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Tactical Weekly broken


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The lvl 60 Tactical Weekly only gives credit for doing Battle of Rishi and Blood Hunt, yet in order to get credit for the daily you have to que with all of them checked. :confused: So, if you don't get one of those two mentioned in the pop, you get NO credit for the weekly. :(


What gives????????? You essentially have to do the Tactical two times a day to get the daily and credit for weekly only having Rishi and Blood checked off one time, and then having them all checked off for daily the second :mad:


Please fix this.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Well if you want basic coms still - yes.

I'm at the point where all my characters have their basic level gear and each of them have enough useless basic coms.

So I queue purely for the ones I want towards the weekly.

I guess it's annoying if you still want basic coms, however if you do, then you'll get more of them by doing 2 tactical FP's a day than you do if you only complete one.


I don't see this as a bug. You have a choice, queue for the daily and you'll get a "chance" the FP will count towards your weekly. Or just queue for the ones you want, forgo the daily award but get one towards your weekly.

Choice rather than bug.

Edited by Stoofa
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