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improve Group Finder to show roles needed for a group match


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Group Finder could be drastically improved by showing how many of what roles would get an instant match for each Group Finder mission category. That way we could log to an alt really quick and get ourselves into a group without having to wait.


The simplest way to show this information might be to just show how many Healers, Tanks, and DPS's are queue'd for the mission category. But that's perhaps complicated since someone can queue for only a few of the missions in a mission category, so the more useful thing to show might be what roles are needed for the next group match in that mission category assuming you queue for the entire category.


Like many players, I have more than one character of each role. Some days I would happily help match up waiting groups by logging to an alt... and the queue would probably tend to go much faster because I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be willing to log to an alt if it meant I'd probably get an instant Group Finder match.

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They could also give us a heads-up display of where we could get an instant match. This would consist of a list of FPs and Ops that have an immediate need for only one more player, the role of which could be performed by the player in question, according to what roles are selected on the group finder selection page.
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All i can say is 'Trolls Paradise"


How many trolls in TOR would queue for something they are obviously not geared, or spec'd for simply because a) They are Trolls or b) The have no clue?


Ticking the 'Healer" box for instance is a major one, You have to be properly set up and know what you are doing, and plan to do it, to be an effective healer in a FP/Ops group, but how many actually are?


I think the scope for abuse with a system like this is far to great, it would be nice if we could trust everybody to queue for the roles they can handle properly, but that just ain't so.

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All i can say is 'Trolls Paradise"


How many trolls in TOR would queue for something they are obviously not geared, or spec'd for simply because a) They are Trolls or b) The have no clue?



That problem isn't specific to this suggestion, that's a problem that's always existed in the Group Finder tool from day 1.


While it would obviously make it slightly easier for the trolls to find instant-match groups along with everyone else, it also would tend to make it easier to get a replacement player once you vote the troll out of the group.

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All i can say is 'Trolls Paradise"


How many trolls in TOR would queue for something they are obviously not geared, or spec'd for simply because a) They are Trolls or b) The have no clue?


Ticking the 'Healer" box for instance is a major one, You have to be properly set up and know what you are doing, and plan to do it, to be an effective healer in a FP/Ops group, but how many actually are?


I think the scope for abuse with a system like this is far to great, it would be nice if we could trust everybody to queue for the roles they can handle properly, but that just ain't so.

I've had people queued as a healer who aren't healers, and their response is "Queues pop faster" And I face palm, leave the party, log out of the game, and drink an ice cold glass of Orange Juice in my big boy cup.

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I've had people queued as a healer who aren't healers, and their response is "Queues pop faster" And I face palm, leave the party, log out of the game, and drink an ice cold glass of Orange Juice in my big boy cup.


Not sure what you are trying to say ... o.0

As much as this appears like a good idea "on paper" and I totally agree that it would be very handy to be able to "know" which classes were needed, particularly for "farming" of Comms and such.


And I'd love to be able to say that all players of TOR were skilled at there chosen class, knowledgeable about the Maps and it's enemies, fully aware of their role in a team, and honourable. But that just ain't so.


This would end up being nothing more than a "License to Troll".

Edited by ZoeyWash
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