, but if you follow sites like AnandTech that have tested everything from 1066 all the way up to 3200 mhz memory, you'll see how little difference it makes.


Most modern memory is quite easy to set, that is what XMP is for and it is a wonderful invention, so long as you use it. :)


As for BIOS settings, I have yet to find a good reason to mess with much in a BIOS. My main machine has a ASUS Z97-Pro motherboard and other than setting XMP, it runs like a champ. Could I adjust stuff? Sure, but it runs as fast as it is supposed to, another 2% doesn't make any difference in the real world.


Years ago I used to overclock, until I discovered that while it does work, it also often shorten the life of parts. The Celeron 300A was the best example, lord was that easy, just put it into a good motherboard and set it to 100mhz instead of 66mhz, instant jump from 300mhz to 450mhz on the CPU. :)


Resolution is the easiest setting to change to get better performance (it can even be set in the game!) and most of these guys say they are playing at the lowest settings and still getting bad performance. You think they are pushing 1440/1600p or a 3x1080p monitor setup on a laptop? Come on man! You may be up on your tech and I am too, but not many regular gamers are running those settings and if they are they likely know what they're doing.


I hear what you're saying... but 1440p monitors have gotten cheap, I suspect many people have bought them for a few hundred dollars and replaced their 1680x1050 monitors and wonder why their performance now sucks without even thinking about the outright doubling of pixels that have to be drawn. Sure, many people know that, but I'll bet just as many don't.


I'll tickle your slight annoyance anyways though. With Crossfire on 3 x 1080/1200 I get 75fps steady. I mainly play at 1440p in windowed with 60fps steady. With non-windowed it goes up to 96fps and tries to push more but my refresh rate is at 96hz. I haven't done any 16 man stuff since 3.0 so things might be different in those environments. However, I seriously doubt resolution is the main culprit in any of these guys settings, but you never know.


If the GPU is the limiting factor, then lowering resolution should make a difference. If it isn't, then of course it won't.


A lot of factors go into how fast any given game runs. Older hardware might run at higher resolutions just fine, but need shadows or bloom turned off due to the hardware limitations. Newer hardware (at lower levels) might run with everything turned up to high, but not at high resolutions.


An older video card with more memory and higher bandwith will do well with high resolutions. A 256-bit memory interface and 5Ghz GDDR5 should do well, even if a 3-4 year old card. A brand new card with 128-bit memory interface and 2Ghz DDR3 should do very poorly, even if this year's design.


I am of the personal opinion that there is almost too much choice in this market, it makes it hard for the average person who doesn't keep up with this stuff to make the right choices.

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Was looking into getting an 8 core, with an R7 graph card, a new motherboard, and 8 gig of ram. But I guess that won't be good enough to see good FPS numbers.


^ This thinking right here is where the marketing has taken so many people sideways...


When you say 8 core, I assume you mean AMD's "8 core" CPUs. Rubbish, get a good Intel Core i5, it'll run rings around anything AMD makes and use half the power to do it.


None of the R7 GPUs that great for gaming. Yea, they work, but spend the money on an R9 something. The R9 285 is probably the sweet spot of price/performance right now and it is reasonably power efficient to boot.


If money is tight, I'd take a Haswell Refresh Core i3 over an AMD 8 core anything, if you need something cheaper than a Core i5.

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I am of the personal opinion that there is almost too much choice in this market, it makes it hard for the average person who doesn't keep up with this stuff to make the right choices.


I have nothing to debate in your reply to my post and your message was solid. Your reply Pual is pretty much what I sent him in a PM, but with more detail.


The I quote your last sentence, because I agree with it wholeheartedly. With the way companies currently bin chips, that's how these companies make money and give us "different" products. Oh well.


You've been a pleasure to debate

Edited by Papazmurf
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^ This thinking right here is where the marketing has taken so many people sideways...


When you say 8 core, I assume you mean AMD's "8 core" CPUs. Rubbish, get a good Intel Core i5, it'll run rings around anything AMD makes and use half the power to do it.


None of the R7 GPUs that great for gaming. Yea, they work, but spend the money on an R9 something. The R9 285 is probably the sweet spot of price/performance right now and it is reasonably power efficient to boot.


If money is tight, I'd take a Haswell Refresh Core i3 over an AMD 8 core anything, if you need something cheaper than a Core i5.


Everything you have suggested costs an insane amount of money. That makes zero sense. AMD vs I5 whatever, is a personal preference. AMD's are widely used in PS3 and other gaming consoles. Intel vs AMD is just a personal preference and nothing more. And then saying I need to buy an R9, is just BS too. Those cards cost an arm and a leg. So in order to play Swtor, people have to spend no less than about 3-4 grand?

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Also the 8 core I was looking into was this one: AMD FX-8320 3.5ghz. Some of us don't have oodles of money to spend on computer upgrades. The upgrades i was looking into was only going to run about 400 bucks. And the suggestions you have been telling me, have factored out to being easily over a grand or more. Spending a ton of money on upgrades to play a single game is beyond nuts. Edited by Glorthox
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Everything you have suggested costs an insane amount of money. That makes zero sense. AMD vs I5 whatever, is a personal preference. AMD's are widely used in PS3 and other gaming consoles. Intel vs AMD is just a personal preference and nothing more. And then saying I need to buy an R9, is just BS too. Those cards cost an arm and a leg. So in order to play Swtor, people have to spend no less than about 3-4 grand?


PS3 uses CELL processor and its not made by AMD also stronger than what the Xbox One or PS4 has.


And there are benchmarks which shows(I saw BF4 one) where a 4th gen i3(dual-core) outperformed the latest AMD 8 cores @5ghz.


Obviously the AMD will perform better later on when more resources needed. But just for comparison, there is a difference.


And buying expensive PC for SWTOR is dumb.

I have a i5 3570, gtx970, 8gb RAM and everything runs perfcetly EXCEPT SWTOR.


Going into 20-25 FPS in WZs and OPs, sometime even FPs...

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