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How about a Path to Subscription?


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How about giving some incentive to people who are F2P or Preferred status? How about having a subscription plan that they sign for a year at $9.00 a month for a year? Then they keep that monthly subscription fee after a year. But the moment they return to F2P or Preferred, they lose all the benefits. This would bring some incentive to being a subscriber at a lower rate.



And if this would prove to be a success, then lower current loyal subscriber amounts by a couple of dollars, so they don't feel left out. IMHO, this way the game makes money, is able to do weekly must have maintenance, and or fixing.

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3 cups of coffe that's the cost of a sub lower it won't change things anyone who has a pc and Internet can afford it and anyone who really wants to sub will.


Agreed. Said it before, as have others. If you cant afford $15 a month, you have bigger issues that need to be looked into. And for the "I dont have a job/credit card because im under 18 set, there are prepaid time cards. (I also call shenanigans because you can get an actual job at 16, and before that there are plenty of lawns and oddjobs that can be done for spending money)


Also, at pretty much every grocery store, gas station walmart/walgreens/cvs/et cetera you can buy those Mastercard "gift" credit cards. Some have set amounts like $25-50, some can be bought for any amount between $20-500. (I say mastercard ones because the visa ones are arses about recurring subscriptions for some reason)


Umless you shouldnt be spending money at all on video games because youll lose your house/heat et cetera, just skip starbucks or mcdonalds a few times a month and you wont have to worry about those restrictions.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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The most expensive subscription plan costs FIFTY CENTS per day.

If you can't afford that, you've got more important things to be spending money on than a videogame.

And, as others have said, it's easy to subscribe without a credit card... just a little bit more of a hassle.

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I am just tired of there not being enough people to run hardmodes and other things. Because 80% of the gamer base is F2P and Preferred. So tired of more than an hour wait times for hard mode flashpoints and poor maintenance. If there was more subscribers, then there would be more people running things.
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I am just tired of there not being enough people to run hardmodes and other things. Because 80% of the gamer base is F2P and Preferred. So tired of more than an hour wait times for hard mode flashpoints and poor maintenance. If there was more subscribers, then there would be more people running things.

Your plan has current F2Pers who convert paying less than current subscribers. That's not going to go over very well -- unless you lower the subscription fee for everyone, in which case the incoming "new" subs will have to make up for that lost revenue.


I doubt that will happen. It's my belief that most F2Pers who are unwilling or unable to pay a $15 sub are not going to be suddenly willing and able to pay a $9 sub, especially when it requires them to fork over more than $100 up front (you were going to have them pay in advance, right?).

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$15/month is a joke, I spend more than that going to the movies to entertain myself and wife for 90 minutes. I get way more than 90 minutes/month out of Swtor. I have a hard time believing that anyone who cannot/will not pay $15/month can/will pay $9/month. The path to subscription is being willing to pay for a service, this game wasn’t free to make. Sorry to be so negative but c’mon folks......
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Based on your posting history OP it seems you just want everything faster and easier and cheaper. As thats what you been posting boils down to.


As for more people running hard modes

I will grant you PUGing HMs can be difficult, triple so for DPS classes, quadruple if you have a reputation among the PUG community for being a high maintenance DPS (not saying you are, just saying those that are find themselves on many ignore lists which ultimately lowers their grouping chances)


But in the end the lack of players for HMs isnt about cost of sub as you put it.

Prior to 12x XP the hard mode queue was popping,

some days better, some days not, but it was popping

and then the GF was flooded with undergeared, uneducated (class build wise) 12x XP players

and many of the HM runners stopped running hard modes in GF


And many have not come back to the GF because they unwilling to carry bad players through


Speaking only for myself I loaded up a hm GF for the first time last week since I stopped running multiple daily HMs (when 12x XP affected my experience to drastically)


First group I got a Guardian Tank in 162 gear, not augmented (we got Tython as the HM no less)

I dropped instantly because you simply not doing that Level 60 HM flash point in 162 gear

And I'm not interested in even trying it (I was healer)

Clearly the stupidity is still alive and well in the HM GF queue so I have gone back to running guild pre mades only for the HM Flash point


I'm not normally a big gear stickler but with how ultra easy it is to get 186 gear, there is absolutely no reason for any player to enter a HM FP with less then 186 gear (at least partially augmented).


This mind set of to low level gear being acceptable killed the GF during 12x XP and clearly still hasn't straightened itself out since it.

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If you want better que times 1) play healer/tank

2) ask Bioware to make ultimate comms a daily HM reward again. That (and the thought of pugging Tython) is why I run less hard modes. If I run a HM I'm not progressing. I'm in 192s already, so I'm earning literally nothing. Even buffing the drop rate of recovered relics would help.

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