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New look / format for SWTOR Network


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SWTOR Network is a site dedicated to Star Wars: The Old Republic news, articles and community content. The site launched back in September / October 2014 and has grown to have a strong core of regular users, with around 3,000 people visiting the site per month.



I recently decided that it was time for an overhaul. In the original format, users could share their own content, creating a new post for each item - similar to the SWTOR subreddit. This created regular posts, but a lot of spam, and little time for me to make anything look pretty.


In the new format, all posts are now submitted by me, therefore there is now more organisation, and a consistent level of posting and a standardised appearance (images / format) of each post. I've also swapped a few of the colours of the site and added a new logo / header image throughout.



Part of the reason I am now submitting all posts myself is so that I can replace many individual posts about new community blogs / podcasts etc, with round-up posts. On a weekly basis, I now plan to post:


  • Podcast round-up
  • Video round-up
  • Blog round-up
  • From the Forums
  • News, as and when it happens.



You can visit the site here: http://www.swtornetwork.com/


I hope you like what you see, and any feedback is welcome.

Edited by Olibb
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New Posts



Recent Site Improvements

  • SWTOR Network recently received a little bit of a makeover to make the site cleaner to look at and easier to use.
  • The site is now wider on desktops, so content feels less squashed
  • The sidebar is now present on all pages for easy access and consistency
  • Post "entries", seen on the homepage, are now much cleaner and clearly state which category each post belongs to.
  • I've started a couple of blog columns which I'll be posting to as and when, including a PvP diary (Unlimited Power) and a recurring competition (You're My Only Hope)
  • TORCommunity's disc calculator has been embedded into the site - See here


Coming Soon


  • I'll be starting another column this week, where I'll discuss trying to get rich and sharing some advice on how to make / save credits
  • List pages, under Sites and Resources in the main navigation, are being overhauled so that they match the homepage layout. You can see what this will look like on the new Tools page.
  • BioWare's analytics team are currently answering some questions for me on their use of player engagement stats, and how the stats inform game design decisions. Hopefully I'll have these back within a couple of weeks.

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I've posted a new guide on the site aimed at helping players decide whether to unlock with Cartel Coins or Credits. Unlocks covered include: Legacy Character Unlocks, Legacy Global Unlocks, Species Unlocks, Storage (Inventory, Cargo Hold and Legacy Storage) Unlocks and the new Outfit Designer unlocks.


Hope you find it helpful!



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